I26 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, Auguat 30, 2002 Lacrosse duo suier national heartbreak By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion li's tough 10 say jusi wvhose hearlbreal. rait deeper But one thingsý lor certain - former Milton Mavericks .ason Ford and Kaegen Shernft hoth ehoked clown rmîgtîty bitter puIs ol ectlat at the Jr. B louncters Cup last v eekend in (Geiorgetown. Il cisapiiitmcnt 55 as teaIsirc'd sulely On iîliiplsc lna 0n1ýiet. the lmcu mii met, il cîcai l\ gel oiîml. cli Spatla ilo.arIi,,sparaLA saroý iciis lUI tsi ss ces ir, li ano task, imure i and siwiptieimt iiil .Iirlime namnllay ecningedS iil- mveclal sbow o u ihe ai iwdoest ot tenuarns. t ofg i thnariigloaln GîcIn th(lar-i.go re Eacing 7-6 ng tora princial loss l'r prv pcartan. 10riglnspaDoug Tlrdangotched th grainu înce wthea ma-ee 5(1 econs tI meinc50theconas lfihrFonesupil n tîve years. Shcrriff îallied tvvice in lIhe finals and gol off one last shot aI the buzzer which didn't quite reach the net. Recalled the former Maveriel., -l didn't sec whal happened. 1 guess il was blocked because there was a whole mess of people in front." The 20-year-culd veleran spent several minutes after ime expired pacing the floor in dishelief- perhaps not quite accepling ihai he had corne so close 10 a national charnpionship in his final year of junior lacrosse. -li's certainly disappointing. 10 corne thai close and not win it," he remarked. ancd aller 1 gol there. Il just \vould have been extra sV.cet 1o cap il oit w iii the Founders CLIP." Hossever. Sherriti bas Io he teeling quite satisfiect t om a personal performnance stanelpoint. The gractcating junior i anked among the toip scorers during astw cl national shos'.case wil1h ses en g-oals and 14 points; came in the round robin., Mhich Spartan sw ept ss th a 9-8 sc1ueaker against the hosi l]alton Hiilîs B1i1tcligs andcl otit C'a andr fledtorcl. Nous a scotia. I-rom thlere. Ilue Warrtors kniueked off Edmonton 15-l1) Saturday afiernoon iii the semnifinals - seling the stage for iheir charnpionship deleal. For Ford -w ho îwon national silver with the 1999 Mavericks - 'w ~us, ..~ S~>'rving i Ltd. Il L> 5t oga Kaegen Sherritf appears rather dejected after his Spartan Warriars drap 7-6 decisian ta the Green Gaels in Sunday's Faunders Cup final. Fîrsl bis Bulldogs were edged by Claringlon 7-5 in osertime in Saturday nigh's semnifinals- thus crushing Itopes for a shot at the tîtie. Then when il lookeet like I-laton Huis was going t0 salvage te inumarnent wiîh a bronze-medal victory over the Edmonton Miners. Ford's poten- liai garne winner in overlirne was ouldone by three late goals against for a 9-7 loss. -That did kind of huiV, rernarked Halton I-ills' 20-year-old assistant capiain. of hav- ing bis lead erased in the extra session. I wenî back to the bench (after scoring) and said to the guys 'Corne on. Icî's play good defense'. but we couldn't pull nt ouI." esee FORD an page 27 EL LIKE A FISH OUT 0F WATER?. New in town? Get acquainted with Milton and ail it has to offer by ordering a subseription to @, zbJ4w nabran CI1mpNrn zi $9m Where To Shop! Where To Dine! or pone87:234 Community News! *, derI g Professional Services! i t .And more!I 4< in regulation time Io