ZAK'S PHARMACY Milons Independeni Pharmacy *Free Deivesi] *Wntten Drug lnoo Aalatle - "«At Zak's We Car. About Your HealthIl 70 Main St. E. 875-2424 A Metroland Community Weekend* 41lit im1-t yNewspaper Vol. 143 No. 48 Friday, August 30, 2002 36 Pages jl' 8 -828813 $ 1 .00 (GST inciuded) ________ varents upset over what they eall lack of care at hospital Photo by PETER C McCUSKER Katie Patterson, 19, is Iooking forward to her duties as the new Milton Fali Fair Ambassador She wîiI make her first appearance at Steam-Era this weekend. ,-,Katie Patterson crowned 2002 fail fair ambassador By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champson I ri hthave be nerv-ak ibut Kate Pateron mnanatged 10 get îhrough tihe keshkimMilton Fail Fai r Amibassador competition to take home the titie. L.ast yeai s i 1a i railslba ssýa Liss Ams' Witstes isaîded isser tise tRI ssssWednlesd.îxîsîisu tFl I-i Fossier fHall. Fis cotlsssîeitissu. lssssed bllailifair îroaesh/sItise Hîltîsîs SisitalSost ets. <IML L bssIl dssss ssîstîstoircee teP,, 'ls Patici sous e\piaiisetl Eu iis ssii Il e ise stel s îess% <sh Illie -udges inii îrî .te. Ile asked Isle il I1kisehs sl ie car- i eut pieCi(eticiut I lltie firîî ssas. \\s b\\s uti(issake .a pisssd aiss ansr.îd ises .skct Ille see FAIR on page 23 By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion The parents of an I 8-month-old boy are fumning over what they say was a Iack of care at Milton District Hospital - an allegation Halton Healthcare Services offi- ciais strongly deny. Mary and Mark Harrison of' Mapie Avenue rushied their son. Jacob, io Milton bospitai's emergency depaient July 28 alier bc siared tii bieed tromi a tube that liadt been inserned iii bis hip to drain fluid. l lie ioddier hiat undergiine surgery tss o kEmployee forced into washroom A cas staiin atendant ss as I îrced ijoi tibe s isroriv a imaisssearin,, a ski mastk iii ino a robbet asiýt Fridas'. Hl lion Reiisiil police'sid Ille folse enploy ee ai die Shel tation .ai Steeles As cihue and Marini Stireet ss as approached \ bd ise robber ai about 5 Tliseilarnss ss :îs i igeîed ss iesIlse t uipriî .tteipted ns pr opeîstise caslh iegisier. llise iobber. ss bis police belies e ssasisi1 ari sed. issade soii'ss th 17 tcartonisso ie reites. l'lie emiplovecC 5 li iSiled. flisc cainie unit scouued itie sceise anti lou1isd tloiliigbelies et Io belissgi tIsle susîsecibeimîtia KiiisseiogisCourt tesi- dence. Police aisîî foiuîd ail but osne otii ie cîga- teite cartonss behind a Kisgs Cosurt Cresceisi resideisce a sisîrt tusse laier. Fise suspect 15 tiescribeti as a ss bIite maie. liebtms.anst 17 bo 28 yeais of' age. Ile s ssea îgblack track patsts a black liootieti s\\aisiiti sils ss hie ou usle cisest Ans ( , lise iu nrationîs usaskedt Us au litoîs ipolice ai (90) 8 78-5511 or Crisse SIopli sait 905) 825-8477, days earlier ai Hamihtons McMaster Medical Centre. Because of the blood ioss, the Harisons said they expected their son t0 immediate- ly receive treainient. lnstead, while holding the youngster in blood-drenched sheets, îhey said they were told the physician was busy tending t0 a heart attack sictim and they would have to wait for an unspecified amount of lime. The nurse did take me int a room and looked ai hini." Mr Harrison said. 'She asked me where he had surgerv and I said McMaster. She asked why sse didu't go back there.' The parents said the nurse then gav e theni a diaper that s\vas 100 simili b fit the tnfant and told thern tb hase a seat in the ssaiiing rooro. 'We ssere toid ai McMaster blood ssasnt sýupposed Io hasve coi-ne out of the tuibe." Mr. Harrison saici. We didn't k-nîsss ss he \vas bleeding. Mavbe the tube came loose and they juso had tb push it n, I didn't M<s Haisoiî ,aid she antd ber lusband see HOSPITAL on page 2 Comment........ 6 A&E ........... 10 Sports ...... 26-29 Classifiled .... .30-34 Datolns ....... 35 eFriday, Auguat 30. A* 6'êStoppmno Du§ MdP* 0M&M Meoir* sear * 0Crsteio'a village MarkeV a Food aio'* eCanadian Tire è Centre For Skills Developmentf Homne Hardware'*# Flyers I Motion'* lite Building Box *Acion Gardon Mrket* e Powerline Electrîtics' @ Radit Shta'k *Selected areas orly A MATTR-F NTRE Wlher \ ou lied irwcoiile noîs or are planning for future goals'. \ e Cali lel otu enliance vour return and ineet vour invesinent goals. GCRTSFotir ioniser isnfrmationi, GIC mitîimum deposot GIC RATE$10,000O - annual jîterest I Yr 2.85%/o isiass sali: Pi sLe, .n toi Ait. '- 12. 2Yr3.5 lIlAS XBRSFO\\ Yel&/Psitcs sab>el o li tus lnvesimesli Advisos t]atUCI iiss issand îssl,îbsli 3Yr 4.1% (905)854-45-10 OthI aies andiisd r 5asailabîs. NBMO NesbittBun