6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 27, 2002 ~COMMENT e Interesting days ahead I LIERAL in Canadian polities The voluntary resignation of federal party leaders seems to bave become a habit in tbe past year or so. Now, amnid internai dissent and growing voter dissatisfaction, Prime Minister Jean Chretien bas announced be wili formally step down inW February 2004. This should lead to some inîeresting times as contenders jockey for position in at ieast two major parties and Stephen Harper, already ensconced as leader of the opposition, does bis best to make bay of tbe situation. Former Finance Minister Paul Martin appears to be tbe run-away contender at tbis point but voters sbouldn't ]et bis reputation do tbe taiking. Witb Chretien out of the way, Mr. Martin must put some sub- stance bebind bis gladhanding to retain credibility. And anyone boping t0 get rid of tbe stink of scandai sbouid remember tbat be was a loyal soidier in the Cbretien caucus until tbe prime mînister decided be was- n't. Faced witb an embarrassment of potential leaders, Canadians bave a better tban average cbance to cboose ils future govemrment. If we don't cboose wisely tbis time, tbere's really oniy ourseives to blamne. O UR READERS WRITE Organizer says tournament was a success Education Minister Elizabeth Wtmer carrying )ear Editon-----------Friendsbap tropby on memor> of Bane on same tactics as her predecessor: reader I11V QPvAnUith ild LViyYC IS. iOi Pitch toumament was another big suc- cess. Ihis year's tournament brougbt 28 teams to the field with gloves in their hand and smniles on their faces. 'Me suc- cess of this year's tournament raised close to $ 10,000 for the Scott Early Fund and the Milton Lions Club. After an intense chaxnpionship game on Sunday aftemoon, the 'Knuckles' walked away from the toumaînent with the trophy. The 'A11 Chicks' team comprised of 14 enthusiastic local ladies and the first-ever al-girls team was awarded the Box 248, 191 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editoial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian OliverPublisher Neil Oliver Asnoe jate Puhlte/ter Jili Davis Fditoi-én-Chief Karen Smith Editne Wendy McNab Adi erti inî5 Mantîeaer Steve Crozier circuîlation Mania ee, Teri Casas Ojjtïie Manageaer Tirn Cotes Proiductiont Manaerî On behalf of the AIl Chicks team, we would like to recognize the iccredible efforts and dedication to the annual organizers, Greg and Mark Ollerenshaw. We would also like to extend our thanks to the Milton Lions Club and the sup- porting friends of the Ollerenshaw broth- ers. This well-organized tournament brought many community members together to share in the spirit of sport, fiendship and above aIl else, charity. Nicole Lee Milton The Canadien Champion, published euery Tuesday and Friday ut 191 Main St E. Miltonn Ont- L9T 4N9 (Bnx 248), n nne ut Tee Metrntund Fiinting, Feblishing & Ditritnbuting Ltd ginup nt sulburban cnmpanies whiîch includen Aja/Pickering News Aduertser Allstun Herald/Ceeerîei Bariei Adance, taîrys Bay Thse Week, Elien biteiprise, Brampton Oaidian, Buringtnn Pnst, Boningtnn Shonpping News, Cty Parent, City nt Ynrk Guaidiani. Cltîngwnnd/Wasaga Cnnnectionn East Ynrk Mirrîni Eîîn Advcate/Cnuntry Rnutes, tnbicnke Guandian. FlambnînugliîPnst, Fnievei Ynung, Genrgetown IndependentlActnn Fiee Pess, Halten Business Tmes. tietenia Business Tme, Kingstnn Thins Weeie, Lndsay This Week, Maîkbam Eceneomist & Sun, MiilandPenetaiguishene Mir, Mion Shopping News, Mssîssanga Business Tmen, Mssissaeega News, Napanee Guide, Nassagaweya News, Newmaiket/Aurnra Fia Banner. Northuimberland News, North York Mirer Oakeite Beaner Saiville Sobpping NeesOdtmers Hnckey Newe, Orilia Tndey, Oetawal5titIby/ClaingienPen FPerry This Week, Feterbornugh This Week, FîctiîrCnunty Guide Rchimond HillfTtînrniiiliVaugtan LiSerai Scartnreugb Mrrue Stnettuile/dxbridge Tribune Adeertieîng is accepted on te conditionebat, ie tee evei ni a type- graphlca errrn, fihat: porton ot te eduertîulng upace..e cpîeitby thi nu nenus item, tegettier witii a inaseniabte alewanice for signature, iii oni be cbaiged toibtnthtnpbalance oethne aduenîiseneni xiii ne paid lui ai lice appli- cabie rate. Tnp pubtisir reserees the rigiri te categenize aduertsemeîîts ni decline The Mînton Canadiean Champion is a Recynlable PeutV Dear Editor: The Champion bas suggestcd that t was unvise of the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario to cancel an appearance hy Education Minister Elizabeth Witmer. The Champion is correct in sug- gesting that teachers feel frustrated and unappreciated by the govem- ment. Elementary teachers have been waiting for encouraging signs trom the new minister but mnany have been disappointed to discover that Ms Witmer bas chosen Io pick op and carry on the same confronta- tional tactics as ber predecessor. Just last montb. every teacher in the province received a mandatory recertification notice requiring tbem to take the mandated courses or lose their jobs. Ms Witmer continues to under- fund scbool boards for their teacb- ers' -real- wages clearly indicating ber belief that their negotiations bave left tbem grossty overpaid. She maîntains the insulting demand that every teacher in the province is required to marcb down to tbe police station and get a mandatory criminat background check, tbus treating ail teachers including 20 and 30-year veterans lîke cniminal suspects. Our new education minîster bas also left tens of tbousands of spcial needs students untested, effectîvely hamstringing teachers' efforts to help tbem. Ms Witmer began ber education portfolio by cboosing to continue the polîtics of confrontation. Her contemptuous actions and not ber sootbing words bave justi- lied the beliefs of many elementary teachers that she bas closed the door on their very reai complaînts well before the annual general meeting came along thîs summer. Tom Koperwas Windsor Thanks to ail who suppoted hockey swap: organîzer Dear Editor: alrnost enough mone.y 10 p i for the tregistration tee Id like to tbank The Champion l'or prornotiflg our loi- one deserving child. hockey swap. H-ats off and a big thank you t al] the In closing, I would like to îbank Gino trom Knuckles generous people who donated equiprnenh making titis for bis genebosity, as well as Teddy Windrnioler and event a success. Diane Benson lor their time and help. We reached our goal as we outfitted many young Tim Benson players for a very reasonable cost. We also raised Milton Pud by Steve Nease I +THE CANADIAN CHAMPION