The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 16, 2002-9 1 Local members of horse racing industry I ~i ~e/ t j~>A.*.i ~ By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion The local horse industry is pulling together to aid those who suffered losses during the recent fire at Woodbine Racetrack that killed 31 horses and destroyed two bams. I-eading the local effoots is a $35,0(9) donation to the Bain Severi Relief Fund from the thoroughbred breeders ai Sam- Son Farms. It will assist trainers. groorners and botwalkers who have losi work due t0 the fire. The donation represenîs 10 per cent of' their winnings trom this past \sseekend's Breeders' Stake race ai Woodbine. T\tso borses from the faim ftnished stron-ly in the race, wilb Poricollis îaking firsi and Mourntain Beacon claiming third. "Righi off the bat, we were going 10 con- tribute hto the fundi iben we thougbi il ,would be Inice I0 gise a good feeling on the day (Breeders' Stake>."* said Tammy Samuel-Balaz. Sam-Son Faims president and genteral manager. "We thought il Nvould give people soînething cIsc 10 cheer for." I-ad their horses finished well or not. ihe faim %was preparîng 10 contribute Io the fand - promising ai leasi $ 10,0) prior to flie race. -We did hetier in the race. therefore sse were ablec b contribute more than ihe $ 10,000- Ms Samnuel Balai continued. "We're so lucky that oui horses ssereni'l dircctly affected. but il could have jusi as easily been ours. At aîlimie like ibis. any of' PAINS CAN BE STOPPE» RIGHT AWAY? .\s « k(,. Ittifldthe, bd\ c:u:itsl ,1:.: ., and.tic than an\, oher im:dial,d." iebd:,an boal l on n i :: :.,\stein iis w;bhalanond n asil :Inr'so Elontnn tIhenr: . the 'op:iio.oî.atd ,iunc,,tîou ing and rcCiat:ng th alance o t he buman body ftu th::nand' oofyasanoThe mont powerfui method of con- trolng in Yang 5Elements of the body is tE.A. (Fise Etemento; & Energy acupuncture>. This pîodeure timu- laloo a comhinatuoon ut .pecial energy poiunts hidden u,'thb n the body, and cari onl v pertormed hn a highlv eosus rienced spcials. Thts un the mont effective methnd of naluraliv treating ilnennon and maintaunung goood huath. Any tdind nf pain and itînesses can be stopped or greaiiy improsed wthin seconds! Shoulder Arms & Legs BACK PAIN? Akindsoipnsnd ilnes) Cen be sopped or greaty mproved nithin seconds! Hare tut beiese? but tu prose. Iti reatosent is free! E. Specialini Dr. Ac. James Kim 905-702-8388 74 MiII St., #202, Georgetosen IR ave You Wanted to Enhance Your Appearance? Now is the perfect time. ilu h\othe 'outin i t h u.teo the-art 1ar techiioogbîin Ilqt,]ont o::octabicand puuuate officectot Wr offerreatonsifor *Spider Vejos * Boo for Wrikles'O *Facial Veins - Age & Browno Spots *Brthnrarks - Tattoo Remosal *Facial Pigmentation - Warts *Srgers toorSancose Seins * Injection Scteroiherapy *Obagi Skio Cari Products loi 'aricoseVeiios For a free consultaioo rail: Dr . . Saik va., FR.LJ.s. PeLa..r & e:urCnr 14*ue t .Site40,.rapo * O 4 fou Lis sicb sscre IuCkV CnIOugbles bave escapecl il (lir-e>. we can't bc a part of rac- inig \ViihOuIIthinking about aIl the saclncss and( al the losses ol (lier people.- Compassion foi tîsose wbo have suffered also flowss from local startdardLbred breed- ers -îbougb ibose most effecied by the lire arc from the tboroogbbred industry. Glengate Farms Manager Dougb Nash told'The Champion bis tacility also iniends tsi contribute te, the tond. 'We wsilniake a coînîribLtion trom our fami 10 assisitlîhem. 1151 as tbey ss'iuld il- we v.ere in trouble,- the standardbred breeder said. -rl1992, sce bad a bain fire op bere al Mohawk (Raceway) and horses s.crc lost. We've aIl suffered losses ct one lime or anoîber." In addition Is donations frîsm several area farms. local breeders are also con- tributiitg Io the fuîîd Ibrough tIlîir partici- mon'1 pution in the Ojntario tianscss Horsenicîn Association and the Ilorsemeii Prstective aind Benevîslent Associaîtion. "The horse cinîmunîty is very resîlîcînt. Tbey lise wiîh Ibese boises and flot only are tbey a means osf employment. they'rc more of a way of' life iban anyting else," saîd Mr. Nash. "The wbole borse commu- niîy jusi pulls together aîsd supports cacb uie Got a hot scoop? fax us your story îdeas at (905) 878- 2341, ext. 234. Animal Hosp"ital Dr. Larry Landsborough Dr. Landsborough Erica Couson Registeed VeteriayTechnÎia e Medical, Surgical, Dental and Diagnostic Services e Prescription Diets & Nutritional Counselling e Xray and Blood Analysis on Site e Vêterinary Mobile Services # New Patients Welcome e Pet Accomidations e Bathing & Grooming e Vaccinations 0 Pet Supplies e House Cails e Daycare 9055777e ib( 17 Wlo Die-Mlo