The Canadian Champion, Fridaty, August 16, 2002-33 Who De t.MIUOIIPIT El Working "Virtually" For You '>Hilary Feindel VitulAssitant -Prîvdng Adinirai vSppr (rn My Hme Ofitce- Spe al zngin PowePuintPesenatunsExcel Wurd A esseDiabases Msellanenus DaaEnV Inernet SearcP Enal Mass Malng Fyr Fax 905) 876-2398 Cef 905) 467-587 femde naz ecnet mwram cl/enakoancalhfendel 7âWDAYSPA USEX AESTHETIC SERVICES îq MOBILE TREATMENTS AVAILABLE Kim Johnson 872 Governors Court Milton, Ontario Tel: 905-467-3906 By Appointment OnIy WTIlOtsourdand NISuppoit 7ç C cUsîsm Software Desgn aud C Web /ECama Set-up aud Deign Upgrdes CVlardware /Sftware Mantenance CeDataMgaton andAdmnstratise CNetwrk Admnitratian C Cesustm Reprtng At yeur service.... tel 905-975420m w.datatrnintccm fax:905-8-49271 I * 'I I j<Mie ;i&a..t Court Advocate Specializing in Provincial Offences Court representation with over 12 years experience. Part i tickets - Pant Il by-laws - Part 111 summonses Emai : Telephone: 905.693.3567 Free Initial Interview -J 1Maid for You Household & Light Commercial Cleaning Service We are: e Professional e Dependable * Insured (905) 873-3411 "Experience the Difference" Learn How Té Use Your Computer Are yeu havinig troubles figurîn eut how te use and mnaintain yeur compter? Is ail et the ftnand interest slewly disappearing due te the tact that ne ene has really taken the time te teach yeu how te use it. Cali! me, 1 can teach yeu what yeu need te knew ini a ene-on-one lessen in the cemteort etfyeur on home' Cali 905-878-5345 anytime, er leave a Message CttOakbridge Equestrian Centre WELCOMES Qualified Eden WELCMES Experienced Park Instruction Beth e Barb * Km e Claire e Andrea * Charlene (905) 257-3999 Contact Barb or Charlene 1354 Burnhamitherpe Road West, Oakvile, Ontario L6M 41 edenpark88 yahooca lof MILTON CAFE pDELICIOUS INDIAN & WEST INDIAN FOOD Speciafîzed/n Dalpuri- Paratha - Curry - Bryan -Vgetarian Dishes - Samosas Bufet ail day Friday! Tlesday Special Ail na Lunch and Dinner say i Gel i Breakfast $799 1/2Price DiNE-iN, AKEOT &DELI VERY tir/ Senos &Disabied Discount 1905-876-2559 8Ontario S.N, Across trm okes'n'SIopesI THISPOT COULD BE YOUR% FOR CALL PlANE 905-878-2341 EXT. 227 Business without advertising is like winking in the dark o service MLTN centre Specializing in * FUEL INJECTION "-AUTO ELECTRIC & CHARGING * AUTO AND TRAILER WIRINO SYSTEMS - DELCO BATTERIES " TUNE-UP & EMISSION CONTROLS - BRAKE SERVICE " AUTO AIR CONDITIONINO * SAFETY INSPECTIONS 18 Thompson Rd. Unit 12 OU7r7221 IWI Service SALES COURS SERVICE HOURS E:Y 25m5p S ATdDRRY RDMILT RICHARDSGNmi kàk CIE VRGLEOLDSMGDILS HW.25S A ERYRDMILO ui u ollisiPon & PiOn MRT1WS lmN$MW DWhVoVw Cali Steve Boers 706 Main Street, East (n 711 Milton, ON(m Mil WM vnu yueaM'azlteam Miftvn lpot ýH Car Centre " Specializing in ailtîimport vehcles Volkswagens- Fuel Injection & Diesels GERHARD & RUDY 583 Main Street E. (905) 878-5330 Milton IIL&l-rire Sales ~ & service ~~ 555M ain St. E. '-~n.~876-4788 SENTINEL AUTOMOTIVE Major & Minor Repaira - Tune Upa * Air Conditioning *Brakea - Enginea * Exhaust - 4x4 Safety Inapectiona Towing - Marine Repaira -Emiaaion Repair & Preleating -V u q-igh Irc Te ricer e uhth O(d-'Ftisllioced 'au 342 Bronte St. South, Units .12 ,& 13, Milton AUTOMOTIVEiýý, DIRECTORY This spot could Frdyfor 6me t Cal! Diane at 905-878-2341 Ext 227 Ee h. You know what you're doing, but nobody else does! To advertise in this section, please cati Diane at 905-878-2341 Ext. 227 âfflY SA n»M Yàr ig.,Dg" - 12 mm Rw aftr »Ss Affl»MM CO (M) iffZY 8787 -1 i a a m -il