Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Aug 2002, p. 28

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28-The Canadian Champion, Frîoay, August 16, 2002 CARAHt, rendn Brdtey 16 cubîc foot cheat freezer In perfect runnîng con- CAAHI redn rdy dton, $75. Girls bedreom set, double bed, $500 in- GARAGE SALE la irCrng meniry oe ou q c' ryrec.c- delighîed ta annococe the brlh et Mia Coltette on Augast 4, 2002 eit 441 a.m. weîghrng 7lbs, 5oe. Firet ime gandparente Nrck and Mira Leone and David and Wendy Anderson are etat- ed te melcome Mia. Procd great grandparenlo Gîceeppe and Gîceeppîca Leone et Mlon and Welirngton (Bill) Millet et Gravenhcral and Martorre Anderson et Oakvîtte. Babrau Iaiiahav & Banyl LeaderCl Milov are Oriled le ufilCuece thepbrillafCt Seir son Caflum Ethan Loader at Cake iliTaalgar Hspitl.î Tbensday Augest 1 200 12 lp.ai Vibbs 6lI2CCs,22 rochesieong (liooe eut Ulcit Paiý r>aa Grandyateals Harralîavs Pilla). Mary Lader (Tronto)> mac & Wilson Heey Ceci>n Sauvad) achîig item airece aiereirHoey & LeCeand Leader Ecsriaic iant-ime Graparavis arc, Vereeirca (Becire> Hanraoan (Sudbury).Louses& ùaai LoaderaofaiMlon, Mommy & Caday /Obre the BESTi Stgfor: RynLeworthy at Lions Hall Memorial Arena August 23rd, 2002 j $50,00 per ticket includes dinner, door p & open bar. '. b August 2 ntact Peter te 905-455-35. # 416-417-15, -- Col , at horr or celi BOUROUE, Maurice Peacefuty, at the Milt District Hosprtal on Auguat 13, 2002, Maurice Bourque in hie 34th year. He witt atways be remembered by hie mother Mincie and hie ather Ronald. Maurce is a ather te Daniel and Malt and the oving brother et Chartene. Maurce ii be missed by hie long time fiend Grant. A Pnivate Service witt be hetd at the J. Scott Eanty Fanerai Home, 21 James St., Milton (905-878- 2669). REMEMBRANCES in the form of donations to The Milton District Hospital Foundation are appreciated n Memodams in the form of ~ edonations to The Canadian c ancer Society are deeply appreciated. prizes 1 " 'Jý ýt 1b 0, ' , 1(L thîngo teo ay. I 1cauid have cest one special wîoh aone dream that mauid came lace, Id pray ta Gad eo deepiy la have yeteryeor and yoa. If1 cauld change 0e many thîngo thal happened on that day, i would haue oaved you Hoaey. ne yoa could be wth ce leday Sa many tmea tee crîed, So meny tîmea t manted ta hold yoc, Your love mas ee tender, Your love mao ne true, Your memony sarnoanda usein everything me do. WetI hold youn memorîeo btteromeel, Because we know one day weil meet. The moon wrli rree and the Oaa wîi set, But me wrlt neyer torgel. Very sadfy missed by sisters Atysha and Caittin You are atways in our hearta and in our minda Mommy and Daddy VOYCE, Bruce n tovrng memnory et a dear son, brother and ccclv who p aeeed amay August 17, 2000. A lie eo yocng reieaaed te heaven.. Left on earth, we monder Why? Bal some are sent among us brîetty.. Some have spirite meant ta ly We think of you every day. Love Mom, Glen & Shivawn, Chartes & Mathew. 1,W dfi r ISn flîricri c i 11se[ rurly 905-637-8328 CARPET i have sevenal 1,000 yrds. et new Staîn- mater & 100%u nylon carpet. Wîi do tvînrnom & hall ton $349. laciadea carpet, pad & installation 130 yarde) Steve. 905-639-2902 FOR Sale: Grenite Rdge fu golf membeaohîp, 1 ful peer tram date taanseered. $750. 905-954-0740. FOUR thoroughbred herses for sasie, 6-yeaa 010 and 4-year-old Geidînge, 2 3-year-old Fllies, excellect heeith and meiltrained. Phone 1-905-659-3200. GO Carl 5 HP Brîgga & Stratton motor $80000 or beat effet Cati 905-854-2973 HAY for Sale. Regular square baies. Pick cp in tield or detivered. 1-877-218-2488. NEED a Computer ..Dent have cash? The Original IBM PC, cest $1 a day .ne morey clown! Unlrmted AOL & intereat Free ton 1 yeari The Buck A Day Company, cati 1-800-772-8617 www.buckadaycom RESTAURANT eqsîpmenl (cafeteria equîpment). Oeil 905-854-0441. SAMSUNG Fiat Screen TVs 27". 20" & DVD Pîay- er ail for aust $999 or $1 a day ..ne moreycdewn! The Buck A Day Ca. 1-800-332-8318. wwwbucka- day.com SPAS..Spa. Spas.. Broken partneaship torces sale. Over 30 epas sti11 n wrapper. Muet be aeld at ceet or beiow. 905-567-9459. 1 A COOL IDEA. 160 0.1î ).[3 Kayak POOL%,.se5h dcis anid turoce. litîrrîItutarii. rrîri 049.î), Ci25 curai nuannri 1-800-668-7564 www.kayakpookson.oe 315 -WANTED Ait China.S !îst Lmt & vFauwi ld LM &Foufld Cen. CapotaI sewrng mn S LOST ct Brette St. South area, Greee eyes, chines .. Deullen, Mor ;5erarge/baewn fan, Cali 905-878-7779. creft, Ocîlte, Giasý LOST. Green Parrot mîlh ed beak Set. Aug. 101h, Watchee, camera/i eut 07 If seen or faucd. Please caîl905)825-1377. eqarpmect, delta, pain qîi~icge, cattectîblen eý - Q~.u..tatea. Jehnr Tracy 9Cf 331-2477 DAYCARE Levîng, ste ennireement with nutntius meais. eutdoor play, maîka. crahos and receipta. 905- rhool 876-0620. r.m.Eneddfo beys aftecdîng DLV JK and QUALITY daycare avaîtabte in my home. Steetes & Maclen ares. Excellent relerences, receipte preerd- THE GARAGE ;nee WANTED: Occasonal babnsdter for 2 amai chiid- 7 IISr Up, lv. 905-876-0024.reuedPeaeEE EXCELLENT PICKING Green/YeIIow Beans, Beets, Tomatoes, Hot & Sweet Peppers Peas, Spanish Onions, Fresh Garlic, DitI Herba, Basîl & Eggptants. THE FARM" De Paoli Pick Your Own/Ready Picked tRease calil 905-873-2050 905-877-7976 Mon.-Fri. 8-6; Sat. 8-5; Sun., Hol. 8-12 t5 Snderoad, 1 km. weet et Trafalgar Rd. Fîrslt arm on north aide (Stewarttewn) 301ny hM FbO. ch 'i Sat. A 7:30A Collectables and dii- ra Or- ie ra- 15- 315 ANTIQUES WANTED! For ait r- hideti 3M f E SALE YOU HAVE IVAITING FOR et, Milton (Moving) August l7th AM fi Noon id lhings you might like YARD SALE 581 Hayward Croc. Saturday, Auguat 17 Household items, crafters yarn, knrttrng machine, booksanad mach more. 8 - 12 p m. YARD SALE 9600 Guetph Lino Campbetville (oe mite forth et Hmy 401) Sel. Acg. 17 & Suc. Acg. 18 9 am - 4 pm Toye, electronrca, househotd items. clethea & so mach more! YARD SALE Sat. Aug. 17 8 arn - 2 pmn No earty brada 146 Meadowbrook Dr. Miton GARAGE SALE (MULTI-FAMILY) 776 MacKenzie Drive Sat. Aug. 17 8 am -1 pmn Lots et great staff Chitdrenrs itemns, crib & change tabler microwave, table & chairs, sota, etc., etc. No Earty Brda Please 63 Wilson Drive GARAGE SALE Sat. Augusî 17 8 arn-? 670 Laurier Ave. LARGE MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE 237 Sydney St. Contains both home & office equipment August 17 & 18 10Oam -4 pm Milon Seniors' Activity Centre GARAGE SALE 500 Childs Drive 905-875-1681 Saturday, August 241h Doora open at 9:00 arn Aseoted items included books, dîshes, china, jewelry, miens, toys and more! MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat. Aug. 17 8 arn lii1:00 Strathcona CourtJ Val fIeyetems! ON SITE EVENINO AUCTION SALE Thursday, Aug. 22 ai 5:30 p.m. Sharp for Mr. & fil. Earf Ward Located at 12061 Guelph Line, R.R.#1 Campbettvitte, Ont. Clrb ouse N.E. of 1#20 Sideread on Guelph Lnel Cn0MPlete Sain of househald glass & china. antiquns, a.lances - soine less than year nid>, wondworking Shep laIs .hand toois & sarden tanin Ima rîding avn nîsmwers. 8CS 715 Rate Tiller/nce innloer. gas pusîr mneer bex traiter lawn relier. airator, boom sprayer, tatcherizer vined eaters. chaîn saws, eeery kind ot lame & tardentoi& equip ialvuays stared inoîdel Cneca honda 25 0 generatnr. per ai r sancibiaster air comprensoir antiu haie beain borinq machine, aid Case tracteir man maias. 5 or 6 John 3eere & Case modet tractars motel accu tacaurîte' thrashîng machine 8pc mpý,ea durling muni suite. bedroam set, safa & chair, iayqui air, etc etc Property sold & The Wards macîng ta Retrement Home Fnr more detaied listing & information please lagqcan ta wwaufi notî,nd cami eceilîna Auctiener: onno iln05)n77-0117 RESTAURANT EOUIPMENT AUCTION ON LOCATION WEONESOAY, AUGUSI 21, 2002 @ 110:OOAM 360 Siestes Ave., (On The iiwy. 25 By-Pass) Milton, Ontario Thte equipment and furnishings ef Maddy Duck: Beverage AOr Double ceg caulerO0 1Bar aire Baraeau Beer Caninr Daltyn lasWasher. nrie s OînkBeikel Meut lcer, 20 Quart Mirer (3) Ouest Oeep Fryers, 2)Reeidgerarea Prep Tables, arean nable Garlana Oven ana aril, rand ard lamarder cantin alas Suai Canin OuGriand h Brrer teve. Oerhead austnaunrdaire Oystrm. Meu anell Onîrs, ce crram Freezer, Mik CaaierS mca nTables, Pnp Caoler Double 0O Sink Waik tn Freezer, Walk la Coier. Mcramave, Orheasher Tanurînce Maker Brure Pieuter, Antique Ocre, ceramaîi reeraereutlîay Cane, (97) Waoden Arm Ceaire, 1701)Sînastered Chairs, 1201 Felirng Tables, 1121 Square nables. 5 or verreTables 20 Soli Square Tables, I9) Weeden Mimaois. 13) Baoths, (21) eaangLamas. Larte Ouaetity at ishen ana lassware, Pars and Pans. sanOO mine Chinler, Beer igne Cash vearsier and aider Systev. FA Ostem, C J ystemn, Waodrn Cran Chairs. Booster Chairs. Pariaoîalesana Chairs. PanasnaîrPhanenystrv (2) hew Oiarm ysevs. Onfce t2esks. Fie Cabinets, Central Cacum bn ysternFre Eeiiîrsh Vieiat 2 heurs prier ta sale enil 10% Bayers Premiam Cash, VisaM/Cebrit Card or Appraaed Cheqae McKenzie's Associated Auctioneers toc. (519)453-7182 1-800-265-190 Fax (519>451-2443 3 ailles Narhofet rira n err onha t 1Mile West an vuer va Vîsît Oar Website: vmwwmckenzieaaction.cam Auctions are continued on the next page! FREE: To a good home, 2 dat mate cata. Nea- tered and dectawed. Muet go due te babys aller- gres. Cati 905-854-3204. 3 Wheel Scooter - Unicare Electric 3 Whel Scoot- er. Lîke new. New price $3500, sale price $1500. 905-878-1797. CHEVROLET OLOSMOBILE To ease or purchase your car or truck Hwy 25 S. at Dern Rd. 878-2393 SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMtLY BUSINESS WITH FAMtLY VALUES W> -BU - SFLL - EASE ..ARGESI SELECTION OF uSE> IECICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 evu gonudtauttgroup a Careers are listed on the next page! Bruneio is Iooking for Bus Persons and Wait Staff. Cal 905-875-3305 Part-Time Stable Help required on a herse farm, Must have experience handling horses. 5 or 6 days per week and flexible hours. Phone 905-693-1133, evenings Fax 905-693-0966 Auto Clean Lube-It requires LUBE TECHNICIANS Appiy te 925 Main St. with resume & business references 905-878-8595 Generat Labourers/ Machtne Operators required for Plastic Vacuum forming operation in Milton. Witt train. Send Resume by fax fa 905-878-8452 Afin: Human Resources More Generel Help Wanted on the nec-t page! muni IL% -a

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