Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Aug 2002, p. 26

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26-The Canadian Champion, Frday, August 16, 2002 Toumament titie defense '-'il T 1r v - 1 n Magie girls in Gloucester By STEE L.BLANC The Champion Chamnpiotishap repeats don't corne much closer than tlss. Miton's Under-iS girls soccer squad fell jusi a heartbeat shy of defending its Gloucester Tournament title ast weekend - dropping a gold- miedal shoot-oui 10 Sudbury Swsday evening. Thse finalists batled 10 a scoreless sialemate in bolIs regulation and overtime, due ini large part 10 exceptional defense from Heather Moon and play- er-of-ihe-game Ruth Hamon. 'Men Amy DiPalma and Erinn Greenfield made shoot-oui deposits, but iheir opponenîs connecied four times 10 eke oui the viciory. Netminder Davida Denich - wbo surrendered juil one regulation- liane goal througboui the toumarnent - made a key shoot-out save to keep thitigi exeiting. Said head coach Louic DiPalma. "Sudbury bare- ly had a shot on net (through regulation time). Il was one of those gaines that we really dominaied but juil couldn't score." Following an opening-round los 1 Sudbury (1 - 0), the Sargent Famn Magie engineered ihree con- secutive shulout victories 10 reach the finals. Identical 2-0 decisions were posled againsl Quebe's Lakeshore ini the thid round and semifi- rials. Ansley Kent dented the îwine in each gaine while singles were regislcred by DiPalma and Holly Goddard - who redirecled a corner kick with an athoritative blast for the semifrnal gane wnner. Milton toppled Quebe's Dollard 4-0 in Use sec- ond round - with a flrst-half explosion fueled by two goals fromn weekend scorng leader Kent. DiPalma and newcomner Sylvie Nooland chipped in singles. Coniributimg 10 last weekend's silver-medal fin- ish with cred.ible performances were Erica Ercolani, Emmna Goddard, Ashley Grant and Krisia Lenardon. Under-15 girls reach semis Meanwh/le, Milton'u Under- 15 girls ahno showed strongly in Gloucester - reaching the semnifinais w/Us a win and iwo ties. A brief defensive lapse proved costly in the final four showdown. as the younger Magie squad gave up îwo goals and went ont 1 lose 10 B uringion 3 -1. Melissa Gismondi made the lone deposit. Millon's undefeated round-robin campaign included a 3-2 viciory over South Nepean United and stalemaies wiîh ihe Ottawa luternationals (0-0) and Kitchener Spirit (l -1). Ally Kurgan. Tanya Maduri, Sara Mancini and Tamrny Meritt were the rnarksmen while offcr/ng a rock-solid effort beîween the pipes was Cassandra Berghaunmer. Credible performances were also delivered by Te/a Clernent, Julia lanlorno, Jessie Reitrnan, Shannon Johnsion, Elame Robinson, Alayna Byrness-Frizzell and Leslea Punneit. The Under- 18 Magie will look 10 buId on Ue/r tournarnent success tornorrow afternoon in Hamnilton when îhey face iop-scaied Waterloo in round two of the SRSL's Elite Division. Sir Luck cruises to new track record at Flamboro ln a httîng hînale Io a rernarkable week- end of Ontario Sires Stakes racing ai Flamboro Downs, îwo-year-old pacing colt Sir Luck scorched around the haîf-mile cival Sunday night in a track and OSS record of 1:53.4. After making a break in the frrst tumn of the Batile of Waterloo Final lasi weekend, Milton driver Mike Saftic eased Sir Luck off the gaie and landed in third spot, eight lengihu behind early leader Famneplay wbo charged out to a :26.3 opening quarter. Saftie and Sir Luck closed the gap head- ing toward the :56.2 haîf, but remained in third place hehind Village Blitz and Fameplay. svho was pulled up by fellow Milionian Chris Chrisîoforou before reach- ing the third tumn. Wîth Batile of Waterloo winner Village Blitz on the froînt, Saftîc decîded to send Sir Luck up the oîîîside and take control of the Gold Elimination jusi before the 1:25. three-quarters. By the top of the stretch, the Camluck colt had onue length ou the field anîd when Saftic asked for anoîher gear. Sir Luck pulled assav b a three-leugth vitory over Au Rumba. Firsiline Royal was eight lengîhs back foîr third and Dreamfair Titan also qualified l'or the Gold Final with bis fiiunb-place finish. The 1:53.4 mnile took tbree-tihihs of' a second off ihe two-ycar-olcl pacing coIt track and Ontaano Sires Siakes record. set hy TNwin B Champ in 1999. Bill Budd ut Carlisle trains Sir Luck for thc C and I Siegel Ractng Stable Lîd. o) Brooklyn, New York. The colt wit5 a $20,M)( yearling pur- chase at last faIE*s Harrisburg, Penusylvania sale and bas already retumed Ho of 4 Beat I.. SNDA INYER $222,676 from five wins, one second and one third in seven stais. The other Gold Series Elimination went to first-time OSS starter Pinstripe Poker, who reached the front going down the backstretch the furst time and refused to relinquish it. Another son of Camluck. Pinstripe Poker sopped the dlock ai 1:56. 1, one length ahead of Jimmy Crack Cohen. Vanidango Flanover picked up the third- place finishers share of the $57,055 purse for owner Chiestcr Waxman of Hamilton. while Bill Budd's other entry, Boulder Creek, earned a spot in the Gold Final with his fourth-place effort. Ira Schwartz of Edison. New Jersey. Laura Delucia of Maywood, Ni and Alvin Minkoff of EastIlslip, New York share ownership of Pinstripe Poker- who was a $23.001) acquisition ai the Harrisburg sale. The Linda Toscano trainee was making jusi his second lifetime stafl. and his firsi on Canadian soil]ahlter doing al bis early sea- son preparation ai The Meadowlands ln New Jersey. The top four finishers from each Gold Elimînation will return to Flamboro Downs Sunday to baitle in their third $130,000) Gold Final and attemptIo1 upsiage the sophomore pacing colts com- peting in the $600.000 Confederation Cup. Milton Mino Basebali Associatio MMBA Annual General Meeting We are having our Annual General Meeting Saturday, October Sîb, 2002 at the upulairs meeting room ai Loblaws ai 9:00 ar. Please take tis opportuniiy to corne oui and jo/n the 2003 board. We are always looking for volunleers. The more volunteers the irnoother the organizalion runs. Frorn October thru April, we meet once a monîh to gel thingu rolling for the upcoming season. Once we are mbt May, we meet lwice a monîb. If you had concernos or problemo ibis pasi season corne to the meeting 10 air your îboughis and Ici us know wbai we can improve for the upcoming season. If you have any questions please calihe MMBA hoîline au 905-876-2288. ý'ote froin the MMBA Board .the exioiing huard would like to îbank al the coaches. sponsors, parents and especialhy the youth for this pasi sea- son. V - realize that things didn'i go a smooih as îhey have in the 4t but we ihink considering the number of board e- i we did an okay job. We realize ihai you can neyer sai- isfy everyone but we îried our very besi. We would like to tbank Alan M/ier for the great job he bas doue the pasu uwo years convening T-BALL. Alan is moving oui of the area and Uerefore cannot continue to oversee T-BALL. We tried, but he said the distance was aî bit far. Steve Wagernann bas rnentioned îha lie sill be returning as a resource person nexi year. Steve lias run the Rookie Bal Tournament for rnany years and ihey have been very eîjoy- able for ail those paricipating. He bas said ihai he will help run Use tournent nexi year. Steve Wellwood bas mentioned hai he rnay not be return- ing nexu year. We hope we can gel h/rn to return since he is Ia wealtb of information when it cornes 10 scheduling and budgeting. We would like to thank both Steve's for ail their time and efforts to the organîzation. As you can see there are rnany opportunities available on the board for next year. Positions that we really need to have volunteers for are the Umpire in Chief and Convenors for the various levels. Without volunteers giving some of their time to set up var- ious tasks we cannot have a successful season. We know that everyone bas jobs and other commitments but if you don't give sonse of your trne, then -we cannot do a great job. Remember it is for the youlh of the community and we want îhem to have a fun trne and learn something as well. Again. thanks to ail the volunteers and îhanks to ail involvedi for your patience. MMBA Reg Manai!ers!Coaches for the 2003 Season Milton Minor Basebaîl is now recruiting managers and coaches for the 2(003 season. Currently positions are avail- able at ail levels including Rookie Bal, Mosquito, PeeWee. Banîamn and Midget. A support system is available to ihose interested in apply- ing including obîaîning coaching certification and adminis- terîng the teams. Any questions rnay be answered by Jeff Harper ai 905- 467-5358. Cuit off date is Thursday. September 5, 2002 as tryouîs will be held on September 5. 2002. Please drop off application to: Jeff Harper 608 Lyons CourtJ Milton. Ontario 905-876-3-356 or MMBA ,. ' PO. Box 221 Milton, Ontario 905-876-2288 - T-Bail Championship Day Brian's Auto 11 Menitor 13 POG Jonathan Fiche Hayden Morrison Home Cinema 15 Shoppers Drug Mari 15 PDG Samuel Robson Chad Green Wallace Wheelers 12 Menitor 15 PDG Dawson Rimi Josh Prior uS Runîhng: IlsI Graham Rae-Hunl, 2nd Broc Tracey, 3rd Nathan Robinson Batling: loi Taylor Roberts, 2îd Aaron Teague, 3rd Robert Manning Throwing: lot Dawson Rimi, 2nd Mathew Luce, 3rd Hayden Morrison Cc IS MME BALL cOMPETIT1 Wînner: Patrick Duggan CUAMPlUM hoMM Karmas Champion, Austen Noble - Fina/ists Most Sportsmanlhke Player: James Turner- Karmax, Ben Lac Creatise Memorials, Benjamin Brennn -Ausles Noble Huge apology to the Creative Memorial coaches, players and parents. It appears there were communication problems with the game for Saturday. It was good /0 see some of you at the ski/la competitîon. Milton Kinsmen- Champion. Milton Oplimiot- Finaliot Most Sportsmanlike Player: Mike Marsha/ll Milton Oplimisi, Jeffrey Eves- Towne Dental Group, Dylan Wells- Hunt Chrys/er, Kevin Monk- Milton Kinsmen Pe-w.. Key Centres- Champion, Team Canadian Tire- Finialists Mos! Sportsmanlike Player: Ryan Stevens- Lifestyles, Ryan Shuvera -Key Centre, Jason Brooks - Team Canadian Tire Buitam No bosse league teamu this year. Mldpt Knights of Columbus- Champion, Milton Chrys/er Vîpens - Fina/ists Mos! Sportsmanlike Player: Rob Bennettl- Knîghts of Ci/umbus, Bei Jenkins - Milton Chrys/er Vîpers, Damien Hope - Milton Transmisîon

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