The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 16, 2002-11 Animal rescue group will hold School Bus Orientation Day fii~r ~ fir t (rr A qt( q< Not every abused animai is lucky enough to find refuge. But Barlees Angels Rescue Network, a south- em Ontaro non-profit animai rescue group, is trying 10 make fmnding shelter for the four-legged creatures a littie easier. In an effort to expand its boarding intake, the organization will hold Barleepalooza September 21 at Rattlesnake Point Conservation Area from 10 a.m. 10 5 p.m. Volunteers, supporters and other individuals will meet, greet and parttcipate in contesta with their dogs and bid on items in a silent auction. Barbecue hotdogs and drinks will alto be sold. Ranes Angels Rescue Network is made up of a group of volunteers who take in abused, neg- Iected and abandoned animais. The group pro- vides the cost of veterinary care, including spay/neuter procedures. The animais are then placed in carefully-screened homes. To date, the organization has rescued more than 110 animais since conception in 1999 and it's planning to start a pet therapy programn in the fali. For more information, cail Bree at (519) 776- 6863. iv itY' t11101 i 100 l)dflL 1/0s(14 even to îeach kids A sebool bus is fun for rnany cbildren but for new students il can be a big, scary thing. Haltons two sehool boards and the regions bus operators 1 hope 10 take the fear out those j first few bus rides by junior and senior kinderganten i pupils by sbowing them tbe righî way 10 bebave in and i around a school bus. school bus safety The Halton Sebool Bus Safety Committce and bus operators wil bhost the annual Sehool Bus Orientation Day Saturday, Aug. 24 ai six loca- tions around the region, including one in Milton. The free session nIats ai 9 ar. Those in attendance wiII receive a tip sheet entitled Tbink! Think! Think Safety!, lion and view a Winnie the Poob video on school bus safety. Participants sill also bear school bus company safety officers and bus drivers talk about safely getîing on and off the bus, proper behaviour on the bus and crossing the street to gel 10 a sehool bus. Milton's orientation day will be held at Bishop Reding Secondary Sehool on Main Street East. A MEMO FROM GOD To: Yout Date: Today Frorn: The Boss1 Subject: Yoursetf Reference: Life 1 arn God. Today 1 will be han- dling ail of your problems. Pleaset remember that 1 do flot need your1 help. If life happens to detiver a situa-i tion to you that you cannot handie' - do flot attempt to resolve it.i Kindly put il in the SFGTD i (something for God to do) box.t Ail situations will be resolved,i but in My time, flot yours. Once the matter is placed into the1 box - do not hold onto it by wor- rying about it. Instead, focus on ail the wonderful things that are1 present in your life now. If you find yourself stuck in traf-1 660PR zrNE TOILTON Supervised Nursery & Dynamic Chidrens Programs available during ait services! CC ER SU e A 1:4 A MYOUNTAJUV MO VERS KIOS CAMP AuuMlO f0 tAuou 23 Mo*i, Puppuls. plia, PtJz Som tonmu daIly (Mil ay Wuiai* on llWs*Y) $5raropsiIon - hwsdo t-Skl l . AG OU IC E O OE" fic - don't despair! There are peo- ple in this world for whom driv- ing is an unheard of privilege. Should you have a bad day at work - think of the man who has been out of work for years. Should you despair over a rela- tionship gone bad - think of the person who has neyer known what it's like to love and be loved in retumn. Should you grieve the passing of another weekend - think of the woman in dire straits, working twelve hours a day, seven days a week to feed her children. Should your car break down, leaving you miles away from assistance - think of the para- plegic who would love the oppor- tunity to take that walk. Should you notice a new gray hair in the mirror - think of the cancer patient in chemo who wishes she had hair to examine. ShouId you find yourself at a loss and pondering, "What is life al about'?" or asking "What is my purpose?" be thankful! There are those who didn't live long enough t0 gel the opportunity. Should you find yourself the vic- tim of other people's bittemness, ignorance, smallness or insecuri- ties - remember, things could be St. George's Anglican Church, Lowville 7051 Guelph Line, just north of Derry Road Sammer Service schedalc bcegins Sunday, July 7th and continues ihrough to Sunday September Isi 9:30îani alternaiing Momîing Prayer and Holy Communion Nursery and Sunday School provided 9:30) Youih Service in the Auditorium Service oS Prayer for Healing: 7pm Sunday. Jnly 28"' and Sunday. August 25 Rector: The Reverend Canon Chartie Masters For more information cati the church office 878-1363 or Visit the websie worse! You could be one of them! To learn more about how a rela- tionship with God can impact upon your world, visit a local church this week! Please consult the Religious Directory below fori service times and locations! - Submitted by Reverend Dan Rogge, Senior Pastor of New Life Church, Milton MILTON SEVLNTH-DAY AbvEsTw CHURCH Inviteîîou to ,or cekk S.îib[al Hugh Fuiu, Hall, 43 Bruown St. Miton Sac 9:30 a. i. -SubbhSuluul Sau 1i:00i.niu.-Divini c eu FREE BIBLE SCHOOL t),ve ciiilic .eiîiig Bible a ý erstlie sicrlexcu quetos and the secretitoià happylife Fori1 RI: t 81 I LSONS. ,rite: lt) Bu. 23012, 55 Ontiio.S.. MilioneOn,Ic 91 5B4. On te IuN FlRNt-L h(îeip:/îeýo.oniand w.imai uiig.ic g!ilclolu'uschol mi lAS 11)8 .uiauiîon . Ceulsie, .4l0-821-4610) SOUTHSIDE COMMUN1TYCHUCH MILTON GOSPEL HALLDA ' of The ClifStaf & Missonary AUfiaDce 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 BFUMU5U I 2850 DEBRY RD. Phone 878-5664 10:00 arn. - The Lords Supper WEEKLY INFORMAI DISCUSSION Pastor: Greg MeCombs 11:45 arn. - Sunday School "Baha'i Fauîh and Its Teachingsu Pastor of Youth Ministries: jack Ninaber 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Ail Welcome Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Info about aclivities: 905-875-2923 10:00 A.Ni. SUNDAI MIORNIMG WORSHII SERVICE Prayer and Bible Study &"ADVENTUREL1ÀND" for kids 3 - Gr. 6 "n each ond every bhing a door of knowledge nos (Nursers rare proided up tb age 2) Jesus said, 1 arn the bread of lfe: been opened and wthin every otomn traces of thre sun he that cometh to me noth been mode manifest For more mnfo on our regular weeld shall neyer hunger. John 6.35 BahOtu 110h mîinres, please eaïl the church office. 1-800-433-3284 Grace Anglican Church We welcome you to... GÇRACEWAY CBAPTIST CHURCH 317 Main St. E., Milton Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-:3005 UNITED CHURCH 905-878-1629 wwwv.N.gracechuirclînîiltoni.coin 123 Main St. E., Milton Pastor Walter Hi. Isaak Rev.Dr. ark eDerott9:50 arn. - Family Bible Hour SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday August 18, 9:30 a.m. 1:0am onn evc 8:0011 dil - lilv (?oîîsîîîsiinsîîsPENTECOST 13 1:0an onn evc 10:001 mss - Su îg Eiicisait 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service (?hîrch Schuss1 & (offee Ilour Camp Churchapalooza TI-URSDAY nursery facilities available Thursday 10:00n1<1os 1m (?ssîsssîtmioîs Rev. John Benham & Rev. Gerry Hofsetter 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer budy nter Director of Music \\hielrýliair .Xcc-ss Through Parkinig Lot Doors Church office: 905) 878-8895 "You'Il always find a friend ai Graceway" [I Àomk Wili De nelu "ext weeKellu