6 - The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, Augusi 13, 2002 SCOMMENT eAAY Tories need more AsSI than a new leader So Joe Clark plans to step down as leaîder of tlhe Progressive Conservative Party beca use lie doesn't believ. he could lead his party to victory in the nexi election. Well, at least he bas it hait iht. White îî's truc the Progressive Conserv itives have littie chance of wînning a tederal election with Clark as theii le.ader, we doubt whether it really miatters who leads the party. The L'berals aren'i about to lose their stranglehold on Parliamrent MiI - - as long as both the Canadian Alliaince and the Progressive- Conservatîves rernain in existence. With those two parlies splitting the right wing vote beîween themn the Liberals will continue 10 keep their ruling n1aJority in the House of Commons. And it doesn't look like those iwo parties are about to cet together any time soon. Too bad. In a dernocracy. a strong opposition is required to keep the ruling governmrrent honest and responsible. So when it cornes 10 electing Iieir next leader, we suggc.st the Progressive Conservatives look for somneone who could possîbly wîn over the Canadian Alliance instead of just sirnply keeping it at bay. O UR READERS WRITE Reader dis gusted by driver who hit cat on Derry Road and then just sped off Dear Editor: Titis letter is direcied ti the driver of the green famiiy van who was going west on Derry Road ai Commercial Street Juiy 23 aI about 4:35 p.m. You bit a cal and didn't su much as slow down. You are a heaiess. despicabie coward. Tbe words 1 want lu eau yuu are, unfur- îunately, unpruîtable. Yuu ddn't even try lu stop. To te driver of te dump truck beiind me who did stop, 1 say tbank you witit ail my heart for blocking te westbound traffie su 1 couid scoop the animai front the road and attempt to save îî. To the driver ut the whie company van wbo couidn't wait three minutes and had lu swerve around the dump truck and aimost hit me, 1 say you're a compiete and utter idiot. Be thankfui that waîn'i a chiid on thte road. To the owner uf the young maie neutered orange tabby, 'm su sony. My vet and i did ail we couid. C. McGillivray Ontario Street +THE CANADIAN CHALMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. [AT 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editortal Fax: 905-879-4943 Advertising Fat: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905878-5947 Ian Oliver Nei Oliver Jill Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNab Steve Crozier Teri Casas Tim Coles Publisher Adi'eîising Manîager Circualation Manager Office Manager Production Manager The Canadian Campion, pubished every Tesday aira Pnday at 191 Man SI, EMilton. Ont LiT 4119 (Box 248), s aore of The Metroand( Prnting, bis>ngt&Dstrbing Ltd irons oi cOin banin uipanien winch nkdiaes AbaxsPickerngn Nevis Adertisnr, Allston rioald/Coirirer Barrie Adance Bairy s Bay iis Wek, Bolen ntenprisc Banmptonn uardian) Buluinqin Pest. Boinington Shopping Nnvis Ciy Prent. Ciy ni Yok buardian. Colnqvwnnd Wasaqa Cnninectionn rast Yorkt Orna rie Adanate/Co[ atny Routes, tralicoke Grardian , larhonugli Pas> Fiever Young, Gergetownridependenti ton Free PressHalaisBusinesslurnes HHinnia Business Trmes, Knstîn Tis Week Lnndsay lins Weet, Martbami SEnnîimist & Sun Midiaird/Peeiaguisliene Murar Mion Shnpping Nevis. Mssssauga Business Tnmes Mssissauga ews, tapane Gurde Nassantaueva tN tnarews AinsrEra-Banner Nthumniberland tenus tortS Pr Mrirnr akile Beaver, dakviie Shnpping teis Odiniers octe, tews. Crla Tday bstawa/Wirity/ClaringotnPoP Perry Thns Weot Pterboroughr Ths Weet Picton Cunty Guide Rchmnd HilIiinrnnnll Vaughan Lbenal, ScarbnroingO Mori Stoiaflille/Sebridge Tribune buersiigin acceptnd cun the condition that. in tbhenent oi a typn- graphital enter, that portion ofthte adnerirsîni space occîpied by the erre- neoun item. logether with a reasoniabie allowaece tor signature, iii et e chated or, but the balance il the advetsemnent wii be paid for ai the appli- cabie rate The publiser reernes theright 10 categorire autertisemeetsoro tiecline. The Miton CaeadreCamepon Sa Recylabie Preatuc Exxxotica and strîp joint won'-t turn Miltonians into sexually-depraved monsters, says reader l)ear Editor: The nais or ignorant ss îîtîldti ti to suggest Ilit Milftitus recent s Cli- turc iii heuic dui "sectors of' busi- ness is tueheiîixiig out a dil.Io ti] apîtcalyptic baille beîss cci rei- giîîusly gtiod and îcligiiîusly Wl ong. Witiotiîiithouglit tir sounti back- ing. claitos are gcîîeratedti ta staic ail thtîse who enter sucit cstablish- mients wiil imnmediately. beyund the ciintroiif'tiiîiemseis es. btîumned ii scttially raggîng îîîînstcrs - uîîiîtly creatitîns tfGod. THie îînly Nvay ici asoid sucb a ticsasiating tragedy cîîning truc in fle homes ofi Milton. acctirding Iu thercm. s tri ban titese inîstittutions altogetiter anîd take a iîand aI lite right side ofi tur -Fater." Titese are preiiy bold stitnieiîts f ,or stîlte prctty bold Cathtîiics, iin a noi-so-Citristian world. VVit are aul those witî dot guIide their live s by a dated bocok of' varicd c ollections to do? They inas or mas îlot ha\ c any problemoss 1111l these practices. but the\! sure don't express them n a religious manner. j1 ley take te pîîî te andi socially - conscience route and kcep iheir belis 10 themiselves. Problemns exisi andi problems dont exist -il ail cornes dossito1 the indviduai's perception ut reali- îy and their placement in idealistit fitîh. Citrisiians beliese. ior the fact ihes' represeni lite lar-gest religiomn majoriiy in Canada, tht they' have the rîglit to1 dictaie their values on te resitii îhe country- tellîng the -natives- io fîîrget iheir oven priil tive vaines anti adopi lite obviousiy divine and understanding ruiings tif their God. You want Io îalk religion in thîs witole debate? Let's alk about the great ignorance and arrogance Of our cult. is nut thlie set shops that will andi authorîtative attitudes of an aged citurch thai wîll. Corruption lies only i the rninds titat allow t i 1 brew. Ilite choice to enter the itoiy land ut Exxxotica and the up and coming, soon-to-be finely established srip-club of Milton. should bc made by the indi- sidual. A person sitould appiy his/iter own miorals and ethics 10 decide whether or not t0 enter ihese establishments, not te sounded reasons of the biaspitemous. Live your life according 10 your- self and aîiios otiters 10 lise their lives according lu ihemiselves. When a reai social problim emierges. we'il A gel togetiter in a civil mnanner and seutle it. Until then. miay i sugunesi you read tîp on some more of ihe proverbs, practice your creeds or polish your cross. William Wilson Milton Pud by Steve Nease