-Hockey equipment swap The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, August 13, 2002 -5 NVehicles have right of way gt downtown er-jp greaç Goal is to lie/p young hockey p/ayers acquire the hockey equipment they need i-egardless offinancial situation As Milton's youth prepare for the upcoming hockey season, a local man is working te, ensure everynne has the equipment they need. To accomplish this, Tim Benson is organizing a hockey equipment swap mect, which will see people trade or donate equipment that doesn't fit any- more. "My goal is to help our young hock- ey players get outfitied with appropri- aie eqoipment in the least expensive and affordable way," said Mr. Benson. "Evert though many parents can afford 10 huy îîcw equîpmnîîilor their childreîî. there are those lcss lfortunate people who cannot. Weve ail sec the young players wîth skates 1(1(1big oîr helnîcîx that are flot safeîy certifietl." An event of this type hasn't heen held iin Milton for cight years, he addcd. The swap nîcet is scheduled f'or Sunday from 101 ain. to 2 p.m. at Memeirial Arena on Thompson Road. In addition to the trades, doinations will also be accepted. -If enough ix donated, there is a pox- sibility of hringing il (remaining equip- ment) to the native children on the reserve near Parry Sound," Mr. Benson added. 1I have heen in contact with an eider up there and there is an interest." Neither dealers or vendors will he permitted 10 take part in the eveni. Pcdcsî,riaiis sAwuld mcCltlxcau- tio ien k crossxing Maàini Su cci d thec signcd c xsigloctaio ns, xxi-ii I îîxxIi staff. Simcdiviers Stop as datî îuricsx lor pecicsîrîdîîs. (iibut cx*i 11 rcqiiircd iii by law. anîd chiîclcs, actually lixethei lî-ilx lits iioi anil oficial xsalk xxhich xx .ould have a hbouton w iiiiîî dict i (tal t coiitriîl) 'l s aid .l'lîîI li \îtîîî rthelit 'tlioii tîîiiiiirî "ii cix-\ e ldeicliOcliii XII y îît i cdly Ihaxve i c reaie xxalkxx ys ili sxlicth pcîlcstiiau s should hucat n ll pi ir Iii cieiinto î theî ic oat xxia5y Siîicc thic i c tîixrlîtiîoiip ucn xx dw t olrlicd I asilliîili. xcx cial ricai ut ciitcs îîlof x hclit/pecti an t liI uions lxixc îîtturrcd ai the îlîî c rlssing, lîîtaitdl hcen c Jaîîicx andî Martini îci l'i ln<liint i îlssin,,,s arc iutciidctl îîly Ioi poi îxtI asc tias \ci hclxx ccithec îxo sidcs iofithc siîecci lic xaîd. AIl wc'x c tîîîîcix i ectmnxrici ihoîs burip ounis andt iiiadlc ilîcin a h licîglîîcr îîîîo thc oîtx yThai type co<ilpîxili siîphy (cxecx siiîg iautiin)slîîultl hcusctl by peoîplelin any trîlssino. Drug trial is set for February T'hc trial iof a Fl-rh Lnîcoîuplec clargcdtl wîilî g îullcnccs xxill hepîn Eehruary Il)nix Ontariou Cior I xUpcrîîr dtli îîîn)in Miltoin. Douglas Weil antd Agniexka Woîiyiixx xka wcirc charged Juîîc 14 altcr Haliîin Rcpiîunal Puoliccxcî/ctl 251 marijuana plants antd lydrîîpoiîic orowinp ctîuip- nient Ircuni a FîîUrh Liîîe hîîînc. Thc trial tdatex asscilu lîxx icpi c-trial mtniiîis Thursday. A piclimniary hcaring. hcld 10 determine il ihere's cnîuugh cx îdcnce agaiîîsî the accused iii go 10 trial, xvas hcld March 12 and Aprîl Niii Ontarioî Court (provincial divisimn)in Milton. Mr. Wcil antd Ms Wejyanowska arc cach charged wîth prîîtucîîîg a centrolled substance, . w55i0nfi ila ciintrollctl substanxce and possessioni of' a controlled suhstancc l'or the purpîîse of ira.lIickiiig. The trial ix expected tnu ast nînc days. Ç. Ic(ItvI 1I IIVIIC* di~iII The selection doesn't get any bigger.4 The rate doesn't get any Iower. We're ready. Are you?7 4 ~x ~ 2002 OLDSMOBILE ALERO £ 72002 OLDSMOBILE INTRIGUE FINANCE purchase financing up te 48 manths on vrtually ail 2002 models h I oê RETAIL CREDIT UP TO Select Models *See denier for detaiir Àýý202EEROLE VENTRE r ve [g lltraiosIM L 7jTle sensible way to buy acar or truck HWY 25 S. AT DERRY RD. MILTC or ý2002 CHEVROLET CAVALIER DRIVE AWAY LEASE*4 Select Models 4 2002 HEVYSILVRADO0% purchase financing avalabie for4 2002 HEVYSILVEADO 6-month term oniy on Sverado* IMODILE- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 EU