The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 13, 2002-19 (~~tM am pofas, Chairs and Sectionals cf StartingSFA O R E o -h iest su tom e sablî U * m * m ~magine, Genuitte La-Z-Boy at 1.. prces that wiii Delight you' Burlington Power Centre QEW & Brant St. 905-331-7600 ANNIVERSARY Remember When ~) August,18, 196 lm VO ' O M BiRmTHDAYývâï Love Mi, Dnelle (. onique 100 100 CAFE or Sale, lcensed, 30 seats, seriaus butera only Must ssii' Please cal 905-876-1779. HOME for Sale. Establshed S/W Milton. 3 bed- room, new kitchen, baihs, upgraded throughout, in- ground pooi, centrai air, double garage. $225,000. For details, 905-878-5429. Own a piece ot Miltons Histary FuIiy restored regency cottage. But in 1854. Waik ta Dawntawn. Featured in Century Home Magazine. Lovely perennial lawer gardens. $389.900. By appointiment 905-878-4460. SMALL private offices, beautituliy apponied. Hwy 25 & 401. 1905-277-9347 or 1-905-275-6834. * .LMUetf n PUc~ .UMUn 1-1/2 Bedroom graund level, Mlton, prvate en- trance. Large living-room, newly renovated tor ma- ture non-amaker. $90000 utl. ic. 905-875-0168. 2 bedroom spaciaus lage, bright suites. Newly decorated with many upgrades. Utiities inctuded. No dogs. 416-918-5913. ACCEPTING applications tor a 2 bdrm api, $925 a month, heat & hydro indijded, 905-878-5345. Hlappy 4th Anniversary Merv & Ruth Anne Coijngl Lov l orti ove il yur fmi J EBluTH-DAY Happy l6th Cal ou MI1 us wth pride and love. (Ha ppy Driving) Love: Mom, Dad, Cody, 170 ApWbn For Rw# ACTON Aprtets For Rent 1bero & 2 bedroamn aparimrents for immediate and future occupancy. Open 7 data week. Samne Day Approval. No Doga. 519-853-4374 ACTON, large 3-bed- roomn apt. $1000 plus. Georgetown, one bed- room apti. $700. plus hy- dis. 519-853-5080, 519- 853-5352. DOWNTOWN Mlton i - bedroomn api. Suits 2 people. Main floor Park- ng. Inciudes huaI hy- dro. $825. f irst, last. Oc- lober 1. 905-858-8723. DOWNTOWN MLTON, 2 bedroomn apartment for rent. Appliances sn cluded. $95000/month +uilities. Avaiable Sep- temrber 905-878-2804. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Street, South, Miten We are now acceptisg applicatiosn fr 2 edrsom apantmentn. Fer more inormation andior ta maice an appoinnent, Ptease Cati 905-878-5375 Building Managera Leord &Penny 170 MILLDE T0WER' 8 ILIEDRIVE 1&2 Bvdrssm Aptsl IClave tu Downtown. Bu sutop al (905) 876 1249 STUDIO Apariment. Furnnshed. Prv Et Bath/Kit. No pets. $500.00imth, lut & last. 905-878-1251 185 F RM 3 bedroom home in South West Miltas avaîl- able Sepember 1sf 5 appliances and large yard, $1.500. Reterenc- es and application frt. Cali Mark Mallalieu, Mill- pend Reaity nc. 905- 876-0633. 3 bedroom Townhouse avalabie Sept. lai - Juse 1sf Frt & last, $1200/month + utlties. Reterences required. 905-693-1926 HORSEFARM 2 miles trom Downtown Mlon, Hous. stails, pad- docks. outhuildînga & acreage. $1750.00 monthly. Frt-asat-sili ties. 905-878-9586. \Mr~ ANNIVERSARY BIRTHDAY 190 MILTON 3 bedroom townhouse. Escellent condition, avalable îm- medîately. $1 200month plus utlties. No smok- îsg/pets. 905-878-4781 MILTON, 1 -yr. old end unit, 3-bedrooms. 2.5 batha, quiet crescent, 1600 sq.fI. Oclast. $1850 mo. 905-257- 1669. 192 MILTON Single room to rent. $550/month sngle osiy, utilties înciuded. 905-876-3487. ROOM near Mlton Mal Parking & iaundry. No shift workers please. $11 0.00/week. 905-878- 0882. ROOMS for rent. Ideai for quiet working individ- ual. Air conditianed. $450/month. 905-878- 3632. *New in town? *Getting marred in 3 monlhs or mare? *Having a baby? *Establishîng a new business? PLEASE CALL US Communiy Wecone Linda 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Etîze 905-693-0313 Baby & Bridai Tracy 905-876-4330 BusrsesstProfesstonal Lin 905854-4100 partsHrdr10aayI OeBIao at S AUTO BODY <00187-72 Mch nirkhom y Now you can Morkharn brawse Ocrober 25-27 Morkhom aa Foirgroucds piont 5Onu Avoulable, JimStaU 190 nt88- St,1M1t-788852 Moets ares2rozeMrkr CeeeyLetWn donmnt atir -onzTe Canadian ¶~Cancer Society are deeply appreciated. Ini Memoriams are /isted on Page 20 268 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. answering service Phone 1-800-891-4862 1-519-836-1522 BABYSIflTING: Baby- aîtting requîred before and suter achool for 2 chidren. E.W. Fauter area. 905-693-1291. F/o rists are listed on Page 20 256 - 310 EVOM 2 Freezers. excellent unning order. Sony T V. $60M.0 Dnyer, $3000. Bednoom suite, $100.00. Desk end ta- bes & couch, Beut off Fi ~ e'.905-854-2711 Stog & Doe for Lee Anne Martens Michael Penson August 17, 2002 0f 8:00 p. m. Milton Lions Hall Thomson Raod (Arena) L Ticket $ 10.00 each Vacation Bible School .ugutt19-23, 915- 1135 arn Ailton Gospel Hall, 306 Otario St. North. (one block south of Steeles Avenue). Bojis and Girls fie qears old and up, ccrne acdjoic our Bug Safari, uhere id:, catch the buzz about Gods love. Bible stcries, sicging, cratts, gaines and snacks,. Not C<st. Pro register: 905-878-5019 Alcre inlormation: îvýu'u.miltcýqspýethatt.ccrn W1rnt's black &white and read ail over?ý Y our ad in classified section, of course! Cati 905-875.3300 today to place your classified ad! Or tas ut at 905-876-2364 ANTIQUE Sonona floor model phonograph. original labels with ail the brasa tîtures. Beau- lifuliy restored. very at- tractive piece of furni- tare. $500. Cati (519)853-9656. CARPET t have ssenai 1,000 îrds. of new Stainmaster & 100%~ ny- lon carpet. Wilt do living- roomn & hall for $349. s- clades carpet. pad & in- stallation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 GO Cart 5 HP Brîggs & Stratton mator. $80000 or best offen. Cati 905- 854-2973 HAY ton Sale. Regular square bales. Pick up in field or delivered. 1 -877- 218-2488. NEED a Compat- er..,Dont have cash? The Original IBM PC. îust $1 a day . no money dlown' Unlîmted AOL & intereat Free for 1 year' The Buck A Day Com- pany, cal 1-800-772- 8617 www.bucka- RESTAURANT equîp- ment (caetera equîp- ment). Caîl 905-854- 0441. SAMSUNG FIat Scrven TVa 27. 20" & DVD Player ail for jual $999 or $1 a day money dlown! The Buck A Day Caý 1800-332-8318, SPAS ..Spas ... Spas... Broken partnership fonces sale. Oser 30 spas stitli n wrapper. Must be sotd at cati or Ielw905-567-9459. Nana, Papa, Uncle Brett, Aunt Lor and Pùu