Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Aug 2002, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, Augusi 9, 2002-7 Openîng and blessîng of new alter at Catholîc church slated OUR READERS WRITE for ý'tirhvE Rev R T FBurkeTH ADINCMPO wiII preach at two services 'Tinte Capsules' Oit'geis ot ntdcnutiwî extracted jî-oni pasi issues cof The C/îanîpion and uter publicaftons f0 Pro- vide oatticdovv itotuMltonis pasf. Ecp/)aiator->v commîteniti s cntc'tîet pro- tic/ed tc p/acete tfuaton tinci cîecf JuIy 1897 The openîng and blessîng cf' the new aliar in the R.C. Church. Milton witi take place un Sunday. Juiy 11. High Mass wili be sung atil1arn. and vespers at 7 p.m. A serrnon wili be preacbed at botb services by the Rev. R.T. Burke. The choir oîf St. Andrew's Cburcb. Oakville wîll supply the music. A speciai collection w til bc taken Up botb in the murning anid cscning in aid of the rcpairîng fond. On Mîttîcay, tuly 5. EF. Haricy pickcd 31 2-quart boxes cof strassbcnîces on lits ftîers tarni on tIse mtcuntaîît soutitof' Milton- 175 wvere pickcd in the torcncuccî and 137 un ttîe afttcrîîun. John Milter of Esqucsîîîg on the base fine had a 54-ficot s 90-tout bank bani raîsed un Eriday. The trame was put uip in quicklv. in less than an bour. The tramiiig was by icîs. J. Peacock. i-buse wbo attended the raising had a vcry pleasant dancing panty ai Mr. Millers in the evening. There was a question as ttc wbîch side won at the raising and when the panty broke up ini the evcîing W.J. Clements, Pete Eiiiott and Johni Adams were st arguing the point. Physicians are warning peuple against the habit of wetting a lead pencil in the rnoutb. Wboever bas the habit runs cunsid- erable risk, for be rnay, wbîle in a bank or sorne sucb public place. involuntarily muisten a pencil that bas recently been in the rnouth of a person sutfering frorn an infectious disease. The cuvering of the ld taitrace frum the gnist Miii that crosses Main Street athie Commercial H-otel aîîd runs down Commrercial Street bas decayed and cave- ins are frequent. Monday nigbt's beavy ramn caused anoth- Milton ~ Timze 1P Capsules Oi tr on Maun Stree.t Miss Bastedos exhibition of paintings anîd drawings is 1)0w open on tice second floor ut Messrs. Bastedo and CO.S building on Main Street. The pictures show n are al tie produc- tion of Miss Bastcdo and lier pupils. Thcv arc in ol. watcrcolot s, pastel .ind charcoal and embrace an intinite sancetv ut studies. hcsidcs a nuncher ot lite-lîke portraits, paintcd Os Miss ijastedo berseit. AniongV thcse is a large portrait n oi ut Sehoicl Inspcctoi Liacon -w hich is par- tîctîlat y noticcahlc and ixrtît ularly truc lu lie. Tbc Brampton Club. having tortcîtcd ils mienbersbîp nthe. I-laton-Ptc.l basebal league. and Acton havitîg donc tbe same lhing by rfusîng lu play the schedulcd championship match last Saturday. the chamipionship whîc.h Milton won last sca- son remnains with Milton. August 1897 Jas. Boyd. ut Preston. whceled down lu Milton on Saturday atternoon and spent Sunday w'ý,itb his parents. i-e rcturncd on Monday attemoon. Frank McDonnel, the Ow'cn Sound rope walker. wbo crossed the Niagara River ai the Falls a few years ago. atîempted to ride a bicycle on a Oive lectric wire at Ridgewood Park, N.Y. on Monday. He wore a rubber suit to proteet hirn from the current. but il leaked and be was killed instantly. He had saved $25.000 by is exhibitions. He visited Milton a few years ago lu give an exhibition but a chimney. to w'icb bis cable was attacbed. coliapsed and the per- formance did nul corne otf. T/tsinuctehrîil k ssnbled on be/to/J tf fte Mitonuctortical Soi iet v bvs ni Dil//s chair ut cc'serîchwc/tu c/wt lec t/ed Os e-maoil 0f jils(a>idic t'cf.cîotn. Reader says aduit video stores and strip joints are an easy scapegoat for problems Dear Editor: i'd like tu respond Io the letter wriîten in the Juiy 23 issue of The Champion by Kaiby Christie, and actîiaiiy ail the letters written uppused tu Exxxotica and the sutcn- to-be upeneti strîp joint. Firsi of' ail. 'm cîct sure w here mcst ut these peuple bave been tidîng but Miltotn isn't ai perfeci lit- tic ti whcre ncting bad ever happecîs. We've bad a drug prubiem il'or ycars. but it justisn'i ciscusscd. i svas ici high scîctîcl here eigbt y'e.cîs agsc anti trust nie. f ytcu w anied a trtg- ainit any ticg - il was- nit tardto tc intt. As fcor vyuîg peu- pIe bas îîg ses. ttîcv svcre îasiig il ilieni ant l tlev arc su il lias ine il cîcîs. 'filicsucre ic batrs ýu en'tiI huame. Ttc Richart t .tiitcn. i 'Ike ici say ibat thc resptînsibîlity tfses ss nul only on girls. Ic yuur last letter youî statett tha iis should leani ttc sa nu. but maybe the btoys shccuid icarn lu stoîp .sking. filtakes isvccant iciisnttalw ays peer pressurc thats the reastîn t'or temales cîigagtng iin ses soîle tot us doc because wýe wanî to. Weicorne tothte 2 1 st century. We as wtcmen are as in charge ut the act as men are. As for sumneones persccnal reli- gîttus beliet. it thats the reasun wby you dunt agree wtb cubher tot these establishments. you bave a rîgbt tc nut ike it. tu express yuur opinion about it and lu nut gu near îbem yourseif. Huwever. yuu don't bave the rigbît tc point your fingers at certaîi groups ut peuple and nuake anyune wbct may visît these places intu crîiials. Tu address Ms Chrîstie's leiter, 'm a 25-year-oid temule aîdt i hase been oglcd by a bunch ut' smeily. drunk mcii (alsu suber unes) and it bas been happening for years. Jvc also in the pasi been lasbed and iben prcpositiuned by the guy. This ail tttuk place befure any tcf these îplaces cpcned in tswn anti they wtculd continue lu happeit even ifthtey wcren'i presenit. As tor te sexuai urges chat tiiese places cultis aie, base wou ever watched .cn adclt sitteo oîr bec inic a stip l'ni guess n ît. so how eau yttu even say wbai kînd oft urges these establishments cause'? Tbey 're îlot selling smut films and buokers. ibex 're adui puncographie nîcvies. .cîd estîtie dancers -nutbing more îoing less. Peuple bavîng ses in the vîdeos is neither tisgust- îng or illegal. andtif someone eîjoys watcbîng these muvies il's nu une cisc's business. If the owner of Exxxtttica was selling iilegcîl material or the strip joint was ttc stant prostitution. buth places wttuid be shut down. espe- cially witb ail the contruversy. Peuple in îowîc aiready svatcb the muvies and go ttc strîp joints. Tbey may bave ieft tuwn tu go gel the movie or go in the bar but guess what. tbey always came borne bere n Milton. Videtus and dancers donti cause rape tu bappen; a dis- îurbcd individual dues, and no une cisc is to biarne but the person com- mitting the crime. Peuple just like scapegucats and i guess rnany peu- pie in Milton are trying tu tîelp theni oui by giving them uone. Miltomn lu me is stîli a famiiy community. and 1 sit tfeedsecuîe and safe bere. For Ms Christie lu cumpare us ttc Chicago, Detroit, New York or Torontoc is extrerneiy cnrealistic. - We're îîutling like those cities ccir suIt we cicr bce-ati east nul n my lîtetime A strîp joint aînd an aduit vîdeo store wccn'i cause tbis ttc happeti andidf yccu bunestly beiteve ibis i teed bad for ytîu and anytinew iti teels the same \way because ycu'rc living in a narrusuv minded wvtrid. i know many donti share myv s ew. and that is fine tu eacb there own. O)ne mocre tbing, as a ytcung temale wvbc evcryune s supptcsed- ly trying tu prctect. sayîng tîuw vuinerable w'e are and huw the femnales need tu be prutected tfrom the big bad videus and strîp joints. i dont neett your protection and qitite frankiy linm sîck ut you uisîng my gender as an excuse. Nul ail women are againît these places and many vîsit tbem tbern- selves. Su next time use yuurseif ut yuur uwn mural reasons for justifi- cation and please leave the rest ut us oui of it. Daina Huit Milton Dear Editor: 1 wouid like to take this opportunity to tbank everyone wbo beiped make our 2002 Milton Strawberry Fair - beid June 22 - such a trernen- dous success. A speciai thanks goes out to ail the people and their fanilies wbo came out and supporled us. Aiso. tbanki tu ail Uie business merchants, serv- ice clubs, hospitai staff and ail auxiiary mnembers wbo beiped to make tIs day the success that il was. 1 woutd aiso like to weicorne and tbank all the newcomers to Milton wbo came out and supported this worlhy cause. Rose Barrow, presîdent Milton District Hospital A uxiilary weatte, 4UG~~~cr9te~Pda & Picture Framing Warehouse Since 1975 345 Steeles Ave. E., Milton hanropgallery@hotmail.com (905) 878-8161 & Ail Other Services From Ou Custom Frame Shop Sale ends Aug. 13111 1' Milton hospîtal auxîliary president says thanks to resîdents who supported the Strawberry'Fair

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