1 8--The Canadian Champion, Friday August 9, 2002 Junior Red Sox begin league playoffs" tooro M il/ton heads into dlouhie knockout competition tornorrow oign Clarkson. "The guys are oozin g By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion As of yesterday. Milton's junior boys basebal team wais still waiting to find out who tbey'd be facing in this weekend's tier two league playof action. The only certainty ai press ime was that the Roxul Red Sox would be ihe heavy favr:urite ai the five-tearn double knockout showcasc - having successlully tacklecl basically cvery tier two challenge this year to finish firsi in the regitlar season. 'Eventually we've got to beat evcryonc to sin. so I'm nlot 100 concemcd with who were facing first:' said manager Glenn Turner. whose juniors will enjoy an opening-round bye and bcgin \Vith all 10 pitîLbets .vaittble l'or moid orilsrk ---ind evcry ari n well rested from a two-week layofi the Red Sox sit tn exccllent shape for both their league playoffs and next wcekend's l0t-earn Ontario 'C' championships in Listowel. Plenty of depth Rcrnarked Turner, 'Being so deep in every position, it's (back- to-back playotîs) actually to our advantage. I think wc cao outdis- tance any oppo:sition that crimes our way. I Now back from coaching a surnrncr hockey prograrn in Verint, Jarrett Konkle joins a Miltomn tcarn thats already well stacked in cvery conceivable area. Perhaps the best indicattion of' this carne late last rnonth in Wallaceburg where the local lads used less than haîf of their pitch- ihe Red Siix 'hin tiughshod user ihcii tic: twso competitisin ssa record o) 17-2. And if that isn't enough îo create the necessary confidence for the next two weekends, thc local juniors also have the knowledge that just a month ago they held their own againsi sorte of the top A' level teams in the province at the Whitby Toumameni. They dropped two-rmn games to the firsi and third ranked clubs -Guelph and Peterborough respectively- and toppled seventh ranked North York 10-5. Milton begins ils league playoffs tonorrow at 11:3(1 arn. and continues in roîund three at 4:30 part. Both gamcs will bc played n ('larkson. The toumament continues through until Sunday aftcr- noon. ~MaI ~H Untumes the gold medal Da hockey team with Canadian 23-and-under team The Junior Red Sox will look to, shine on the provincial stage later ibis montb - but une of their players bas already secured international bragging rigbts. Jef MacLeod was part of Canada's 23- and-under squad that took top bonours ai the recent eigbt-team International Cup in Ottawa. The team won four of five round-robin gaines tu capture gold. Wbile not in the lineup for a 5-I upset victory againsithie beavily-favoured United States, Milton's 20-year-old pitcher/ouffielder was instrumental in the other tbree wins. On the mound, is best efforts were reserved for round one against Italy. In four innings, be beld the opposition botb bitless and scoreless whîle striking oiut nine batters to power the team tu an 8-2 ti umpb. Versus Canada's Under- 18 squad in round tbrec. be was nearly as effective - factoring into an 8-I victory by hold- ing the younger bosts Iu a single mun on une bit tbrougb four frames. MacLeod contributed offensively as well witb a couple of designated inter stints, including une in the final round robin gamne against Italy - wicb if won by tbree or more runs would give Canada the cbampionsbip. The Junior Red Sox veteran walked tbree imes and scored twîce tii fuel Canada's 6-3 title-clincbing win. His only bit of the toumnament carne against Australia in round two. vwben be doubled to drive in a run during a 5-4 defeat. The WIernational Cup triumph was the second igbly-regarded title in tbree years for MacLeod. wbo's now a tbird- year student at West Virginia's Salem International Ulniversity. In 2000, be won the Connie Mach national cbampionsbip witb the Ontaro Blue Jays. hosts golf tourney Milton's rîcalhoîckey players are hoping tu rletend their worlrl charnpîrnship next spring in Sweden. But lirsi they'll nced a financtal :ssist Jromn the cornmunity. whicb can support their upcomtng excursion by sîgning up foir the Canadian National Deat Ice Hockey ieans chaity golf tourna- ment and slent aucton ai Granite Ridge Grilf Club Septernber 26. Tbis inaugural event is in rnerory o)fiJon Guiresiante -a prominent member ut the 1999 Canadian dcaf hockey tearn. and forrner Ness Jersey Devîl hopetul. ssho died otf pneurnrinia luisi taîl. Walter Gretzky \vill be the guest speaker ai the tournarnent, sshîle also: iii: aud ssilI be ex-NHL great Jiihnny Bower. Prîîceeds trorn the eveni will go ttiward the trasel expenses for the national teain. w hich wîll include at least two Miltonians Charl Broussard and Marc Couture. The duto sere panrt Canadas 999 guld medal victory in Swiizerland. Other local players will have rone last shot atlrnaking the team at a tryout in the faîl. Anyone wishtng to sîgn up for the toumnament or becorne a sponsor is asked to caîl Normn Brownell at (905) 878-0752. LMILTON MINOR HOCKEY1 Aue Change Reforence Chari For the Hockey Sase, Buloginini 200212003 Division iriboar nue limeuIvOMIIO 1982 20 (wax 5 amer par rai.> iuvenlIo 198 3 or s.msaua.t veairs 19 a UMiOr Mudgit 1905 ar suhsaquet vairs 17 ILMner Minor Midgot (88 1and 1010w> 19 86 or subsaquait vairs 16 a Mider (&AI-la-A> 1987 or sussauua. vois 15 a.entir senantm 19 88 or subsaquîmt vairs 14 a. 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TrY Ont #MTIMO - 90