16-The Canadian Champion, Frday, August 9, 2002 CILj iules j 1.i. Competitive and Ifl iVm<4ArJ4 Hep Report Game Higi -Makstool 2 A giaoaiarglt lac an encîtîog îatch' The la inita, Star staalad slcongiy wrlb great Milon Jaycees 1saacirnul chances n the eaciy gonog ffteoog Raiobow Group 1 goaakapiig by occa agliarikept them Oaa avaorurg aýà tracotai i obahre Je ha I b liniSoOSe nWason scnred ta Mltîo Jaycees anadInhe rai bCravpas ine Maksi a 1t-0 ead aI 10e al In the bey pravroan sine caca ana ing saccer secnI balThe Star as bvaaînff aoard anc the spectlars Ca r v Foîtanton ci the rth Maksteel goal bt vmre cocea baik Rairbas Croap denien iaeMlon ivycees reeatedin ay trandoanaggad Wîlb 70e anc goals n roe trstflf ail oîl ey applîc arlac elonoecs agl~t fied, Maksleei s ,analar pressare a Baîbava Pap s Davia Bido scaced la pt ceno p2-O C r' anaca Prce as able la captaiar an a Tna Star ept attace og Iboage adasîtb passed al lppîog it past he Miton aboutl1r minutaes enaaîung ,ere eard ivocea s goaaiîa Jessica gancaîveslaegîve Pd an a goal by Sachîn Glial i nl e h v the aînoom rovp a t1 adataItheed minores sera action packea Marc aI tha tîrst liait Krser Pan toaS avec as Motnkoskî made ri oaataoaîng ave la goatre lac 1e Milaon Jaycees in the secona gîve Ina Star a chance la ie, bal abîmaus iait, adîg off ailateraps by the capcs by Brandon caggarl on 1e dyiog faînbow gnovp in the second ail On a seconds preser'aed the asînfta Makareet ihcow ce ram leanar Loaman, Candce Great maork by Maksteet s Geotrey Criera Baîtey pasoea the bal ta Kapise Kearos ana1eSrstnMioPaySneoa mOn dcîled 10e al passed 10e Banbom yOd Ari Foop lbcaagnout the marcs Grava goaie, aie earcca la lie 1e neipae 05 gamde. totO tsams payca eceptîoal eipadbos detensîve and offensive antes ___________________ Paintech 4 Vanler Insorance 0 The gyms as a showaI ofeduranccstac bth tarisomoendcog irO a O-O in toc actech Caîlyn Cioncy-lura ano blexandra Sellons sarnos 10e shtout tac the Girls n Bue Sacantha casprch con- tinusd er goal-scoccng streak bp dominaI- omg 1e ormard liiaeap la score tica. asorgia S5ih0 as saccess tlo n another bnsakamoy Io score irO a quoc< passofront the mdde. rio Chermaîka as briani n hec inatil goa-scorcot attempi oni o pas fom the ogt ode srckng tho bail mca- airr ana bslitcg il in bereso 1the pothi Kelly nicsher as aiastîcnio deteoce. achot arris proasa bhat patience io evecythîng io ha tormaad icospana Caisy obetsonn mu' amy intumental ce the mdieta oselpcog 10 keep the alice 10e offeosive aît oc mool on 1e gymsie gantler Ioorancs goales Aeoandra Couris ana Samanthfa Sîkotîch mre put to the test yod ecs aeny succossotv tandcog off maoy aniremrdsd affampto by Pactech Jua unter ana athiaso Isecsott aa soma Puge kicks ptovcog ossbeocs o bsrack- oed wmin garance toc ganter Jocelgo itrich, and ua Coul oia coîlctea some bneaaays n nthe mcd ana lormard ces toc 0aiac nrssting in soma great atsmpts or tbcsatsng tOeshubtovI'. No-Teck Recriters O Lindsay Mlaren-Rernas 2 tl as o tast ga mîlO tbots tsums pss- Off the bail watt Moaverck Mcaren and Paniltnimonota pupsd anal toc Beau and Mucus rer anA Sanray Moodîs piad ton Nu-lacs. Taylor turgass came bck from camp and scord 3 goals toc Nu-Tch. Grat Mourares bot soccar sboess Eckad 2 mors goals in on Nu-TacS. TylerBrious sconsd the linut Nu-Tch goals, Wude Sturso anA JackEaPglas scorsd gouls tocrnaa t ws a gîst eîght or soccen. Fiftb Wbeel 10 The Toronto Star 2 The mrgîn ni iictony by FrBb W5as i dd nor cin anp wuy rattact on the qulirtgr ni soc- cer papsd by Ths Toonto Star te tact, both tsums piuyad a uanp tst and sactng gume ot soccanr. itAWbssi cames lipn out nI tAs Socks and mre eudcng Bit by buitîime. For TAs Toonto Stur, Scbîn OSai papsd mamailousiy in mîdrard, both nr creatng chances toc is tsammtas s watt us besukce up the muep Fcffb W5sa attuckcng pays, iftA W5ea strueg their psses togettrar watt and macs cswardad airS gouls ftoom Adum torîstîr (2), Stuar Goodan (2), Mchai elPrsntuk 2), and one sucs Ioni Brader Luwtec Andnam Scantse, und Cny Cptup tenaddition,a datansîse rroi by tha Toronto Stuc rsat- sA in an ome goal, micb mus cedtad to FiftttWbaat ScerngfreTh1e iTrntte Stor mrs Ban Van dern nifanud Pariai Scbanbr Te tbsîn ceadit, bots teunis piuayd mtbet uny substtutas on tAs bancs nd gae t tharn it tbnugbnut ths entîra 7t minutas, wtb nuwautan breaks A greatgamtemntait playaer Brantford 7 Milton 3 Ohe game starlea cal in daanratîc style vurih goakeeper Aodreni Oveette Wilkinson makîng a nase-aive bav ie atbîo tha eacty minutes aI play trantford barst Ibroagb mîth tberr lîrst goal a minute aller- wacas Matlbeai Stcatoan mas active in Ostence, covecîng lat and cîght sîdes nI tbe field mite ease, mbits Byan turgess ana Michael Cacinga rook vaiant strîdes aI thwaOîong the trantford attecce Jason Pntmaamas the Oîgloth e lîrstbaill vîtb vo îospîrnrg goal Anacem Pauettele- Wilkinson apeneo tbe second naît mirO a beautîtt ura bIcave Mark Wison o tked good toc a goal passihrlity. bal bas kick hic just mîssea tha net yod hOcth1e post mîlO sîgitîcaît aplomb Jason Potmaa and Brandoan Wsîtaog duasad their aîay nast Ina Braofford deteoce ta marrI Ima extra points oni the score sheet tac Miton Prama rergord sapreme mîthîn the last 10 min- aIes ot play ohen the reterse amarded Branord a airect kick aI a btînkîng dis- lance ot 2 cactrmetsrs amay tram Mitron s goali Kudos ta Miltron toc cemnaalnog cool and cottectea ShoOtly affecwacas, goal- keeper Anace em gete-Wîtkîoson. mha stadead thegyms naîth greaIcootiaence, safferd an agoîaîng mrîst icoloryala the sangs nI the Brantford offeoce Ce hboaIo Ps remoapdff ram play ana Matthem Straffon stepped o bandîty to keep the opponents aI hay ftoho bulaoce aI play Cambridge 4 Milton 1 There's aine magic in Cambrdts--plus tour othen leffero -or sOnit moutd appear tnt tthe Mîlton Matin team Aithsugh a hanritut ot ils retutar termards mers amuy, Miltose sned up a stronig team wath deter- munationnnerits nids Michael Caninga, Bpaei Burgss and Anda Casînroka piapsd a stnooig and effective detence as the irnt sait saw the score aI a respectable 2-t an taveur ot Cambrdge. Wîth 3 minutes teSt betons ths break, Mark Wilson teritio roiisd the bali n past a dîstracted Cambridge traie.Escîtement absunderi mbsr severai close catis atlths Miltonnet Sud tans gusping ton brsutb BAaron Caue came menacîntia clnse 10 tîppiOg the nombers an Mitron's tavour. The second hait saw Miltron ar a dîsudountute wîtb the sur's ssffîng caps prooitint an îli-timed obstacle. Wdh a guestînniabis cati on Rpanl Burgesssie the munînt minutes outheb game, the Cambrdte squud mas offensA a penaltp kick onMilton, As the Cumbrige traie strode up contfidsntly to tue the shut umidst soud chesîs and hîtO 5's, i uppeunsd a muer cettainity tsar CambrAdge mnuiii score Ibres limes in the bnttnm hsuit A strong, uccuratsiy piaced kick coulA net escupe the însn-miisd clutches nI kespen, r Muttbsm Struffon, who prousd te Se the aicter in tbîs buatte ofthte goulies. A Anil tiant suse by Mutthem Struttoni on a penul- tgy kick, sîtenced Cumbridge und ieff Milton mdb ua magîcut nîctnny-B-iront in points, tben in gril anA rasie te the end. ~tte ISt Md4on q~dkc$occe4 c&4.t hlights - JuIy 22- August 6 ,0 2002 -La Rose Bakery 5 A very eucalîng game. Ch chaiked vp serme - amaaîng goals mtb S camînig tram Zak Miltone Cllison 2 Scholta d4 tramd Aoocem Bayolon. ara Nassagaweya t/et Lab 3 Mlon oliin 2 anarber frontrCosmo Rada la La Casaeo Kodak owr Eoimoo ~ Brians Auto Repair and Tire 3 pecîecîîyeecarea goals ecs patrin ram Kodak owe Eqipmnt loTess wIl trampiysda ohav a te e Kevîn Miler (3 goalsi, Stephen Adamo il mharks ta al the girls nibo shomea va toi flitgamo -ieraiî0 The bail seemea lo go goal) ana ossat Collier Il goal)ILtn t0e botet Canada Pay game lever' tothot fid I0oahad la conol lao bean oinomea grear teamaîark virO Narban Hcss leams ytvyed a grea gyms hoavi scarero blier the lanco Mîltoiane blaOOed the piayîng aviasama mdiîsa and Braon test, lac assagameya getloCb mre acca Fr aie scocng wîlb a goal Oc MalîbQ ua sellOItCaria Pasguaaînaonter ale ana Mchael ,I ciogoal yod bbanra Lste clOtan ana is grpa inans iilO tamo iaIe nrgsnalngpaiffcactiI goal Linidsay Mania nmade groal piap n traaataiiC'a bîaNicoc as Bonanofi eeoce i Csa s alenisice lîro vasOUL goal andl Poniaite odeogabfî i n galnsa rionsAo aInor cd nealt iavoko nogriot standing is Paonaanîc cîcai Jay Ghumav byr cai mionngocs o laal Ie onuSaras assîng ad pon /ChaseaBelan d Alalarca ai Can ein ccesianaeea ng pioayrscaia plyer!aaa shoaoaanng ganr a Poîck e aoîîlîWhite Colin McIinca ana on c npanrenîs ai oay Satia in nnecor Micsay Cranmer kapi 10e il fcana rosîng Tyer aontafor Lac PoRsa ana Mail t/etLabcanîca lniiiniatele yalt ostie poso bacall Inr i.-P Nassagaweya VtL tr scaca lac Mita an a AGreat j' rdiog Vanter Insorance 2 bv Ioda Massaitlaco Snia s Aira kep oli Scott BatenChok 4 A gravI pacad gooce wîtb ciose chances lai any abher goals despîlepre abialonis b it neCllso hein 'ides loanko n0 batnt evîn goares tMichalKai sac ana Brunoa tanginia Patr Ofs er y hot sommer o nîgbc Miaovne 10e hilai scoeac o niy 2 -1 evirs ana Kaaîîî loavo, Madge aocb scacea Co liso s ae y an crderyi h Goalkeeprs for NssagaviyaCollisionsr Paon Rayon vilcacearueau0 LnaIna gaakapac tc Ssogacav la oplac Brahalo ari eamdcasam lic t bail lasel the fast pace aI planSoa soiee Sana Ctke yod Orîscîna Macpoy Hone n n he aConics ana amas scacers toc Scot5atsochas vics Grcgory Ina goal scacerorr lac haagaaîeva vo Maoon i e oeyiaOa îOnbu Brooks 2Pi asosmy POce (111ana MacOvni Oaîna Lîlse yOd ihe goal scocer o lcrane rdosic1) Mitaaune o Brandon Cronîn gantierweeaAtsan Secedo and Krtsia Scott Baeochok 4 ara Scott Saleacbak s Scott broyer modea beraitSisl gma irl * ~greal allonsiv va ays gîtanorva a Deriiti ret amegilsLindsay MLrn- Bernas 4 Mitîvie s OndraiMalrno ad Scott Plis vavoa ganome nI ves T i a ll il Baenaoas Ccvii havir ept the bail OIiof Tint Horons 1 caritScott Baenchukas 0510 , v:1yüca ofi csneatîae ends tn keep tna naît mnv Kodiak Power Eqiprnenl 2 Lnd'aa' Mcnara a CaRmas ad lo t gn Fn nýda ogrear soccar mach'c The teomo kepi hir ions on ira aagc' cif ladon0 gai' oy Cian baio j Rýi, r 10etr s act ocins gamnel0cm Crton ent 2)andJaanidinq i!ci g . ai ha scnccog vlO a goal Sa iiian P oaacOnthecane goaliscocer lai cras McLr o nmà in05hsecnoa hhait SoOcaS enninir Pqacprani scoced Ima boauti goava are ay Layne Crnie ana 1e oaber y Mcheia aceros odak ower Pgvaprnolciona goineaticth a score aI 2-t Specai iccagicu lion gaes ot o, ayn Bnsvanve nI KodakasPRaer Pgapmant. toc c rnan'g iSe a ci ruolaa nd ana Allie Baccmb aI Tim Hotnnnas flaigreal hostie ana lo Mcha ieStapies ana Nataooa HCoudra nI lii orion faorta agreat dOtnicve aTcn Fantostic goaatkepcng tcom rSnob mord ana Andrea Krebs toc r m HCaonns ana Pciy Wacoek ana Jli' hagu an toc SodaSPRvier EPgvrpnio Canadien TireO Tint Hortonsi Canoduan Tires goaiîso apta Mitlais ana galerie Bais e mrc aeosmai Soorcng the olo T 0m CHoiosciao bndrac Sceico yod jitcoo osavud autO sanie greol sovesi Scorcog 50e gumas oncy goal nas 1cm Hrons Toni Tetanas Sapai game piayea by Canadian lices Cnecca aras Setsey Wcmmeyod Satico Shaveca Canadian Tire 3 Nassagaweya t/et Lab 2 Witlrte icocantavao bscog abus ta thcom mater barboons ai Coach DbSfuthtey mvin. taam Caoadran Tire ises 50 the occasion' Sayta Malais, Shunstis Oaine and alerie tanks scorea Canaduan Tira's 3 goals on a penaltp sot ma Io goOul).Scorng bots goals Ion Nassagumeyu Ver as Couru Wilson. tosp gelires hat madelsose amaret asuw ecs Jessica Cyr anA Curu Proshu toc Cunaduan ire, anA Caroines Show anA Crîstana Murphy toc Nassagamepa Ver Cub. Great game payad Sy ia Pametranus (ceft) anA oants Chanes lot Nssagawsya. Speciautmention to Cunadrun Tras Cbeseau Ounnrd anA Atson teebon toc thean great mdtid play. Thanks te Cunudirn Tira's Coach DeS toc einig a gond sport! Wate a butios ut sasco gamet Vanter Insrance 2 Tint Horins3 Oght gama, gond gouitendang, anA toeanA Ciroklckers O Canadian Tire O tf ms a csulaengrng gamne on a humid nrght, ut dspds e Sat botS eums piaysA aecaptrenuitp mati Chrnkckers' geuteniders Jade teemnrdge anA Charots Snom meeked Srd suoret shots, uiong mth Cnuruan Tire' s geuitandar Capta Malais. Desamuing spacrat menton s GabrilDans tom Canudrun Pre anA tachai Cusen Item Cbirekickans, tee trte datnsîsa piys The Toronto Star i m MlIon 2/0at4 oce444/M Phone 905-815-4072. Leavo Message www.miltonmagic.com Ranas boteabacs iii the second hait autOh goals Py NhîcOaas Teeman' (2) and yîog 0he gamva avidoaca cîga iha vas eht standing aoanein frant aIf1thenct The go00e f5 oc C 000av McLareno erai oereB coaca itamleg ad Zocs Wialpole 'No a ntO piued asone Standing tl i e tenpipas lac Scott teocoak vas Mchalcdocc Pis is the second linme tOs gear esa Ian Icoems cavP fedvte Ca ra breavigani' gos loduslial Light & Eleclic lot 10 Milton 3 Saltteet 1 The Mogccic avetea ta Stnneyccaek lac a rococo match ogacoot SouffiercijOn Mlilon oaal beaien 4-i sarlicar iun1he oaasan aI naine The resait wassanatOor vctaîn toc the girls v ncing 321,secaccng Oai nota an 3ca paca TOeeas been no incaeos dsiceen tbase tlines vivec thena 0012 yeavc0 ys Syctîsi tpa, o a ery aggresscaa ano pyocai gama lOrs game ciaso n exceptioan a 1 2 glbavi cacao beang GIRLS UNDER 13 STANDINGS FOR JUNE & JULY GAME POINTS TEAM GAMES POINTS Vanlerr losorarn e I1 24 Chirrokit kerro 1o* 19 ].K. Pools & Patio il 17 Kodîak Power lEquîpment il 15 Nassagaweya Vol Lab 9. 1 3 Tin HorIons 1(11i Muddy Duck il 9 Cdnaslian Tire il 8 *1 Camne Rained Ot GIRLS UNDER TEAM Designer Toudi Apple Auto Glass Domino PizzLa Milton Jaycees 15 STANDINGS FOR JUNE & JULY GAME POINTS GAMES WINS TIE LOSS POINTS 9 5 2 2 17 9 4 3 2 15 10 4 2 4 14 10 2 1 7 7 NORTH PEEL HALTON BOYS UNDER 17 STANDINGS TEAM GOALS FOR GOALS AGAINST R.S. POINTS Bolton 33 10 22 21 Milton 36 26 10 18 Erin 19 17 15 10 Acton 21 28 19 4 Georgetown 15 58 15 0 Oakvillea 23 8 20 0 nOakville does flot impact standings, as they are a Select team. SruufulyaknslsdssNOTICE tho nflmai Mblup.TEAM PHOTOS ARE DUE ma"vidytunTOMuf F1TO ARRIVE THE WEEK Look for game reports in Foot Notes in The Canadian Champion every Friday throughout the season. HousLague, Rep and Ail-Star Coaches remember to send in your game write-ups to: myscfootnotes@stn.net or deliver to 599 Vanier Drive by Friday of each week. s-et i t I NSILL$r 1 1 wîth Dawn vVîliams emardedI o Saltleet, Tbe Magic controlled tbe play ealy inthe game. moiagthe nal Up wih geod bal contrai trom Sara Miancini, laine Robinson and JessIca Seitmao Aggcassioe allackiog by Shannon Johosion, Taoya Madori and MelIssa bismondi kept tha bail in the offensive cane Tommy Merritt scored ber icstolf02 goals in the gama miaiy Irooga the icol bail ooi a stcoog kicka rom tbe top oft he na hat anas misbanalea h tbhe Satleet eaepar lIae Magic ient up 2-0O caban Merîn scarea ber 710 goal oft 100 seasar aarly n tbe second naît on a fteo kck tcom rosi otsîde oaIthe leftI ide ai the box, ccîvng itinca tbe top leh corner oaItha net M iton rosavent ita etensine shel wtb srang play rain Ieîa Cemeal bAlabla tyrnes-Frîaoeii. jolie lancocca and Leolce Pvnaell Sairleet conlînoea 10 preos and vece ewaaded mrtlh a score on a goal uine crambie la close wmîlnr1tgoal ot the Magîc Wîlb ime wndrong cdoano Salîleet aas avaadod a penalgy kick lot vas 1vacl by nlelmieider Cassandra Secghammec detisctîng the onol off the criosar and hehîna the net, Crossa curics Iben pot il away lac Mloe, îiaslîrg Megann Orns acte cngthemîdea arampoSne cti r aini s aalstan o and IraAes sro altee ogalste mIi gam The teamn contnves b pay beffer as nie playoffo approaco