The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 2, 2002-21 Players who finished year have my respect We've ail heard the expressions "Wirsners neyer qm t! :u "id C .~'vr l players Irons the Milton Morouders who quîtthuat team? Winnirsg wau neyer pars of the equaion. When shey packed in sheir cleasu the teamus record wau 0-7. As the end of the ueauon shey were 0-9 and had been outucored 376-15. Wbat would you do? Keep on playing or give it up and uave yourself the bother? I carsursdersand someorse quitsing; it'v a peruon- aI decisiors thas shey believe iv bes for them, what- ever the reason. I cars undersand it, but 1 can's respect it bccauue they aluo quis on their eam- mates. They cersainly weren't doing shem any favours by leaving them on sheir own as the Alamo while they ran for uafesy. t I've een mos of the Milton Marauderu games tbiu eason, covering them for The Champion. I make fun of their ireptisude, but the focs of the masser iv I uill respect shem, game after game. If I had thoughs shey werer's even trying I probably would have gone su the editor, Karen Smith, and uaîd forges i, 1 have betser sbîrsgs su do on a Saturday or Sursday and The Champion bas beter thingu 50 pus in the sportsusection. I woulcl have quit, irs osher words. 1 neyer aw arybody quis on the field, even ss ers shey were gesirsg bombarded by their latesi oppo- nens. Dowrs by a harsdful of toucbdowrsv I stili saw playerv giving is their ail on every down; I vavu left fi eld playeru giving up tbeir bodies and lying humt on the field; 1 uaw playeru getirsg mad as themuelves for making a mistake. Au long au they cared, vo did I. Is wau a hopelesu situation, and yet st waun's. A Iot of us have played or coached on seamu thast os every game. I know I bave, everal imeu. I neyer once ever sboughs of quiting. For one shing, loing seamu can bc a lot of fun becauve sbere's no pressure, alsbough tha's nos a popular opinion. Bus, I didn's jus play uports vo I could win games, I played because st was fun. Thats nos so say loirsg cant get to you, but you have Io sake your victories wbere you can find them. For the Marauders, it could be a rare long gain, an inerception, a goal-lme stand or a sack. li's ike playing golt. Maybc you canst break a 100 bus someime during your round you're 1lîkely so is a vboi shas goes jusi lthe way you envisioned i. Tha'su whai you remnember and thats what keeps you comning bock. That, and the possibilisy of besuer dayv ahead. iri urîîtI', u urxrruî,' . oîx v orit' ilioss sportss. s that type ot gaine. You're sogetbcer in the trenches and as the ersd of the day, wirs or love, you share a bond with your brotheru in armu. Ins Miltors las wo gamev of the veavon there were exhausted playeru playirsg out of' position 50 compensate tor shose who weren's there. Why did- nst they quis'? Why did they keep ors givirsg it everyshirsg they had? Beuideu, the Marauderu are an expansion seam. They were uupposed so loue and loue big. There are many examples of temrble teamu that gos better. My (sort of) stepsors, for example, played on a ter- rible AAA bavebaîl team when he wau younger. If they bust 18-3, they had a good game. But, the playeru stayed together, worked bard, and gradually gos better. Last year, they were Ontario champions. If they had quit, shey'd have beers nothing. Somesimes, qusssîrsg ivsthe easy choice. vome- urne, itss the wise choice, sometimes it's the only choice. The players in ibis instance know which orse applies su them. For the revi ot that eam. quistirsg wasn't an option. despise overwbclmirsg odds alm<vi evcry time they ssepped on the field. Tbey deserve a lot of respect for that. and tbey have mine. Fa-x ait of your team reports and sports story ideas to Steve or drop them off at 191 Main St. E. F INTH UNE *Great Natural Tees State of the Art Mats *Target Greens I*Bunk ersI 1i $2aOO OFFil WITH HIS A ----w---'-- Flamboro Downs hosts top pacing fulies tonight Ontiio'v top two-year-old pacirsg fillies head for Flamboro Downs sonighs for sheir ixîhsraight week of provincial stakes action. Leadirsg the salentect Ollies 101v) sheir third Gold Series Eliminasion is reigning Gold Final champ The Pasroos, wbo over- came sloppy conditions as Rideau Carleton Raceway las weekend to pos her third vicsory ins Ove provincial surts. "Earlier in the nîght the track was rated off four seconds and when ube raced tl was off swo seconds,' recalled tramner John Kopas. 'They'd had ramn for movt of the day, heavy ramn, and it wasn't a real good racetrack, but she secmed su bandle il very well." The Campbcllville resident adds that the Albers Albert daugbter recovcrcd eaily from ber 1:57.4 effors ins the lop and be expets ber to, deliver another volid per- formance from pos tbree in sonighs's sec- ond race. "There could be a Preciouv Delighs or an Odieu Fame pop nus of the woodwork in Auguut, but as tbis points I think my filly bas uhown uhes competitive wîth what's out there righi row," remarked the veseran horseman. "And Id be the firs o admit I thoughs vhe'd be a nice filly. but I neyer shouglit she would do wbat she bas donc. She bas been a very pleasant surprise.' In addition so ber Gold Firsal vicsory, The Patriot bas possed wins in a Gold Elimination ansd a division of the Trillium Series. She finished third in the firs Gold Final as Woodbîne Racetrack from post 10 and was second in the eliminatiors round as Rideau Carletors from post eigbt. -You rcally dont krsow what you've gos unsil you've started them a couple of imes," Kopas said. "But the Oirst indica- tion I had wau the firt day we qualified ber and uhe paccd ber lat quarter irs :27.2." Breeders Glengate Farms of Campbellville ansd Suvretta Stables of Toronto share ownership ors The Patriot, and Keith Oliver handîcu driving duies for the wirsrer of $139.832. -I tbirsk Keitb is a real salent, and I dont , Ho of Beat wit SADR ISNDE sbîrsk he gets the recognition he deserves yet." said Kopas of is regular reinuman. - teed very comforsable when be iv drîvîng one of mine, lacs very asusc oui there." Oliver and The Patriot will face a field of seven irs the second race sonighs. They'll include tbree Gold Serieu regulars, three fillies makirsg the leap up from the Grasurootu level and orse rewcomer so the Ontario Sires Stakeu vceere. Division leader Norshem Harmony, who wau undefeated unsil the July 26 Gold Final as Rideau Carletors, will make her bid for a fiftb victory from pos Ove in the vîxth race. Bill Robinson of Hagervville trains the Run The Table filly for Genie Tucker of Montreal, Sampvon Street Stables of Otd Forge. Pennuylvanîa. Don Bray of' Newcastle and Angelo Dînardo of Etobîcoke. The other Elimination goev potward au the l0sh race on Flamboro Downs' 3 p.m. program. Tbe top îhrce finivheru from each Elimirsation will retum to the Dundas baîf- mile Auguut 9 for sheir third $ 130,000 Gold Final. 1 DETR DVNUE' DISCOVER YOUR DENTURIST IF YOU WEAR DENTURES 1. Avoid using pods, liers or denture adhe- sives ta imprave the fit of your dentures. If they're baose, see your denturist. Your gums, like your eyes, change as you get aider. Dentures, like eyegbosses, must be adjusted or changed periodicolly. 2. Avid using very hot or very cold water on your dentures, and dont let them dry aut. Such extremes con couse your denture ta worp. 3. Remave yaur dentures avernight and pet them in a container filled with water. This wan't cause your face ta sagl It wilI give your gums a needed rest. Healthy gums wilI extend the Ife af your dentures. 4. Have yearly check-ups. Our office does sot charge for consultations. If you follow these tips, yaur dentures will fit, functian and look their best. Yau do sot nat need a referral; simply coul aur office direct. MILTOMDNMdE CUNIC Garry Trenton, Denturist 159 Main St., Milton 905-876-2000] OUT A FRESH START. Get SOLUTIONS now for: Credit Cord Problems oss of Job or loved Ose Rpossessions Major Cash Fow Prohlems Woge Grnshmerts Evictiors Persistent Bill Cullecturs Judgements, Law Su i Student boar Delisquesr Toes Foreclosures Divorce Reloed Finorcial Problemns Bankrupicy can be avoided. (alut! No charge for initial conutation! **PADDON + By Appontment Ontv. *gYORKE INC.8 5 0 1 225 Main Street East (Main & Martin St) Miltan A better solution'