lO-The Canadian Champion, Friday Augusl 2, 2002 Crackdown on young offenders reits in ninmerowiç*chawreç* Police laid numerous charges in north Halton during the recent three-month Strategic Targeted Offender Program (STOP) for young offenders. Throughout Milton and Halton Hilîs, police arrested 36 youths and issued three arrest warrants. They laid 23 breach of probation or recognizance charges, 89 curfew charges. 37 provincial offence charges, one weapon charge and 10 drug charges. The project was tunded by the Youth Crime and Violence Initiatives of the Ministry of the Solicitor General. The program dedicated more than 600 hours of staff resources îo follow up on youths who had been released on criminal charges with conditions and probation orders. The special task force was made up of officers and district youth officers. A number of curfew checks and a special focus on areas where youth typically con- gregate resulied in a total of 87 arrests, 5 1 breach of' prohation or recognizance charges. 112 provincial statute offence charges and 42 drug charges throughout the region. "The I-lton police are pleased with the results and believe that intelligence-led policing is an effective way to deploy resources," said lnsp. Jackie Gordon, comn- munity policing officer. "The results of projects such as STOP can have a substan- tial impact on crime trends." She said after four weeks of the start of the program, offenders in the north end complied with their curfew checks by 100 per cent. The success of' STOP has prompted Halton police to continue with the project on an ongoing basis. You may forget where the fuel goes. Along with improvements in diesel science that include quieter engines ond more power, Volkswogen's advanced TDI engine con caver more thon 1 ,00O kilometres* of highwoy on a single tank of fuel. (Which, incidenta lIy, s occessed Iust by the right reor wheel orch.) TI P -D / 0k Geo rg etown Volkswagen 199 Guelph Street, 905-877-5285 Drivers wanted( e Mon - Thurs 9:00 arn - 8.30 Prn; Fni 9:00 arn-600 pm; Soi 9:00 amrn 5:00 Pm ýýHistoric home more accessible BY RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Information about Milton's historic homes may soon be more accessible thanks 10 the cataloging efforts of a local her- itage group. With the help of volunteers and summer students, the Local Architectural Conservation Advisoiy Committee (LACAC) is working to researeh and catalogue aIl 1,400 properties on its historie structures mnventory. "Mhe most important thing is that we've been able to col- leet, maintamn and store Milton's complete architectural his- tory," said John Challinor, LACAC acting chair. "0f course, thia cataloging is of extreme importance to the community for the future. We've flot only catalogued the cur- rent architecture of historical signiicance, we've also cata- logued propertics that are no longer here because they've had to be demolished or were demolished by the property owner." While efforts to photograph and catalogue the town's his- torie structures is nothing new, a much more advanced method is now being implemented - the Heritage Architecture Archivai System. Information for the computer systemn is currently being inputted and will soon be accessible fromt a computer termi- nial aI Town Hall. Eventually, access to the system will be available on the Town's Web site, added Mr. Challinor. "The reality is that it's (catalogue) a public document, but physically it was very difficult to gel 10 sitting in a file cab- inet ai Toswn Hall," lic said of tlhe curreni public access. More research underway Additional research is also underway lu beef up the content of the catalogue- something that will take several years Io complete. More than just a public interest catalogue. the new com- puter system will also be of great benefit t0 Town planning staff. said Mcl lovio, Milton's director of planning and devel- opment. "We find it helpful for demolition permits and such like that. We would have some information in our systemt to go to and sec whether or not il's (structure) of interest 10 us which would put il through a différent process," he said. The catalogue will also aid in develnpment planning, the director continucd. "There may be a building of (historie) interest, which trig- gers a différent process in terms of assessing that properly," he said. 'We've had a couple (historic) buildings out in the Mattamy subdivisions that have been moved (by developers) to other appropriate locations. There may also be an opportu- nîty 10 leave it where il 15 and build il mnto a development. ~ Montewsori Scheduled to open its door to the community in September 2002, for ages 2 1/2 to 5 years. We are now accepting registrations, imited seats. Monte5sorÎ ~5cJIoo of Milton 900 Nipissing Rd., Milton Saturday August 3. 2002 e' lam -Zpm C416-876-4001 'I *nomdcnu nr wys eadhe fnepintFuel cnomy atngsfrnthe kiltOaTi. New Betee Di Ta nd Golf TDI oth 5 ,peed mrnua tansisinfrethe EeeGuide 2001 Fuel CosmtinGid rdue y auolRsure and. îsiaed hghay ange of geter thon 1,000 kiotetes bed o a54.9 litefueItak copocity. Adrnl lege myrny fâ)