8-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Juiy 26, 2002 LACAC to have more say in building demolitions By RICHARD VIVIAN ance the wîshes ni property owners and the presmrauion iii bis- torie structures, says LACAC. Town council passed a motion Monday that saw the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Commitîce (LACAC) lor- mally included as a commenting agency for demolition permîts to historic structures. "We want to have a gond relationshîp with property owners in the community, but we also want to ensure that the Town's inter- ests are protected,' said Councilior Jonhn Challinor, acting chair of' LACAC. "This ensures that we deal wîth the issue ofdemolition fairly- Whîle the Town is mandated 10 circulate LACAC on permit requests for the town's 25 designated heritage sites, there was pre- viously no formaI structure for LACAC to comment on the town's 1,4001 historie sites. hiuhci ruffaiion li- the his;toi-ic sites ssisîi't i pan ii,.-Iii mnfîîtiii )i\ :Sif 'e I ii3ihl . 'iil( Il 15 iii Si c imm ,î\î Iiiplac s a tiîîliely pîiîiss Illai siii belle- fît tri the propenty owner and ni' henel'it to the iiiwn,- continued Mr. Challinor. -Il was i't aiways tîmely hefore." Upon circulation, LAeýCAC wili consider whethcr or not to scek a heritage designation f'or the structure under the Ontanci Heritage Act. Shouid the designation he SOUght, a 180-day demolition mora- torium s enacted. giving tîme for the Town and propenty owner Io negritiate the issue. l-owever, in the end, the decision to dcmolish ultimateiy remaîns in the hands ni' the property owner, added Mel lovio, Milton's direcîîr ni'planning and developmenî. 'We have to make a decision ion permit issuance) hascd on the situation and Building Code requirements," he said. The Milton Hîstorical Society- whîch originally asked the TowNn Io review its demolition permit poiicy foiiowing the dis- You may forget where the fuel goes. Along with improvements in diesel science thot include quieter engines and more power, Volkswagen's advanced TDI engine con cover more thon i1000 kilometres* of highway on is occessed o single tank of fuel. (Which, incidentolly, just by the right rear wheel arch.) w - /10k Georgetown Volkswagen i99 Guelph Streef, 905-877-5285 TI P 50 6 Drivers wanted."(a Mon- Thurs 9:00 arn - 8:30 pmn; Fri 9:00 am - 6.00 pmn; Sai 9:00 arn- 5:00 prn I îiink tuie ios n s ani 1( sec hîstorîcal sites preserved as inuch as we (Io." said Mirella Marshall, presîdent of' the Milton Historical Society. -W're certainly in agreement with il (policy change)." Tickets approved Smokers caught lighlîng up ifl public places may soon be facing a $155 ticket. Town counicil approved the tickets Monday. However, should the Town decîde to place tonnai charges on an individual or an establishment, a court trial could still lcad to a $51100O fine. It allows tiar officers or heaiîh inspectors 10 give oui a ticket, much like parking in a no parking spot," said Towvn Clerk Helen Lîsi. who i)versees the byiaw enforcement office. The same $155 fine applies 10 establishments and workpiaces that permit smoking, fail to post no smoking signs or fail 10 pro- hibit ashtrays and lîke paraphemalia. Ticket levels will now be forwarded to the Ministry nf' the Attorney General. Chief Judge, for consideration. Chief Judge approvali s required to permit tickeîing under the Provincial Offenses Aci. BODYof HEALTH< Vitamins & Healtk 'Products Order On-fine or by Phone ww 1d0oheaItcanada1COM 905-845 3125 1500 Upper Midde R&. W. unit 4, OakviIIe Professional Qualificd Staff Free Shipping until Aug 31/02 ldy 14 loty 22 Boxing Boxing CRLI FOR TICKET INFORMATION Dates and events saingee totachange, Visit tihe Sis ai Mohawku Racetracir. 9430 Guelphr Lina or eau 1-ý8(0732-2230. Must bn 19 years oi age or aider. Pour renseignements an français, velullez consalter an des représentants do Cercle des gageants. Go toi tan, ot tfortirok iEs r esansia Vibe Ontario Problem GembiinaHein-Lie 1 --230-3505 Irformed rons,,rners ai'ooys rend tefne print. Fuel n,cnomy rangs tfor the Jete TOi, New teetlinTDI and Gol TDIi coS5 iped mnuel ransn, ,ofo,,r Ihe ErerG.ide 2001 Fuei Conupiin Guide priduced by NatucrelResuces Canacda. siî,nced hirghay ragcf grinnr tho,000 OOkiiiniesbaedicoa54 9 litre fultnirk cpity.Actuel nmîinge moy ory SLOTS AT MOHAWK RACETHACK ENTERTAINMENT LINEUP-1