6 - The Canadian Champion Friday July 26 2002 SCOMMENT THE CANADIAI CHAMPION Bo,\ 148. lil Main St. F., Milieu. Ont. 1l'O-4N9 (905) 878-2341 Edîtorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Adverlising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliser A4 oiaiîîti, uli.îlîpi .1iii Davis Fiiin tir ('lii Karein Smith l'ditoi Wendy mcNah ii ' inb îîr i Skee(rziler (Il'îla t tîîi M 5IM leri Casas Dgt i lt,î'r 'lim Cules Pr ,Irliîr tiot lliî i The Canadian Championr, ubistipt P v,,i eriaiad rickiy ut 191 trl Ir Ï Mlton DiOn t )f4N9t (Eux248), uine ot The Met rotnd PiD nrqFiiir î & Doirrîr uit it tn out o! 'ittirlmr i i i ritieipo wtich intid Aip', ArP , r u(jr: tp,' Advrtor ', AisiG',toî etit Go rpr Barie Adtorrce BrrrsiayThis ,Wei'irBriteir fliierpns rs i ii r i i, tlir BLorlirrgtorr Post, irringhtirStippirrg Nevis Ciy Parenit rit iYork t,irdiarr Coliilivoc,,'Wr'iaq ContiripirriEast Yor Mirri Liiin AdtintrttpCouitry Routets, tottlticiike (,iiariiFaiiihriiiiîiit t Pt ovr Yuing. Georgtown triitppeiirntrAtt, rPe Prissatoir Business t i res 'rirria Buinesuso frinis Kingston This Week Lîrrtsr This Week, Mini arri Lt orromrst & Ston Midt irA Ppîrpiairguishrre Mîrrot. Mirir Shotppinîg News Mi ssrssao ga Busîrîpso Tintps. Mississariqa Nevis Sapape ruite Nassaia 'teya Nepris ept,, aî kpt!Airot ra Li tartiiriortiiitinbrrtarirt Spevis Sorti rkiSMirOaS, tiiPttiPavr akoîtte Shroppinig News Adtimpîs Hoickey eis, Otitia iTiuodaltsttlar'a/Wtiiity Fii lii/i tu rt Porry Tis Week Peterborouiigh Ths WeePS PîtîtiCoorry Guideiiip Rnhrid titi Ttrrhiltt Baui btropititScarbitrotigri Mireor itio(ihoItttUxrr iqî Triburie Advertisirqigs accepte ith ie conAit ion hat rtni teept oi a typo grapiricat prrorî Lai pourtiniM tht adterising space t tupjed hy ti'errio rtcins ieur toqtiiirtt tit a rpaa',in1atit ttwarii rforrsignratuire.rit pnulît r rariqri tir rut thetbatlanrce tnt teir tp ert,, it tiitir 1A for ai tire appti ut, r'ie The iiittisher resr'resrierît trgrritii ) ar opr ept',(ý rieurii The Miion Canadian Chamrpipon is a Rýo}oiabip PrridrrpiD* NdFH(NGIHE CAN PO ABOUT YOUR REi-EL ECTON M E## Bush parties today _________ are more dangerous* OUR READERS WRITE Summer is a time for parties and no) one enjoys a good party more than a teenager. They're a rite of growing up, but along with the fun there's the potential for danger. That's why tbe Halton Regional Healtb Department bas teamed up with Halton Regional Police and the two local school boards to pro- mote their opposition to summertime bush parties. Bush parties today are not like the ones parents might remember attending in their younger days. According to the health department, tbese modem-day bashes allow for easier access to illegal drugs like ecstasy, criminal or gang activity and a higher risk of sexual assault. Simply put, there's far less control at bush parties than at typical bouse parties and, therefore, the potential for trouble greatly increases. According to the 2001 Ontario Student Drug Survey, wbicb collect- ed data from students in grades 7 te 13, 14 per cent of bush party-goers used ecstasy. Wheni it camne te ballucinogens, 23 per cent of busb party- goers admiitted to using tbe illegal drugs. Parents arc urged to assumne tbe responsibility for tbe bealtb and sal'e- ty of their chil dren by asking tbeni tbe tougb questions and givîng thein itil the intonination tbey need te in-ake infornied decisl(ios. là it so hard to keep your trash inside your car until you can dispose of it întelligently?: reader Dear Editor: 1 read with great interest the cdi- tonial column by Karen Smithbin the July 12 issue of The Canadian Champion regarding illegal dumip- ing. The article addresses the abhor- rent practice et seme real lew lite people -vbii stiop tirsuch ebseene and tbeuglitless acts, But l'in aIse s'ey upset wtth a riîich larget nuinet ut the illtring puh- lic n b i el thai ithe antisepiic aliiisplic cfnItlii ,îautomoîbi le Ittnu li ee lemieiiîîi ti shonte of coiffee ups, plastie water boules and tast food packaging. incinding milk shake containers. As soen as they're inisbed, eut the wtndow she goes. The attitude seems te eensey tbe message that the eîîvtronnent is their persenal garbage dunip. Lîttering should be a very serieus ottence anid anyeiîe caught deing se shenîl alsîî have a satîity check. Ne natter hoen sîill the item. ssheu t' inultîplîed by the linge îîîîîîer oet tibeseniIi osils itie airiuiiiti'trîî:i(isiii- tiasto hciîines apxîtfin-g To those of you who indulge in this childish bebaviour. is it sncb a chore te keep your crap inside your vehîcle until you cati dispose of it intelligetitly'? De yen suppese Tirn lirions and the tikes) could be encouraged te pay a penny per cnp te the kids who retuni tbem'? And the sanie for those itisidiens plastic water bottles, Tbanks l'or the oppertuntty te svcnt Onî a pet pees e. Jack Murphy Wheelihan Way, Campbellville Have your say. Send a letter to miltoned@&haltonsearch.com. Don'tpanic, but pay attention to virus warnings VFicL West N le Vît us las landed ni unr s erý ('nl t acksaid, The Haltiti Regieiî Heiitth Depaitent cufit timicit a ci o%ý,fnto ith'l Mllien tesýtec positiv e titi ttîe At icatii-beia virus aist sveek. A cio\n alsit tested positive lti-tihîe sibusni i 'altitt its.as cid tw croiiws ni Oakviîle an tini ulîîgtîtît eaî'iei tItis n eek. Se tari ibetelIase beeti taitkîtîîs thumtait cases ofie tîte s i ii Canadat, but ses ciaI peopjle hase c'îîîacted the strwîts'trinito mescîit0ies ta tlîe tUnittecdSais t ast vetr ini I altitît seseto trtîds weî e cîrn- t iniect tot lasve beeît îîtecteît ssitb tesvl'us, but tioîte uithtlî buclxssc etitolu ito\îîss oCritws and bu jarc a ekiien n iitocaCnrT the s'irius. <laltittn was the teui'uh regiîtn in Ontarîititis s cr iii*I detect tîhe virus. Peel was first. then Oxfordîtandl Kent-Chathatît. Su nion, ibai ose kttîîn'a cro ' fundt in a l icth'aiea n as carl ying the sirus, sîtitutldil tbe tatise Itiui cern'? ast veai - l)D'.Boib Niosathtegiot mteci Icalîîlîe OfielîltbitîgLJ(eil ieiileItîs oI-Ii IIIîI calte and îîsîstecl theî c osasi'ticause ti-tatnic. as s the saineleotr te pi esett ituatiotua Ibat rIaMý be 1-ICne.but Ilon C,1\C'ai SL It ba tut relax wntioe kîîoss ithe iladî \s rws lui t atiis cltise tir tittiioct 1 tas ciii secîItIîtiiattc' l 1îîîîsuiîocs luis scar, but te1es ti tstttake irtaiy tii cauîse art inflectiont. Tlc S'i lis ~lîrstieicîxtedcl Ssiiyears atoigeu New Yoîrk City, whiclî n îs eecttio is c c tiisecl att etsit)0 ctuts. West Nile Virus s a înesqnitî-bîoni sirus. Mîsquities irtnisit lhc sirus atiter bcciîting, int'ected by teeding oni the blîîed tl'bircis canryiîig the virus. thoughts Persolns iest ai ri 'k ik inde iiso ci ui athe e ef« 50), the \ciervvung aand tîirse \\ ii \n eakcicu immune systeins. Syiniiiiti mc Inde iild tes ci. lîcadaclte. suit ncck. 'riusc le n cakness. skin rash- es andi swiollen lympli glands. Se ini ethei wiuids. peLople inighi iinkiihey hasve a bad case ofthie tin and figure tbey'll just sufer tbrough it înstead et seeîng a doctor. a itecittIto1,11î otitîios i \tosuIlle. l'1ItsII "s Ioii 'i tiiiii ir ouil tinit- IN îhs steutitil Noit leeltp .a lîcadcîc't But WC sIltriilil PtNtillie lîced o l lie si ijtioiroistandîl itke esirti îîICC.îîliîuîs lotît eII Ctliîine îOnI'leîoîs, Il îloesîa't turt Ir bc tl. i 'Ttis s'euîldc lt'ide as t) tiiig tîretîs soitît ta igli Popuîtltiontelocliitte. setti tig loingsAcesve, litiits atdîtct t %i ls eu îtiîîn Iitlleseiingor etti s hlou lltiigantdîiiil i tuoîscîiliii îepelletî c'inttinin-t(lie clîciiwttýal liEETl Ufilortuiîtiels ile a tkessinoliigmajîor Ioi lappen he ettic'sr'SOrke i p til I itîketiCie. AltîIcI llie îîaîîsîî issioii oIf'sVect Nile Virus Io Iiitiiis \ StiS' ilSO ilstl esssAnd tlît's, eîîîouîgtî Iios tii i tîît cînc'eîi. Thîe HtîlnoRegion itH tlh Deptîitiioeniiîs ask- ig tlie puîblic' Iî'epcort ttny siglittîîgs otdetîcleui ,gîys oîr crlos by callîiîr (90t5) 825-6187.