World Youth Day fun in Milton HoIy Rosary Church welcomed World Youth Day piigrims with a barbecue Tuesday evening. About 150 Catholic youths tramn Europe are staying at Bishop Reding Secondary Schooi for the course of the festivities in Toronto. Above right, Siobhan and Louise Gerstig, hait Swedish and hait Irish, celebrate at the event. And above, some Beigian youths dance up a storm. Photos by LORNA WHITFIELD UP TO 66% OFF!* For a vcry Iirnited time get ufliflite(I savings at La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleriesý Factory Authorized Clearance Sale* Its our Summer Clearance event where you'Il fmnd remarkable (leals on the largest selection of quaiit-y La-Z-Boy' furniture ~~1I in Ontario. lnciu(iing one-ol-a-kind, djscontinued items andi loor models. With thousands ofc oI<)rs and stvles to choose trom, s'ou can have the beautiful lurniture vou need, right miss! So hurry in, an event of this magnitude svon't last long. 100'S O O S I N SOK ORIM E IAT E BURLINGION POWER CENTREN ,. Q.E.W.& BRANT STREET (905)331-7600 B-i,(;,[p MonLf.n9:00 m-9 paN St. 90a.-6 p., Su. 10 o- p BUY NOW, PAY LATER! 0ODomN O INTERESI O PAYMENTS 'II[ 2003!* I The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 26, 2002-3 GORRUD'S AUTO GROUP A ïepuiulion o:ulîî ï l ~U'ly, and our commitment to customner satisfaction - - before and afler the sale. "Experience the Gorrud Difference"l ~ÇGorrud's Quality that is second to none. ~ÇSelection - Over 250 pre-owned vehicles on display - one stop shopping at its best. ~<Most vehicles are - "One-owner" & many have the balance of the Manufacturers warranty. .."No Cost" Warranties - - ail vehicles without manufactures warranty are sold with: - 30 day bumper ta bumper mechanical - 6 mn./10,000 km. powertrain warranty (Ail at no cost to you) SAil have 30 day/2,500 km. 'No Hassle" exchange Privlege (You can't go wrong!) 7Ç 7DM RRq4ARANTE 'Qute stmpty f you ftnd the same vehicte at a iower prce, we wil refund the difference, ~ÇStringent mechanical & appearance inspection standards that are absolutely second f0 none. Ail vehicles mustpass our extensive mechanical and appearance inspection standards. Our reputation has been built on these standards Wholesole Depot vehicles at seporaite location do flot oippiy 9W~ ~iw4'an~ GORRUD 'S AUTO 410 Steeles Avenue, Milton 905-875-2277 1 1 A U T H 0 R 1 Z E D 1