Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jul 2002, p. 22

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22-The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 26, 2002 300 I BUMPER CRP g RED & BLACK RASPBERRES BLUEBERRMES - BLACK CURRANTF Thi~ Wekend ~ Df~. n'E1 faces Martin, R brother for Jacob wRSconmiQ Burhington, weighing 7I1bs. lOoz. A sixthi grear- grandson for Sadie Thomas. Proud grandpar- ents Shirley and Wayne Gouin and Gail and Biih Carrne ai Milon. Special thanks ta Dr. Komer and to Holly McGaffîn for her loing Rupport durîng the delcery 2% 2% Vacation Bible School Auqul1923, 915-Il J5a.m itilye>n Gopel Hal, 306 O3ntariro St .Vorth. (one block Routh of Syeetes Avenue) Ido.s and Girtls lie years otd arnd up, corne and join our Bug Safariu here kide catch the truzz about God. t ove. Bible stonies. singing, crafys. games and snacks. No cost. Pre-register: 905878-5019 MVore information: wu'w.mittcngospethatt.com BRUSH, Ruth Isabel (nee Robertson) Passed away peacefully in the Wiarton Hospital on JuIy 22, 2002 in her 87th year. Belaced wife of the ate Rober J. Brush. Loing Mother of Billf & Marg Brueh; Susan & Dace Philipc: Phiflp & Heather Brush. Wl I be deariy mised by 8 grandchiîdren and 10 great grandsons. Sister of Ed & Don and the late Rocs & Jack. A sercice ai remembrance will be held et the Red Bay Cemetery on Saturday Juiy 27, 2002 att1:30 pm. She leaces behind a legacy of lace. faithfulness & comman aense wsdom, that wiii neRer be for- gatten. If desired a donation to the Warton Hospital would be appreciated. MORGAN, Victor Suddenly, as the recuit of an accident at his residence, an Tuesday, July 23, 2002 Victor Morgan. at the age of 77. Beloced husband of Pst for 55 years. Locîng dad of DaRe and hic wfe Sandy, Mike and hic mfe Barb and Tracy and her husband Julien. Predeceased by is daughter Teresa, Cherished Papa of Mark and hic mife Leigh, Chris, Jeff and Brooke. Great-grandpa of Ecan. Friands wiii be receîced on Frîday, July 26th (today) f rom 10 AM actil the tîme of Sercice Rfi11:00 AM from the Chape[ t the J. Scott Early Fanerai Home, 21 James St., Milton. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Milton District Hospital Foundation would be appreciat- ed. UNICK, Mary Anne At the Milton District Hospital on Thursday. July 25th, 2002. Mary Anne Unîck of Campbellille. beloced wfe of Michael Unîck. Loing mother af Patricia snd her husband Stafford Brocha. Sadly msced by her grsndchildren Sheri and ber husband Darîn Brown and Michael and hic wife Teresa Brocha. Loingi y remembered by her great grandchi- dran Amanda, Stecen and Paal. Fondiy remem- bered by her nephews Stece, Jaak and nieces Janice, Lndla and Lorraine, Family and frends may cîsît t the McKersîe-Kocher Funersi Home 114 Main Street, Mlton 905-878-4452 f ram 2-4 and 7-9 pm on Sundsy. A Vgil Service iii ha heid Sanday acaning t 8.30 pm A Mas of Christian Banial wiil a cclebrtad t Hoiy Hosary Roniran Cathoiic Church 139 Martin Strect Milton on Monday. Jaiy 29th. 2002 t 'h'O00c-r lntcrment to foiiow at Barington Memorraý Gardens. j 2n, 272 Dayeare Daycare DAVOARE rneedccr i ri he ri SK at ELW Foster M,, br.rr1rýr .'s 2 We nc"1 sorneunrrte n acRiri Qui hor tror Fri, 800-6 00. Frst Aid, Trans isrt r-r r( 1h. d875-0001 QUALITY daycaie au rraciu ,'r my homre 10cFc, Mair, 'rpar Eccetient e'hie.receir Or Qdý i'all 76-355/ RELIABLE Dancare asa:e ison & os r --ah1prue cal' 55 y6-49' ' 277 Music Instruction 277 Music Instruction 7h Qr'rt c.ncnrr'rrn P-jr i "I1W N r 1l, r , 1 t i I R 'i.r d. I r11 l rl, r , 4 1,11'.an rI,. , il 110 .ir. l , r.o11 ail ANREWSi I rrr4IC ARE iln 905878-580 EXCELLENT PICKING Black/Red/Purple RASPBER RIES PeasSpanish Drions, Beets & Frech Garlîc Içucumbars, Dîli Herbs, Green & YeI. BeRna) tb cati for availability. "THE FARM" De Paoli Pick Your Own & Ready Picked For avaifabiiity piaasa cati 905-873-2050 905-877-7976 Mon-Fni. 8-8; Sait. 8-5; Sun., Hot. B-12 HWY#401 -North on Trafalgar Rd. West on 15th Sideroad, (Stewarttown). Fîrst farm on north ida. PICK VOUR OWN RASIPBERRIES PlcklIng cucumbers &Fresh Garlic at CHAS. GREIG FARM Bob & Mabel Devofln 151h Sideroad, 1 mile West 0f Trafalgar Rd.. 3rd. driveway west of RR traçks<#1 1821) Free Recipes Open Mon.-Fni. 8 arn. -7 pm. Sat. & Sun. 8 arn. - 5pm. "CALL FOR AVAILABILITV" (905)877-7484 n8dateî Are.,Nýiîtoi 878-2811 310 3$10 For Sale r SSt. ATTENTION Farmersi 10-15 acres of hay ready for flou f0 harceet. Near James Scow Parkway 416- 252-7266. CARPET i have sacerai 1,000 yrds. of new Staîn- master & 1000 nyon carpet. Wili do lîcngroom & hall for $349. f ociades carpet, pad & installation (30 yards) Stece, 905-639-2902 DIRECTV Systems $249. Loaders, $79. Support acaiabia. P4 cards, $200. Dshnet Keys Red Atme- ga 128, AVP boardt $70. (519) 853-2409. (519) 803- 0680. HAY for Sais, Reguiar square baies. Pick ap in field or delîcerad. 1-877-218-2488. NEED a Computer... Don t have cash? The Drginal IBM PC. aust $1 s day. ... nomoney dlown' Unlîmted AOL & înteresf Free for 1 yearl The Buck A Day Company cali 1-800-772-8617 mmm buckadlaycom SAMSUNG Fiat Screen TVs 27, 20- & DVD Pay- er ail for aust $999 or $1 a day.. no money dlomn! The Buck A Day Go. 1-800-332-8318, wmm hucka- Oaycom SPAS Spas- Spas. Braken partnerahîp forces Raie. Ocer 30 spas stii n wrapper, Must he sois t cst or beiow. 905-567-9459. DONT PAY A CENT! 11-811-668-756. 315 Wanted .NI fT.'LS MUSIC Lessonu' Qualifies piano teacher takrng on sudens in Septemher Ail ageo. Cail Rehecca 905-878-0174. sooILD GARAGE SALE 681 Harrison Rd. Satursay, Jaiy 27th Raindate Sanday. Jaiy 281h 8bam -l1pm GARAGE SALE Sunday, Jaiy 28 8 am to Noon Varîcty of stsff Corner of Mites & Bronte St. THE BEST EVER GARAGE SALE Saauday. Juy27 8528 6th Lune North [Between Stea as Ave. and 5 Sida Road COUNTRY IV Ut àIy 10, 9 ami - 1 prn wrbqow - 518 eraiit St v Se. JIy 1, 9 amn - 1 pr Mlito - 165 Main st . E sCzAroH - PENT CLEARANCE E yN-OF-UINE If EMS Cash o.ily Fia Sale om O8rage Sale ftems M2 Auctkn 325 AUCO Invoicing Clerk and General Office Administrator Wl[ Ancl ()s Ni i tili iroDlai.rierrir r: i duircia n;sCr-rhru an dci oIo ine re triî -Poi 001Qd'ruiiO 1"[ i nu o fris rWiaS'd'îi r c L r riIerrned-iraIi Ar 'rrr.uinqiKiis "'cý,ieitI ttaid acculaIs taiq ir i a' i Ceiioî r r.rirrr d(nii 'i i aeire rrr.rin tir hckrrrrdj iir dasset ri tr) ool l ike i. oprlinriyIritecorrre ca9part ci o rin catd oo or!: torarîrsalîorr atî.chprtomoles personra! gtowll. asu Rdas assruîrngoin e acheo mert t ci ie olessirot als51, piRaseloîward ycr rosunie in cocfidencc su Fax: 905-875-2125, Atten: A. Nagy JOIN OUR C> TEAM! fine premi estore lot rnrstes OIIyOd 1Io1foin01.1 progiressrve artd K rwiedgeabie sale etacc The tht ii Horn: 5 oiO0rg lot ao n irssiaslrc, uutgoog, Ofrorts-nînded orrnreîwaikcî ou fliia mantagement oai loitiron rit oit ,akvile store iiletcuted appliro ais na carrrwarcl Seirt Risme lu toc Area Manager Scott Myers, OAKVILLE RUNNING RO0M 156 Lakeshore Rd. East,Oakville, ON L6J 1H4 Fax: 905-844-4200 smnyers@runningroom.com Careers are continued on the next page! 32 ABSOLUTE AUCTION Thursday, AUGUST 1, 2002 9:30 a.m. Sate Of Srnîpus EquipmenarTa 15e On Goimg Openaseans OfRoRbertsonn e, SAiLr SITE: 97 Rronie Sreet, MItTON. Ontario. HOEB ING M/O'"e Schumran Vert Mua t60 T - THREAD ROULER Hariford Hi-Sp Fiat Die 225/Min 1Tc,.3" - WIRE t aRr Carriers a Psi - [31 Morgardakammar raw, bloc',Type On'7-,r Hp OC Mirs - rnnenbac reier -.,'96 Tainan-C '%ar'iaah Desralaer &i..atingt6c[2 tiiin- îrManree eOadeiekMWC22 & 2 "21 Mariiee Rcll Pointers .-i(450) Appnf ire Cradins - WîreCOeil Stanid ESa -ELEC. HOiISS ' /MKii u/'rreiey . FURNACES [21 Lîndnber; . 31 Lee Wilson Refl Aneàlairitg gSie 62x84 11000#.-As News Lenerr-lat Cas 85000 Rie . Lena Nat Gas 16o,00uit. O'HEAD CRANES tdnirea R8 Ton n/24'aiOO' Span - R2Wicox Carya Ten aTpRun25'nîia'. HYO DOCKS 7'xt2' 1 10V.-SAND BLASTCAB 36"x24" 2 Arrt COOLINC TOWER Marley Aqua 550V - [111 TIP OVER CONTAINERS . & t PS . FORE SCALE Magnum 12000# - GEN PLANT EQIJIP. Apprnnx5S 're edi tlack Asse Sues.- [S721AssO earrrs 108" -128f Acal Beama 95" . Ase litentloeers . '5001 Steeli Tie BRens w/4 Way Perk 24x2&" Siack - AIR COMPRESSORS ley S0 Hp 575V - lngRanni 25 Hp 575V - Worithli0 Hp 575V '97 Kanser 75HP 575V - News IngRanni 10 Hp 57SV -Pori 3 Hp 1i1OV BOILER ROOM Mnduiatii Renier - Fsher 230 Ph Tee5 Meer- Kineiico Waier Shener Rya - SPRINKLER SYSTEM (Gri Hi Vel e/Gtis, Pmps - SCALES Tledo 1,000# Te 5600# -Rice Lake CRoIe" 10000# n/Oig ROsI . Tolede 5# Ovr/u ne! -WELDERS 151 Ruat Welniers - jSi Streker -.[Il Micrro - [Il Ichacter - i1l Hobart 300 Amp w/Leadis - RACKINC SI'ELVING [75' 24" Cantilever Newa Rack Arma .- Assi Denion Panis ies -O'HEAD DOORS i2'xt4' FIer . - 4 s4' Sier 13) Rolling Seel Ors i'ai2' . 181 AscS le ' 9& 14'. VARIOJS TANKS l/Steel.- l NewSparteir 12'ain'a8'F'Class . 131 Cire Coil / Orippieg Prengs - SWITCH GEAR ROOM Sprague Peower Cap FierCOR00V -d403 Amps . W/Hausn t1i0 Kea Transformer 600V - 120/208R-[2l 6OR Amp Di)irrnneis - PACKAGINC EQUIPMENT [3] Delta Eng V20 Pack Liens w/Ski Fend - 2F4Coenveprr . SMC3 CGeenyer - '81t Espak Pack Linen . ynirnîr iC Fenders, Heppers Sic . INVENTORS DRAW WIRE 25,00# Brass & Cep \&ire Assi Sizes - PLANT TOOL ROOM M&W Microarnier n/1i Anenls - Dumont Key-Way Breairk Sel 3/16", 5/t1" & 3/R" W/Coliared Rushings - Tong Teet Ammeten Set Mintrrerers Siarret Ser 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-S - Ige Assi Ruîîerdeld Tapa & ies CorrnrîinrnSiC 1 & Cnes (Oi Nets. Relts, Washers & Irrema All Types-E. ic.i LAB EQUIPMENT Trrel'Test Aermeier Set - lau Lecel Meie - Rez-Onarkîn teS brande Water Teai Kit . Oas. Tec recîsicîr Oni- 31 Ameor OensPointeSels . Scale Fer iaeaer L irîrnînts-Mei Oeye Cs Kit -E. inTOM OUMP TRUCK 1'8C lai SC600 n/Aiunt aitox rM(t7t Onenil FORKLIFT TRUCKS'94 Hyster 120R00# ('sC Tires 3 St lv Poi rrr..- n iaser 800041 Cair2 St Mst PiresuTirss rp 48"Ferks - Peg 3000# e/t St Ma' [mn - Raser 3000# ra/Cnnah Tires Eier - Pale 3,0008#n/2 Si Mai, Prep Clr1 i.,ts i iran T iene s ,'/S 481 ni erekaPneu . Sale i8000#iR ss/'nee Tires 3 St mSstrCei1 ln .t.ir.ihee i1n,5004iCap w/D0ua Peu2SitMatODieset SALE PRVIEN WerSredayiris n. u, r02,r9x. ne 5 p..BROCHURE AVAILABLE AUCTIONEER5 -APPPAîSERS //lJjf 90.5: 5/87 16Fax: 19051 69,-î1553 isLISO l ..yg e l3o'.xi Rcs6-,', MILTON,(Ontatrio. L91- 2Y3. AE.OES:at10in"., .yitusF"aW.ee Aippin ru cii li1-, pnrrlîurn 4004040 Vehicles for Sale Vehîile for Sale Vehicles for Sale 1977 Beci-one Fat -ýýýaeîi rigina 4. 510miles, ted it colour, eocellent con- t i's c tri- rtErr î ," Cari cou 905-219-5669 1987 Re(i uss, rý 0tl.l'rîer . G2G0r0rýes Eocellernt condition i.hlity S35&_2.j B.0. c05876-1:44 1995 Ires Si!rcrado îtrhO.rfrVt. 78 I/SI/n Excellent conditionr 012.500 905- 8514562)4 1995 jeep Gratta Cherokee t J tr.0ýg.t'Romîre' LoadeS $8900 O 0 0905- 854-0372, esenîngs 1997 Poniac Sanfîre GT Back. 5-upecd. ArC. untoof. 65.OOkms. optimum protection plan $9000 905-878-0694. 3 Wheeî Scooter Unîcare Electrno 3 Wheei Scooter, Lîke nam. New prîce $3500, sais prîce $1500. 905-878-1797ý 510 Family Assistant! Housekeeper Wanted. Lnîsîng iamil4 insan exclasisve ni.ihhntsrhniid. B rksîttc area. Searchias inorn l'irS, gentîle persin t s iia'isi a brsas pnnttssiiinat tarniiy cand the ransnLnof the lrhould. Apply tu: 519-856-2168t. IHAIRSTYLISTS: îWANTED Mihon & Waterdown - [op pPayuaartees Slattirg (o $9G/tiri toms K ic:: iu( .Fan place Io0 001k 0 Excellent heneit a r1 t ice ir, r r:"e" Cail 905-308-6118 toiu -50 yaais needed for cala- logue work. fash- ron/haîr shows, TV $15-90 par haut. 905-336-5455 part-time acan fl9s equard inj Campbellilea as IMusthaveawn tra nspoirtation.J Pleasa cail 519-659-3369. DISPATCHER REQUIRED Part lima couîd fead to more. Must hava knowledge af the G.T.A. Tnuckîng company in Milton. Raquirad for beginnîng of Auguat. Caîl 905-693-0666 ask for Mark or Shelley Siipp's lDr 'N.('eancrs F i-nli e ('ourIler heip Mn.n-ids ri Part 'lime ruîunler help Nu'arin .tplilu Applo 'ai 885 Main St.. t nit #4 Cleaning cornpany requires ight duty cleanera/heavv dutv cleanerc for the Milton area. Part tirne evening positions available. Phone 905-688-9220 or Fax 905-688-5122 PART-TIME Sales Associate Ps il Wsiaipaper WVe train'l Foradresome Atîr Maty At rtc Color Your World Oift N le '.6K 3i Full timne nîght and day cfît DirnensionRi ans Lumber Pîlers, rnedium to heavy lifting. Must have good dexterîty and 6e phy'aîcaliy fit, From $11 50/h-r. Wooden Palier Assembiers Fut tîime days & nîghtc Some heaey liîtînq. Pîcce work r.rreo Wiil train suitable candidates Piece work average $1 5 l7rhr Stunt rate $13/hr. Transportation Required. Apply in person only 9-3 p.m. Barco, 24 Kerr Cr., Guelph, Ont. Hanion esprescmay S. from Guelph, eht on Wellngton County Rd. 34, rîghf at fîrsf crossroad, rîght on Kerr Ores. 300 Produce

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