18-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Juty 26, 2002 Competitive and Rep Report Wright's Corners Restaurant O Paintech O The intonisiiy ni the players in tOs game cannt e ndorslaled gisen 1the ot lnrmid conditions iisey endeeed The goaltoniding ni Wrighis Corners in beih baises was tromendors in s5aOfieg do te ionwaîd lineofniPainiech, Stanie Fanaom and Caloy Roberson mre a hanidisi for the Wrgt s delondors DovneOConnor, Jua Sndrhoim and Rbecca Ducharmeocon Wrgh's tormard OO G odnoOson o tho brick watt doiense of Pao echs Aex Selos, Jlian Mini and Don o o Manday Eveon Ongh the renat doe o nefecttho h as a sonyectreg gamefom tmhe onomeeams. Braso' Fit hWIieeI Scella Capital Sbarks 3 Sinira Captai Sharks gel off le a lying stani and mre awvardod an early penalty mhch was sony mou takeni by Timmy Vncent Fits Whel s detenise louaid hem seden romendoas pessurrn rom the Scetra Capital lrmards and se0ah fer- ards, 1he score as 2-0 sîlh ansiber greal geai from Timisy VesertFitsh WSeel pulle oses ack eilh a greal geai rem AsstisVan Rssîrsi bel the irie ressie TOîsrsîy Vncent s sred bis tiVrd, and te hait esdeea3 1tis avsur et Scorea Casîrai SIares s hWeenl canin sut i lelally tliisi e d a iniseceends n'lt and fiei rire[,,uncit aLCanits hallie fii V e, Lt Iciel Vi. in ii fi,,î Vth Scsrtfi ce. t i q,,ýA ,vîîcî,allic Fiîsi eîî!(, j- -1 i The Toronto Star O Sothviow Dental Clinic 7 Scarîre.eiîVnJjliand epî goir rer machl ,ii kiig iargaimont foSh TornoStar Mil Mokeser emade e ns ise soin1sIl ars g5ing t.s The SVra Sel JasnriMacrine and aer SVIsas Dimnar - w somas dangernas air garne one a ponals kck started] Snlhsrem ons heu ia a bain Inn second hall encre 3C-. The Star 1used te corne back brrr wrse thiernedbe inîgh Snrrrhsew doenders Ssstnsîem cenlered and mîlb goals by Richard Monk and Dîmes Hopper pott ho game est oet mach a 5 0, ise hs Trante Vrai loam credîlteeo net gîsrng se Daniny Dtokes made ino ases in goal and Andrem Bacon. Brandon Zoeo and Dosan Lamoon kpi atlack- off miSte nd Gra lam effort by Seslhveem legel the vie MakaleelO Lindsay McLaren - Remas 6 Tmoe egal leams tnaght ard rght le 10e end ilS many goals scerea Roman s geais mre scnrod Dg Jack bagies, Brendan Sncesîsb, Jason Mrphy. Mike Miler (2) and Tyler Garrard Makslooi managod to ogoal the score mîtb goals om Androm Bogman. Bandon Haggaet mho both scered ono goal. and Robbre Wason and Dasid Bror mbhoesach scored imo geais a prco. Makslool sbnwod ecoulent gealtendîng skîllts mrh David Cross and Mko Kasemskr en hoenet Makstels termards Bnadoe Haggaet and David BrOr sboed greal etrmînatron se theftrotS Mdirlors David Cos ase playod moull oi Maksloei Maksteel 3 Fifth Wheel 4 il srn5 a cloe c ame as FrOS Wbosi gear scorers Asstin Vae Rsssm, Aam Borenotartis ondon and Andrem Dcrffe manageeou10fpsr sigeais pasl Maksieol galedors Dasid Cross and Mke Kasnmvsk Robin Wasone realîiaes ilS lese geais aed Siene Pensa ssnrsd oesforiMakslss bEricscDaffe ni Fiesh W5sol shnnrod easellent galtedreg sklls Jordae Gas an Androm Brgman ni Makslosl payod bard thrneghesl tbe gamo. as dDamuentGandone niMaksteol Phone 90 Wi Scella Capital Sharks i N-loch Recriters 3 1 Nu-ec Tos cruierorTyler Rînxsrend tho game off sserîeg agaînsi Shans Waler i Tbe harks, Ryce Bromnkopi Nu-econe ( the go lsreagboal the tînsi al, Frresi Paooersen ssered enVShanue Waile 1 make il a 2-0 came Ia end the irt sali Lewis Warr nir teDSharks isrghl sard le score The secnnd sali gaes sm is besak, beatirnnoal teeder T C MeRclIon keop 1he game airesatae in the seoend sali Tyer Rîo came back e score onen moeogai ion Na-Tech le end tho game The hank's innards Michael Vador. Cameron ottCell and Casfus Campbell piayed an ecoulent gamo, Georgetown il Ths game as net ontrrely tbe blem est Ibai the scoeo mld srggosi ats off le Gergeoweme wbepayod a superiatise gamo els horeesisoiy ced doionisrseiy The Millens sgad uas inriid by sali- eps, Mcsael Harînga ced Rebbîs Watson mbn played i5oîr sardosi nuliii sinira tom sacles sg Mltons playors ergeowecn cord arlyis S te irsisai isye.a ipup c0ygealîn Mairsor sVIrarios eneid no e dctthe ai suer Mitense sol Peler S aidek yayndarr outsraodiig gisnuit ia imli fcnt, rsikicke sr5îsi ceO, sirped tc îlehe o sin ec A pesrnlaOCcil igr iring Vbai o, Perer S V! ch'I Iw 'c ion t si re OC b,,ci, i 0 ci , 'or i-o ci o ir i iii c , ', , i ts i Uý i i [! 1' - i( iht 1i V Iîi 'ii, c i t i i,! ,r MiltonO Guelph A 5 Milicess snecg; aas ai arcItee leven fati innselnianC renarnod rhresghnsl te irsi sali ennsreereng rsrl5a scerelese lire bEr L 0seesi and Breedan Wsirrg eiareod the ame mîl5 an ecllentre leo Guelph s neti Nrsbeas Wllams dsplagod plsh iO mseog te bal lermard ir play lnieegnnrm the gamne Brou Fargebarsen'ss poody drrbbling and Mîchael Hannga's excelent binckrng sDemed Guelph tsar Mlton meant busi- ness The seoned al as eirnteiy the demniali nf iMloneomneofaithe Guelph sgscd mest have îdeiged i o peet blond el alrade ai the break sînso lhoy came est as dyamos tn e reckoed mils MartneCeoieki'ssol t wrorarise ie dolendrng 1he Mlon ond toi the beter paei ste bait l eph AV doenco chnkod Mime 's brocards, an n nmaa, Brondan Wbtrng and Mark Wilson, aI ceg anlempi noear 1he geai Ne oen rMillenss lormard ino coatd pntrato Deip's doiensîse ion fier deioctth1e irt-rate sklis ni Iboîr geaire Vanter insrance O Chirokickers 3 n smllsrrsg heia. snis teame shnod ecoploneai mnrk. Sarah Laiende preerd- e aggrossrso offense loi Vanter. bel geatros Justine Paradis and Cneeeeey Cnetsmbe mre eal le 1he lask S onar 5y Makayla Tes gase Cirrekckrs thee ioad in tSe irt sali Veird gealedîrrg tuY Mlly Parins senteriîsia Grmel ced Air Keas one sueor re rakamays Amnasîrg geasintho second al by Coadleos Celeerbo ced Lare iKelly cemplelod tho 3-0O s5sleet Groal assissDy amaniba Snckalesarod Chrnkîskors sîclnry J.K. Pools & Patio 4 Nassagaweya Vet Lab 2 A fast paced, mou marched gamne mrlb lors et ond-le end action bxcellont gestIonS- ing by aah Nklîcb and bmly Rgo ion Nassagameya Vol Lab anS bg Carllire Bîncre ced Alca Pattersen ion CK Ponls and Pais Geais mre scoeod by Bronko Harpon (2), Kathleen osesien, and Castrei G Cenfer or ni K Ponts and Paire Lasia Frank and arah Nklrsh sachscssed a geai nir Nassagacasys Vol Las Syscrar meonionegnes Ie c.a Deirneos sf Nassagarsoga Ver LaS ind Ncole Kora et aH PoseaceciPais tsc a gînat nuisr J.K. Pools & Patio O Tim HuilonsO Ile as. t ciue taoni Ciii e(Bru q i,'o'iit rîcii J.K. Puols & Paltio 0 Muddy Dack 0 c i ' fýrJ oC) 1 1P t1 I rh u e 1,7,i:3 a f r ýIn' ,i C i i u ât . ,eptfi J-.Poi iia rimqfr u iriss inS Chrokickersi Moddy Dock1 A chaiioegreg Dcame look place sire tare strrng ard seely mnîcseet iame (ni 18he Chrînkckrs, Naicyla DSnoen and Rachel Cerisen merked ard as geai- endrs Branne Kuesoered the sngle geai ml5 assistance hem Jonrior roomo aed Cone o nuembn mîitb Iboîr sireeg kcks ced passes Kelly Waler ced Aranda Nrdieeskr merksd bard ie geai loi tho Msddg Oeck askign Niederelski scoenG rOir sngle geai ResAne Cshne ced Cesetney FlaIr aieng mrl5 Cassandra Waetirck for sonmegreai kicks anS passes, mcdo greai doienisîse picys Brian's Auto O Two Stage Innovation 4 fias anobherhot egi andn o efo he osinrbihastpa ods ses cm game TimHotonm tage Inonvain g of I n oeaos im Horons 1 2O0uaS Bruce s s Ainocame bacC le lue t Chirokickers 3 acr22.and ihon TOneStage tempes il to imwas a unuig osermsifuoeennng torsa d-C Wm15 soes tae game ressne soccer ame' berng te irt hal ni the Bran e Asie maoaged le sgeoak out the game, Sun Harnn s c1ed escermnig milea mrrerg goals makmeg i h-4 5ehea goest h y Jilan Posanad The score geck-Vagemakor. Crdan Haggan cend Mail gy ssangod deîmsg tins second all as Jade Sîgenin ni Tme Sagoe nvaion pcu Bromrîdgs scre mmegoals flroi saicouneffontscrOle BransAinogel Chrkcers A tird goal bg Nalaia serre aneaameg psermanes oui ni Teda Seesmos cempretea the scnrng ced Massel. Rao KogOl aod Chse Boit Taon ssered a 3-1 imuefor Chrînîckor reDrat Sage geaislsolîee 5y Kgb Fmrnk, ordas d5lesîeo play 0e amaniha Dieckaii Ion Saggal.Mark Psompsen nd Ssii the mmnmog tban geaikoopers vmre ASie Meemîlaus Bran e Asie geai cerer e me Barcenb and beeaaSdae loi Sun Liane Hepe i ),Keemir saaMadgo (2) Hrin saneceCnoier Trnoeand age andanas ncrsamhuro 3 geais Og Peler gant Vuocheon for CsreC cksrs \Oeil doos mn hie iel hbat mmmccii Ryan Vadeofni So sots saune s!StageInais oa nd od nsOurle of Biane suoeineekeel hasy io 1henet handimrg tInn nceseheis tle mmli ton £/o4 cgocce4 C14 )5-875-4072. Leave Message ýww.mi Itonmagîc .com Dairy Oceen 5 Industrial Lighl and Electric toc bespile thesscore, tis mas ace eocnlreg gamne mi5 greai seffrts Dg bols loams reat eammerk y arg Oseen s Aie Manaralo anS Mark Gineg cerrin ledt Siren goals by Chîce Model and ones sacs Oy Jaunes Thom as and Snam Reulmar reatlffsO n usriai LuhI ced bfics sJohn Dalick ce delense ced ak Scbnita n lermard kopti bang Oeen s gnaiuos, Kenun Deoncaises and Nck Wanncmcker osuer oites, Ssdrem Bagnueon assisteS by Depheno Jackson scoeod the geai nir ledastruai Lghl ana bieclîuc ced MaObom emoewli n goal for beih haines madeSo smoecelln ases Dairy Oceen 5 Scott alenchuk 4 Daîrg Guesespranig nioeaction lakung a 4 t 1tad mnl5 imo geais by Chuis Mordot andon00esch DgGerry iSoens ced Tyer Drobon ScnotSinsen scoredScSo Btenchs eimsi geai Gregory Brooks kepi the Beecbsk ean minse game mlh sncee great sases goa an e cm semwed greai dernealonn Cminmg ack Iole lsthesgare uiShgeas hi Cis Vamie asCd sissutone seScottrtVses'in sep aviso ninees(ilih1c ame Sairi O5epi(or nes ire in.ulth a gca. uSH CI a rce ci SSibiveoueras hsrmummas i. mntsioncu 5'Dur. Dr QeeseMasOu liane rr iiel C alenr usoC ie Diry luBeR"i tC Milluwne Collision 3 kck Ssornfr tsairy Gnee s James Thomas and Tyler Sîsbon, bîck Wanearalkr madoesmeons groal sases en geai tsi Garry Osson ils doiensîse sspport hem Danîi Lemardnmskr ard Wade Matyosif Grog Cooper Androm Mcllrny ced Tyler Vissons ptayod vel in doense Inn Mionîo lelison La Rose Bakery 7 Lindsay McLaren - Remas 7 Nt enly dîd thefieold lghts come on bsi aise osony piayor one beih Ibse Imo amaeînig leams lit opth ineegot.The bOnt liant deesîse seis Ssplayed by Bonl Doddînglen and Jobn Chaumrni Lndsay Mccaren -Roman cosid rot stop the pro- cîsîone sîîksof n La Rose Bakrys Mathom Fratarcanigoir mb scnîed 3gblimes ton La Rose Bakery Lac Hartick and Jay Glirns sf La Rose Bakory scnrdoesgoeaacb wrlb tho assistance ni La Rose Bakony termards rage Pusa and Kosîn Eccistoeo Bel tbo Ian asnev n begen cerirng tme rcredîble goals ni hîs eme mas Kocîn Mlter ni La Rose Bakeny Novseletinse ges sta ite abestithhother reams assnmplirsmeets Jesbsa neresshelof ni snsay McLarens-Romae Cssiae Se ffensive taets Syaedrng C spsstasiiai gais vih tes assistancse et oese eatisDav5ici nîga ans Canin LCasa et'Lindsar McLaren Rnrnas The magn iser nt essîrskilts et La hrise aker s oic .. an i.Seper Sdn i soRiuLoGllier os Dan iras es eeiC dnct k,ît r(Jtc 4 tis e oilSI :ae.c.c..ier 't S' 'Vii s j'e ' <ike/Vectttte& a IkeMUlts Ipas cocc- cUaâ Game Highlights - JuIy 7- JuIy 19, 2002 Look for game reports in Foot Notes in The Canadian Champion every Friday throughout the season. House bague, Rep and Al-Star Coaches remember to send in your game write-ups to: myscf ootnotes@stfl. net or deliver to 599 Vanier Drive by Friday of each week. wîth Dawn Wulliams amazreg game m5îc5 as a rsriirng ced sosiicratieg exeniOOsO te erjalse Miltowne Collision 5 La Rose Oakery 3 Roling in doser mas 18e phrasenonitho eenD Wr15 spoctasuaan leeter ncd mosoment ni the bail beih standing en and ligone18efirerd bhy Mîlttwens Michael Kaiser and La Roses Quise Pierce, tis mas a gamo net tl e misseS Brenidasi Cronien o ilMîlleestarled the geais for is toam ced MaOthew Fratarcangoir matched il for La Rose Bakerg Whie Rieg DaCeced Tler Stesven kept the bau iglihand iiyrng dnwn the triefr Mîlttwen La Roses Mcnthom Fratarcangoir deciSeS te moe the baul pat the gocitendor te score agaîn ,Roert Collier and Maffhow Cicsseeis for La Rose stoppeS the bail nid triSdbal Mîffenes Bsan Pasan and McDthom Rassoit stîi maniagod le score a goal nacit Whon Konîn Mutler finshod geaitonidîng 1er La Rose affor Ihn lîrsi hal ho docrdod 8e knoew what il tbeC te scere anS cempioted 10e geais loi Os ioam. seppemleut by teammates. Nrck bîbrettaecrde ana rage Palîca Brendan Cronin anS MatORssell. ilS Androm Locke and Mickey Cramer choerrng ihem n n oadi ogtheOclldeovvfed soen eg ee t nmpo e m e neo M mt\Ne Th gVoa a,-la pioiGrud e BOYS UNDER il STANDINGS AS 0F WEEK ENDING JULY 19, 2002 TEAM GAMES WINS TIE LOSS POINTS Soi es Tetai nrF t 1 Nu-Tee h Rerruiters 8 ( 1 t 1 19 Fîfth Wbeel 8 n i.) y 1-5 S ostia C apitai Sharks b8 4 4 12 Maksteel 7 2 t 4 7 The Toronto Star 8 2 1t -5 7 Precision Sheperrls -7 2 5 6 Linrlsay McLaren- ReMax 0 2 5 2 BOYS UNDER 13 STANDINGS AS 0F WEEK ENDING JULY 19, 2002 TEAM GAMES WINS TIE LOSS POINTS Brian's Auto Repair & Tire 9 8 0 1 24 Scott Batenchuk 9 6 1 2 19 Dairy Queen 9 5 O 4 15 La Rose Bakery 9 4 2 3 14 Lindsay McLaren- Remax 9 4 2 3 14 Mîltowne Collision 9 3 1 5 10 Twu Stage Innovation 9 2 (t 7 6 Industrial Light & Electrîn toc. 9 1 O 8 3 GIRLS UNDER 15 STANDINGS AS 0F JULY 4, 2002 TEAM GAMES WINS TIE LOSS POINTS Designer Touch 6 3 2 1 ti Apple Auto Glass 6 2 -3 1 9 Domino PiLLa 7 2 2 3 8 Milton laycees 7 2 t 4 7 el - 1