The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 26, 2002-15 Dateline ý ýiu. u, iii , 1 tlÏ i i i ýi l) ý1 .i () ý1 i 1i1,11 iL ,11ý Chbantat at (905) 607-6-3t16. The Milton Senitors' Activit Centire. 500t Chitds Dr.. bvlcs the Muskoka Cruise tripIo Bracebridge to visit the RicbH Fitt Candie St. Join toAmbulatnce lItîtîs a sommer camp prvtgratu. Activities iticlud id'îkiîs. utnton andt rock cliiing. T<î register or ftr infornma- Dairy festival this weekend Get ready tt fave a isots of a gttttt itss as Country Heritage Park bosts Mîlk and Dairy Days this weekend. Gaies witl oîpen tonsorrow antf Sunclay at noots and close at 5 p.m. Exhibits in tbe dairy btuilcding xiii irîctude the esîtîtîtîcas oftiseclairy indusiry, creatss separaitîrs. ctommercial anti bîusebvstcfbutter churns tcee creans machines. cheese proîductioîn cispia> s ansd miiking nmachsines. Kicis wili leans bvtw tus nsake butter ansd ce cream anti wil be able tii get up close and personat xx 1h a dairy cow. TuesdaY juoh 301 tDtiyut have a nc'sx baby?! Calling New Parents, a free pritgr.aîintoi- parents and babies aged 6 mothts antd youttger. meets \v tb a pubtic lialtîb nurse to tfisctuss parenttng and inîfant care. Tise grotîp oeets at the MiltinCutmmtninity Resîsurce Cenître, 917 Nipissing Rdi.. fronts 1:3(0 ttî 3:3(0 p. For informaîtin. cal 19(05) 693- 4242, ext. 7899. HeIp for Parents., a parenst support group, ineets ai Plinetantfs Presbvîerian Cbureb. 527(0 NesiN St. us Burlingîn is.a 7:31) p.ns. Tis nonu- detscminaititisal self-supptort grcîup betps parents of cbildren wbîs sre in trcouble at home, ai sebotti siusI-oit iiiinfomain, cil 4l(i) 9s( (tiays s>tr (9015) 842-1729 (t'venings). Wednesday July 31 Thte Milton Seniors' Actîvîty Centtre, 500 Cbîltfs tDr., bolds the' Evening Euchre Party ai 7:3(0 p.m. Atdmission cîîsts $2. Foîr infttrnmation, cat 1(9015) 875-168)1. Tîîday is tihe final day to register foi the Bereaveti Familtes tif Ontari Halton/Peet hrancb Day of Golf' beit August 26. The exent takes place ai BIie Spnings Gvîl 'Club in Acton. Tcî register tir l'or information, catI (90(5 1 8t3- 01363. TURN YOUR WEAKNESS INTO STRENGTH A water bearer in India had two large pots. one bung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, and wbile the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long ssalk from the stream to the master's bouse. the cracked pot arrived only half full. For two years this pattern was repeated daily, witb the bearer delivering only one and a hall' pots full of water in his master's house. Ot course, the perfect pot was proud of its accom- plisbments, perfect to the end for wbich it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that i was able to accomplish only baif of whaît i had been made to do. Afier îwo years ni what it perceived to be a bitter failure. it spoke to tbe water bearer onse day by tbe stream. -l arn ashamed of myselt. and 1 want to apo)- ogile to yotî. -Wby? asked tbe bearer. -Wbaî are you ashansed of?- I bave been able, f'or ibese pasi îwo years. to deliver only hall my ioad because this crack ni nsy side causes xater to ieik out ai) the way back to your master's bouse. Because of rny flaws. you bave to do ail of ibis work. anti you dont gel fui) value irom your efforts,- tbe pot said. Tbe xaîer bearer f-eit sorry for tIhe usd crackeii pot. and in bis conmpassin sbc saiti. "As ixe reîum Io tbe masters b ouse, 1 want you 10 notice tbe beautiful flowers along tbe patb.: lndeed, as tbey weîst up the il, ibe old cracked pot took notice of tbe sun xx arming tbe beautîfu) wiid lowers on the side of tbe patb. and ibis cbeered it some. But ai tbe eisd of tbe trail, itsîill fell bad because tl bad leaked out baif it's ioad, aîîd sus again the Pot apologied to tbe bearer for ils tailure. The bearer said to tbe pot, "Did you notice tbat ibere were flowers oniy on your side of tbe patb, but not on the other pot's sidel Thaî's because 1 bave aixxays known about your flaA. and 1 îook advanîage of)it. 1 pfanted flower seeds oiti'u'îur sîide of' tbe patit. anti every day wxfiie xxe sxalk back trîsns the sî've waîered ibemn. For two years 1 bave been able to pick ibese beautiful tlowers Io decorate my masters table. Witbout you being jusitbe way you are. be would not bave tbis beauty to grace bis bouse." Eacb of us bas our oxxn unique flaws. We're ail cracked pots. Don't be afraid of your flaws. Acknowledge tbem, and you too can be tbe cause of beauty. Know that in our weakness we find our strengtb. To discover more about hou a relationsbîp wiîb God can transform your life, visit a local cburcb ibis sxeekend. Consult the directory beloxx for service ies and locations. Submitîed by: Rex. Dan Rogge. Sensior Pastor of Nexx Life Cburcb. Miltoîs. St. C eorge's Anglican Church, loN ville 7051 G;uelph line, jusi north ot')err.ý Road 5 imiiiitiseri sc 'lc dsiir ieii Sunday, JuIy 7th and cmm Huito S(uîîiiîuuiuu Nuiisc'r> ,ind Saiday Scituuuuoide 99:30Yuutii Service in the Auditourumiî Service iof 'rayer l'or Healing: 7prn Sanday. July 28' andi Suniday. Augusi 25: Recior The Reverend Canon Charlte Master', Foîr more niiinuatito cati the church otfice 878-1t %35 or Visit the wehsite www.sigeorgestlovvilte.oirg Senir Pastor Aov. Dan Rogge Chiidren Mr$. Natalie Rouge Worship Mrs. Esther Kesior Youth Mr. Tim Stevens 9 amn - Eorly Worship Service 9:30 arn - Sunday School for ail oges 10:45 amn - Second Worship Service -Dedicatian of a new church bus" LOOK TO TU-ÉL EUTURL 6:30PM - LARGE SCREEN MOVIE SuerisN R'eFY OyamrIchI dFen s KN~OX PRESBYTERIAN CHIR('H 174) Main St. E. prset Vacation Bible School Aug. l9th - 23rd To Regster (ail Amy Smith: 9078-987~4 SOUTHSIDE CMMUNIY CHURCH of The Chisian & Missionarv Aliance (fonneris known as Milton Aflianre (hurch) 2850 DERRY RD. *Pliie 878-56364 e Fax 878-6676 Senlior Pastuir. Creg NIeC>înh)s 10:00 i.Ni. St NDAY NIORNtN(; WOIIS11IP SERVICE & "1ADVENTURELiND" for kids 3 - Gr. 6 (Nurser% care prided fp tii age 2) For more info on our regular wcekli ministries, please cail the church office. CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Britannia Rd. W., at Fourth Line (905) 875-2939 10:00 arn, Bible Classes (ail ages) 11:00 arn, Worship and Communion Minster - Bryan Meneer SOUIHSIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH MILTON GOSPEL HALLBA A of The Chrisian & Missonary AlianCe 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 _________ (formerilv known as Milton Alliance Churcb) i850 DERIRY BD. 10:00 arn. - The Lords Supper WEEKLY tNFORMAL DISCUSSION *Phone 878-5664 a Fax 878-6676 11:45 arn. - Sunia Schooi "Baha' Foith and Its Teochings" Senior- Pastoir: Greg MIcComhs 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Att Wetcome Pastor of Youtli Ministries. jack Ninaher Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Info about activities: 905-875-2923 10.-00 A.M. SUNDAI NIORNING WORSHtP SERICE Prayer and Bible Study &"ADVENTL REt.ND" for kids 3 - Gr. 6 onieth ecofGdadHsgt eejyt unyu (Nursery rare provided up to age 2) Jesus said, 1 arn not corne t.,rwihshlroIemscfitVutoGe H nais f cienyea dipnseo Fo oeif nor eua ekyt call the righteous, wth ail creartures Fram Boala Scripture For orieinfo on o te urelar eeld but sinners 10 repentance. 1-800-433-3284 miisre, las cltth hucho l c.Luke 5.32 Grace Anglican Church 317 NMainiSt. E.,tMltonî the C(Iîîîclîon the Jil Tel. S78-2411t Fax 878-:3W5 Rev. Dr. Mark MeDermott SUNI)AISEBVI(:FS S IX) ilI hls I oi i l ti i îîîî 10:00;[ it Sis11(r 'IIdIIi;its tut s1i iSi (i)Èr&-IiC( u 1io TIIURS1) AY i1:0 1)i I sk iomunîrîîion >3 îIWOIu.Iîî I uus 111 l'îîîîîu.i Ittuk tt ttIiis We wef corne you to... ST. PAU L'S UNITED CHURCH ) 123 Main St. E., Milton Sunday July 28, 9:30 a.m. PENTECOST 10 Camp Churchapalooza nursery facî/stscs available Rev, John Benhan & Resu, Gerry Hofstetter ludy Hunier, Director of Music Church office: (905) 878-8895 Wir.ý 1 -- ww .spaisi.onor -ÇRACEWAY 'BAPTIST CHURCH 10,3 Martin Street 90-5-878-1629 Pastsr VWalte'rfIl.Isaask t:50 a.111. - Fat3sily Bible HsU r 11 :00 i.n.- Morning Servce 0:00 p.rn.- Evening Sî'rvic e Thursday 7:00 p.rn. Bible Study & Prayer "You'il always find a friend at Graceway" m