12-The Canadian Champion, Friday July 26, 2002 MON" v iV l lv ld AT il-E AGRI('UI]IURAL HALL, MILTON FAIRGROUNI)S ROBERT ST. MILTON Feaurng Qi,ho l \ 1S 7rio ttt ,hLt ,h,,,droinýuIc o\r oîl h (niit , lc inrio r . a rbt> oriteu 11(m ool llo i i nd r ior dok rar i9iic.diîmnuicht o\ rrrttol'ther dIoc. p in oi SSi Inin andlrîuil rLom .adman\ rru ao do ind i[rl'IHIISIAS SALEt'YOU WVON"I '>SN 1i Iii 51155 luriher listing a% ailable ai n-wroau0rtionsfiid.eirrrriev TERJrS: Sii. VISA,.SIN SC(H W/ L552 K'S i01i-StitiSiNO I' 1' m stili bitter about it years later from ITS on page 10 tIOSS'5 IoîIld hlie goIid rattliateS 10tii0S gatherings because îhey probahly diot look any wîîrsc now. Stil., its nîce 10 sec how people tumerl out. 1 knîîw a couple so-callcd gecks. whîî cootdn't do anything in gym class. became dentists. I knîsw one guy, who 1 was poisi- tive dirlisi lîke girls. is marricd ant isas a couple kirîs. Arsother guy berame a golf pro, ansi one ol the girls îsarricd a goy whîî INOW IT'S EVEN EASIER TO GET AI GREAT DEAL ON A GREAT CAR., 2002 N'Lssan Seuntra For oySentra XE j Q Qwith Vaue $ ~ /month* Option Package for 48 months, only $1,298 down. No Security Deposit O.A.C. I~ Or clooseli.8 ý,Financing. NO PAYIMENTS FOR -3DDAS 1i26-HPi1 8-litreOHC el - tAr conditoin AMFM wtCD ado urrrrmad 4speakýro.-14' r i Fullo, o 8 y munu dres sat 6/40splîi olding sea -Ce ntrcnoe me -A n uhm ore, 2002 Nmsan Aîtrâ OEST NEW FAMILY 4lwth ATM $319I mnth fo 48 months, or y $3320 down. Iincudes Destiraton ard Delioery. Lease ?.5S IATIC 1755HP 2 5 it, OHC 'A , tot-rAM FM -hCDtdo,l,to P-- p 't k . d,'.r . t, ti t , lThtb t i. to't5 tttt A,, , C ,o -e't 2003 Nssan Maxima Lei For oniy Maxima G $399,mo:nt? for 48 months, onty $3,900 down. Icludes Destination and Det very. 'ase GXE MATIC - Ot, - .... - -" 2002 Nissan Pathfncle rn uîes oe$2,10 inaddiintal ateaddndc Lease ea Fo oniy Pathfinder ".Ct'iLKOOT EDITION" '399 month fo 48 months, onty $5,199 down. Inctudes Destination and Deliuery. Or choose 2.8 Financing. DrntnpotSeretvrho -rtN .u d,, p,ýd10-,B , II 5ot n. - reSttq , 4,-' r, I.. . ..'ISN' UME ALSEEN NS.SO NORTH END Ar4 610 MARTIN STREET9 MILTON 905-878-4137 SERVICE DEPT. IIOURS: Mon. 7:30 - 5:w> Tue&. 7:30 - 8:00 DIVIEU Wsd., Thurs., Fr. 7:30 - :00 îlavcd n ils i ic \isisireil 17 n:iicit hite oîfiîcî 'm"andi i r Iiiti uai 5\elr site, rlassmates.sous, wisnrhsi toms loit isn't sînly a goiid dca. but alsît a profiîtable one. l'miflot sure l'mi întcrestcd in payîng to c-mail a nane roin the pasi. il oily oui oi'principle. I've run ,ictiss schoîl trîeîsds tiser tlise ycars ai s artUos iplaces, isilCUiisg Oîe gLIV I didn't even reîsensbeî H[e %vensît osaisdtos about the giuti res ce hs,dansd Iforftise file ofI'ise I ciiîlriii place Isun theis ansd st lcaîst.I iletIt' eck ot of llse. I tittl is't have the heai Io tel Il finits s. 1 laughed andI shtii k nis ead il ilîe'apîsortii ae usies. Abiot 10 y cars agit. ait Id gyîsî îaeie oif' min1e raIled issy parensst,,ioe itt et lis ticrîs cils ie abotut a rlass, reuott. The tlsîîg 1I tissered isîtsi aiboti hîs cas that durîîîg a gymisastirs segisenishe and t played catch. [ic cvas cîîrkîng uoî Iss pîtrîs- miîngdaîr1I cas a csaiîsier. 'hli i he gasvc nie a zero fotr gymnastirs I saisk yîo s eîy much. 1I\c ituldtri't misndtalkiîsg tliistne iof imy îîîhcr icachers ', suiîtld ise I1cAas iever goîîsg ii amni o s antvliîg. Oms oitu tlscy werc smnarter than 1 tîsîughlt. Excepitir tone guy csîo gas e mc a D- on a issajur gctîgraplsv prîject besause lise saîd Ipaii thtIe ss Iole tiliit>Silice I1sdd t 25 years laier. I have ni illuisioins about mny higlih li years. I1c asted theni abot as badly as they ciiuld bc ssasted. Wouldn't we aill ik tiigis back Io that tlsme, knowing wlsat we do i 'c o I h a loi smiiîther wîth the girls, I rais tel li1ihai. Or nmaybe riot. ln aisy event, l'Il attend rmy classes more regular- y and do inw hornec îrk. l'id alsit bc less sell-ctinsýCittis. 1 guess ihat's typiralîS icenrage. but what a c asie ofi t ne. 0f )lcIIîii e, yîîtî(dois't kilo\,\Isai umtil Y tCiti 'ir lder. Wi ee so s> tiied ahbout xsliat other People ilsittigîsi abiotLIS aisd ciîuld be so superlicial i Isere was ilsis one girl wsliii ssas prtihablv the iicesi girl u ni y class. WAe gîît altiig gleat. laughed aIl the tinse. and tîld eaclsisîhler isur secrets. Sse saw ise n a rolsantic waly, bhtt1 discouraged her rom going nistIsai directions for the simple reason ihai she ssas oisctssighi. Wîîuldnt ssast Ioi he seels c 1h a tubby girl. that wtiuîdr romthe imsage. 1 don't kniic what- ever hecame tfier but I huipe she's happy. Whcîs 1 cas nishigh school I couldn't wailtrio get ot oiIthere. iCs lonny noss hoc I keep guîîîg hack. Resuit worth it: Ninaber * from SCRAPBOOKING on page 10 slcmtnstIrates hoý,Iic lit ji iipriatcly tise stîrters. "Peop1lc e ensîoiiidisl lt îrîsc stîckeîs sn tus ir e tI hs o r tilev ci l pttii st-OPlif earis md stania its o\er the page. Despîte tIsetart crcatîîsg a srrapbîîok csoîri tice ereînelv lime-colis utnntg dcpcndiisg sttcbig ihe book is. the cesd restLII s Nss il. t,she saiti. "lis a cleatis e ittti. I enjrsy siiîing back and loo(kilsg ai tic Isen us coitnpletcî." i_ DID YQUR Don't panic... LATEST Don't despair... DIET... le can help. e Safe, ail naturai herbai weight ioss programn e Individuaiiy taiiored food plans *Your own personai trained heaith counselior sGuaranteed resuits *Expires August 2, 2002. Based on full programn exoludes product weight iossenutrition*Iierbai remnedies ask for the impossible, ifs our speciilfy, 15 Martin St., Carrnage Square ~ 6399 wwwherbaimagicsysttMns.com 95-9 -9 9 Rama