lO-The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 26, 2002 Sharon Ninaber shows off the scrapbooks shes created for ber four chiidren. For the past year, the Miton resident bas been holding scrapbook workshops out of ber home once a week. She discovered the art of scrap- book eslgnlng wbile living ln Brtish Columbia. lier d.signs were featured in the Creating Keepsakes 2002 idea Book Photo by GRAHAM PAINE 0 Austin Powers in A SDaiIy 6:45 p.m. & 9:00 p.m. Il tDfihI5' ~'Wed., Sat. & Sun. 2:00 p.m. flCM 0 Stuart Little 2 [] Theatre Parkmn Avalable eor 1 DETUREAIVNUR THE VALUE 0F A "SMILE" T COSTS NOTHNG, BUT CREATES MUCH T ENRIHES THOSE WHO RECEIVE T1, WITH- OUT IMPOVERISHINO THOSE WHO GIVE IT T HAPPENS IN A FLASH, BUT THE MEMORY 0F iT SOMETIMES LASTS FOREVER. T CANNOT BE BEOOED, BORROWVED, OR STOIEN BUT IT I50F NO EARTH[Y OOOD TO ANYONE, UNTI[ ITS GIVEN AWAYI SO F IN YOUR HUPRY YOU PUN ACROSS SOMEONE TOO WEARY TO SMI[E [BAVE ONE 0F YOURS! BECAUSE, NO ONE NEEDS A SMILE AS MUCH AS HE WHO HAS NONE TO OIVE AUTHOR UNKNOWN YOU DO NOT NEED A REFERRAL, SIMPIY CALI OUR OFFICE DIRECT VVE CARE ABOUT YOUR SMILEI MEN OMml WN Garry Trenton, Denturist 159 Main St., Milton 905-876-2900 -Scrapbooking can be creative outiet By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Before putting together a scrap- book, one must make several important decisions - what the theme wil be, how to decorale the pages and how big you want your book of memories to be. For the past three years, Sharon Ninaber bas been busy making scrapbooks for eacb (of ber four cbtldren. The Miltonian was first introduced su the ant scrapbook designing wbile living in British Columbia several years ago. Its buge out west and it bas just stanted tu comc to Ontario recently," she said, adding ber designs are featured in the Creating Keepsakes 2002 Idea Book. "My girlfriend got into it a few years ago and 1 thought the books were amnazing." Wben purchasing a scrapbook. the paper must be acid free in order to kcep the pages frum deteri- oratlng. she continued. "This way the books will ast for gcnerations. The yellow colour trom old paper won't fade il you use acid-free products." For the past year. Ms Ninaber bas held scrap- book workshops out of ber home once a wcek to belp beginners get started. "Some peuple dont want tu tackle their chtld's life btstory. Su tbe theme mnigbt be birtbdays and for each birthday you migbt put a picture and a note on the page and su on. Or you migbt do an ABC book. You could have a picture of your child and the letter A for alligator, and have a picture, and then do the rest of the alphabet on eacb page." Scrapbouks alsu make for great wedding pres- ents, Ms Ninaber said, addtng you can get as cre- ative as you want when putting a book together. "There are a lot of Web sites out there with puems. You can aisu add stickers and ribbons to emphasize the theme of the page." If you want to make a scrapbook but don't know where to begin. she suggests sorting through the photos and selecting the best unes. "Then you have to decide on a theme. It could be birthdays, Christmas or special occasions. You have to decide before you start the book how deep you want te, gel into the history." Some peuple prefer to design their books in chronolugical order, Ms Ninaber cuntinued, but added chronolugy isn't key. "Each page can have a theme. You can have a picture of someune in the garden and then decorate the page with garden stickers or cut outs and then paste a few words about what's happening. 1 did a page witb a beach theme and put a sun, watcr and esee RESULT on page 12 Y ufll 'It's funny how I keep Club UoueTister Coo$5.49 going back to old days nc. 3 large saladé 1 large fries, med gravy 1 bag of Homestyle 2 Bite Brownies A triend from higb scbool e-matled me & for a limted time, a free 2L Bottie of Pepsi the other day. i bad come acruss bis brutb- er througb work, recognized the last name, -2,, 1 or 15 pcs. for $27.99 and what do you know, it's a small wurld. a He was a school friend, which meant we 27 anS r (0)884 1 were friends at schuol, but nut out of O h which realiy made nu difference. Wben a group of peuple go througb a war tugether they seem to have a life-time bond. 1 tbought maybe I'd like tu forget my high schuol years, but 1 ftnd 1 can rememn- ber them better than 1 can rememrber things that bappened last week. And the mure timne that gues by the mure fondly i remem- ber tbem. Maybe the ulder we get the mure likely we are tu look back instead of tu, the future. Not that l'm anxiuus lu go tu a reunion. 'm 100 pounds beavier than 1 was in higb loose e iMRRYTWNED school and have considerabiy iess har than the locks that went halfway down my back. Otherwise l'd go, just to feel good about the other guys who put on 100 pounds and lost their hair. 0f course, 1 stili picture peuple as 1 did in high school, so 1 assume they picture me the same way. 1 wouldn't want to muin that esee 1111 on page 12 VOLUNTEER BOARD MEMBERS NEEDED for local aduit literacy program. one evening a month. Cail Gary Crosbie 905-873-8165 for info. ML