4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 23, 2002 Donated Teddy Bears. new or nearly new. wiIl go to Good Bears of the World Canada for youîîg traumna victimrs for distribution in liospitals and emerqency care centres. Donations of Peanut Butter and/or Holey - d bears favourite!- will be given to the locail Salvation Army Food Batik. Every donation gets you another chance to win VERY BEARY CORRECTION TO 'CONTEST RULES- Cosing date for entries: Sunday. July 28/02. 5p.m. Draw wi!! be held Monday, July 29/02. 9a.m. <Not Juit 27 & 28th as printed on the ballots.) It's Better to Give than to Receive -MILONMAti 'Declaration on dlean air' si2ned hv Region Halton Region signaled its commitment to improving air quality by signing the Inter-govemmental Declaration on Clean Air at the recent thîrd annual GTA Smog Summit. The Region joined 24 representattves lrom tIhe municipal, regional, provincial aîîd lederal government levels in its com- mitment. The declaration includes an cîutlîne of' tlic general prîncîples of' smog and pro- grains and initiatives each organization s'. il miniidually tacHle Ibis year. along ss',ii theUicactions lii be initiieclby alli mm bers (il the GIA Clean Air Council. ()aks le Cîuincillor Allan Elgar signecl the dccl arat ion on bebalfI oil H aIion Regional Chainnan Joyce Sas oline. "l'le Smog Sumitoit prît'. ded an oppor- tuimity for tbe Region to highligbtounr air qualiiy imprîtsenient strategies." said %Is Savulîne. "We base been vo.irking to imprilve air qnaliiy l'r many years and in lact, smuog reductîîîn '.as identifuecî as one of' tbe strategîc gîoaisin regional cîtuncls newly- tes ised Strategic Plan." Halton Region bas ciummittecl ti numer- tins action plans. inclndîng: " advocating lîîr public transit " clscussîng atn anti-i dling policy lor Regional s ehicles - esploring the leasibility ut buyirig non- citaIltire electriciix tir Regional LiSe *es\pancîingtfli laIton Partimers lor Clean Air to iii.luide pris ate enierprise - tsi rk ing to i educc IraI ic c ongiestioni aiouiiclscîtools . undertaking a second State ot the Environment Report to develop Environmental Indicators for Quality of Life Reporting " evaluating and supporting the addition of land to the region's Greenlands System " promoting a compact urban form " providing education and awareness about the impact of smog on' public bealtb. This iso't laIon's fîrst step toward addressing air pollution concemns.ln 1999. the Region worked witb the public sector Io develop the Halton Public Sector Smog Response Plan and loundced the Halton Partners for Clean Air group t0 implement the plan. The partnership is a way lor 12 local. public sector partners to work together to reduce work-related and community con- tributions Io smog. The partners include Haîttmn Region, the tour area municîpali- tics, the Halton and Catbolic District scbool boards. Conservation Halton. and local hydro commissions. Reccntly, the Halton Partners for Clean Ait sponsored the only Citizens' Smog Forum thai welcomed more than 60 resi- dents 1(4 address smog problems and dis- cuss solutions. Discussion points from this meeting v.ere collated with the ideas from lise other GTA Citizen Forums to create the 'Citi.'ens' Report'. scich w.5as present- cd ai the Junc 21 Smog Summit. For more information about vdiai Halton s doing about smog cal 905) 825-60(X) or \ isu sv, '. '. region .liai ton.on.ca. Tour our NEW Women'ls OnIy fac«ility and enter for a chance to a 2 year lease on a Ia David Paic helI bEans YQJZ3J "You Can Join GoodLife Now For $0 Initiation! " Founder & cEo, GoodLife Ftness 1 Li 10,000 Square Foot Facility Includes: Fitness Studio e Free Weîgbts- Circuit Training e Personal Training - Fat Loss Program e Cardio Theatre e Cross Trainers 0 Recumbent ikes a Treadmilîs * Stairmasters - Tanning e Cbild Minding e Pro Sbop e Sauna a Privacy Cbangerooms Ca/i or visit our showroom at 409 Main Street today! I NEW WQMEN ONLY CLUB!G Current Ced Club:905Ma6inUetGoL f Curn oe lb 905-876-FIT349MiSTt 855 Steeles Avenue East Nominal due n d d ministrtion tfees pply ffC i 5Jl y 4nt5<31, 2002 0ffer.ai43 tMin .Sreet loction mty m -a n"M"q u e ýoGcGoOdLl' cl 1-0 y Mý,f 17 -foyota. ton