Reconstruction oversights t<) he fvchd* ruqý f By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion A trio of oversights during the Main Street reconstruc- tion project have or will be corrected in the near future, says a Town officiai. -There's a couple things thai we*re sit tfine-tuning on the profj- cet,." said Peter Lino, the Towns project manager. Ne\ fante alignments approach- ing the Cormercial Street intersec- tion have resulted in driver confu- sion and ses eral near collisions. But the Ist expects nesfy- nstalled adv anced sarning signs should take tare (of anv concemns. -There have heen fines to delin- cale where the leit lui-n lane staris -svjth anros s and there hav e also heen -Through Traic Keep Right- signs installed:' explained Mr. Linn. Prior to the reconstruction, the Main Street consisted of four lanes - with Iwo through lates heading in each direction. However. that section of road now consisîs of "'That was just an oversight. We wiII be putting the (handicapped parking) sign back Up.9 PETER UNN (ne lhrough lanc 1n eath odirectiîon and ýi li lui n anc fotadîng cither SOLIIII011 Conuenciial street oî hlto CiruagIýe Square. A haîdîtappcd parking spate loitated n i ont of Conmnunity Cotonection on Main Street, 0 hîth ss as remooveol. s il also he replaced. -That ovas jist an oîsersighî. We svîll he puîîîng the (handicappecd parking) sign hack olp. said Mr. Linn. Whîle glad to sec the space returning, Milton resident John Spurgeon- who i-st raised the issue wîîh both the Town and The Champion- said he helieves added handicapped spaces should bc availahle in the downtown core. "Since the govemment is the one pushing handicapped access, you'd thînk they (Town) would have Io have some (spaces) dowrntown,-he sai(1. reterrîng 1Io((n-street parking. Handicapped spate.s are needed, but thcy shouldn't netessarily bc placed on Main Street, Mr. Spurgeon toiotinuied, suggesting the re-desigtoatioîo of spaces or)0 Martin and Charles sîrtets. But tioc arc alh eady foui hiandi- municipal property and several others n pris ate lots, poîtoted o(ut Mr. Linn. os ,o lanoicappett spires arc as ailahleien hoth the Mary Street andf Toswn Hall parking lots. The thîrd oversight. several mis- spelled "Pedesitian" crossing signs in the downtown cote, have also heen replaced with the correct spelling -pedestrian. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 23, 2002 -3 Y l1M . jiutl Siots net another $1.5 million SIot machine gamhling ai Mohawk Raceway has resulted in a $1 .5 million profil share for the Town of Milton. The fonds represent 5 per cent of profils eamed at the gaming facility between April and Jone. M- To date, the Town has received more than $ 17.5 mil- lion in profils from the faciiity - most of which has heen allocated to capital projects. Siot profits are also provided for communily hetter- ment projects through the Milton Community Fond. (Other dealers, wb - - -invited bac - i~Q~Y~ F urry i BaLkery Spoc Li I F~te PIZA DDONVANILLA CUSTARD SLICES 2FOR99(C Chneu Seil TRE STELLE CHEESE MAKERS MOZZARELLA CHEESE SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE S E.1[. l4uYi293g94j Bell Specials BRANDT'S HONEY Bi MAPLE HAM 39L or .88/100 RANOTS OVEN 'q OASTED CHICKEN j 99 LO eor $1.321100g -'This program started Tuesday, JuIy l6th, and wiIt continue. *until 50 customers buy or lease a new demo or used vehicle at Wallace Pontiac Buick Ltd. You wiII be entered, in a draw to win $5,000.00. Customers must take delivery of the vehicte (Factory orders wilII fot count) and you could. be one of the 50 to win. vholesalers and fleet customers wiII flot be eligible. OnIy retail customers.) S5Oth customer has taken delivery, you wiII be :k to the dealership for the big draw of $5,000. inow for great deals and selection and be one of the 50! Financing 48 Months (most msdes.) or Cash Backs Up to $Si100. Ovor 200 Vehiclos to choose Irom. Prime, one owner . ... .. Optimum Used Vehicles with factory warranty at1 '~reduced prices.1 900 AM -9:00 Pm 9:00 Am -6:00 Pm StreSehkOasPlBa 30 aM8 0 Suda, , 0 5 ný 90&75m0303 1