The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 23, 2002-25 ACTORS IMODELS Semmer iimisniehs begen Torlente preiscn ss leuinil n0i ccii n i c i< Ica lV siows, Mevies, Caalogs. Mil miii 6e holding Adiions in yoar aiea on Fri July 2611< by appoîsîmenl vsly Audi- ias tee ut $34 50 <GST is retanieil yoe do sel qualily Tv scledule an audition phone 519-249- 0700 belmeen 9-5pm, Model and Talent Bureau is a member ot BBof Mid-Western Ontaro. JOS! JOS JOS!JOS! " Blngual French/English CSR - akille " Financial Services Industry - CSR " In-Bound Cail Centre Reps (2) - laCs iii " Real Estate Law ClerklLegal - avilp Visit aur website for more inormation: www.theselectiongroupcom Fax 905-238-0753 Graming fandscape company requires the faf lowing prfessionally mnded people: " CONSTRUCTION FOREPERSON & LABOURERS " MAINTENANCE WORKERS Compefifîve ages commensurate wth ex- perience. Reply by emaîl, fax or ta person: E-mail: Fax: 905-639-7412 3235 Fairview St., #5, Burlington STUDENTS Are you outgoing, mature, able f0 handie responsibiity? Do you lifke to meet and talk fa a wide vaniety of people with different inferets? Are you aaving for a car or your educafion? Would you like ta earn $7.50+ per haur? If we have yaur intereaf and you are available fa work during Auguaf and then weekends fromn September ta January plus some eveninga), camne and jin aur team. Pick up an application from: Customer Service desk The Olde Hilde House 49 Eastern Avenue, Acton 515 515 SklISed Help Skilbed KFWp LICENSED MECHANIC or 4th-5th year apprentîce for medium sîzed truck fleet WVage negotiable, paîd trenefîts. Must have ovvn bols, valîd drivers licenso and transporta- tion. MIG Wefdîng an asset. Fax resume. Atfn. Bruce Wîttamson 519-853-2816. 525 525 omce 5fwp Office I-Iep HELP LEAD THE WAY AI [UVWAR D NS ourCiri ini s-r - icw caes rasimade us i iv utailaisn aie çfîraiician eves n nCurpelîes se netiln Ori l[ai ig Opporiiles I r i ini direshie A Iqh hers inaknile, ON Office Administrator Yns Il nupport the iseesîmeinl represeelal se ave con- Irihie tn Ihe s5cC55ofethe 5ofie D uliesnscinde saricis cuslemer srvice, marketing and administra- ise foncions Appîicasîs munI have ecelent cîganfi zaissul skills and tles aily le asiC welI indepes aeslly Crne sue wlîy us iv asked #1lii FORTUNE magazîce's2002 lsI ellese "100 BesI Cempai iv le Weîk Fer"s in erica. Tu be cessiered for 16 s positione appiy enlise ai www.edwardones.conicareer ni seed yecer s seme & saîaîy regeinsmeele le. Edward Jones, Attn: MT-02875-OVB 1245 J.J. Kelly Memorial Drive St. Louis, MO 63131, Fax: 866-860-4098 E-mail: <oSt. Mildreds-Lightbourn Scitool an iependesl day schesil forgis s fro'0 hm 2K Ie univîersiîtancses M-RECEPTIONISI * cenraci pesitions aîng the school esar * 2 weeks oflfs nîîng nhe Chri smas & Mai 1< break * dueiS ciais gîelîno 9sesi , oersilng ma i swîchbeaîd & daa sslry Please sebmîl peur reseme by Fiaas Augesi 2, 2002 Ans Vele, Vice Principal St. Mldedo Lightboern Scinosi 1080 Lisbrosk Rd.,Oakille, ON L6J 2L1 Fax: 905-845-4799. e-mail: Ne phone caiîns.peise Oiy renne seiscîvd Inn an itervie vil Oe cenacîci Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing n Milton has an immediate opening for an expe- rienced Sales Representative fa join our sales team. As a motivated self-starter you will be responsibte for the co-ordinating and seling of newspaper advertisisg, nsmerous features and aur monthly publications. Good communications skills are esserîtial. Yu must be able to mark under deadines & understand hsw ta îuggle numerous tasks. Sales esperience s definite asset. Previaus applcants need sot re-apply. OnIy applicants ta be interviewed wilI be con- tacted. No Phone Calis Pieuse. We of fer *a base salary lucrative commission package *stable mark envirosment Please forward resume fa: Afenfion: Wendy McNab, Adverfising Manager Vje (anabian (Ijamrpion 191 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Fax: 905-876-2364 Deadltne for resumes is July 26, 2002. Education Sales Representative Merlan Scientific is Canadas teading supplier of science and technology training materials for the education market. We are seeking a highly motivated college/university graduate wî th proven sales record to cover our Ontario territory. The successfut candidate wîlt possess a strong scientific background. have a proven sales record and be confident presentung f0 senioîr înstructors and admnîstratîî s. We ofter signitîcant support frorn <ur inside sales and marketing tearn and an opportunity tor the rght person tii rcap the rewards ot a grosing market. Remnuîeration i ocl odes bd-sc clarv, cioisnisinand heneltis. s ciiiruc-<' I Mlerlan Scientific Fax (905)877-0929 or email: danne@& M5ahin Ccssî{îeCl Hours akville Monday ta Frîday Child Care 9 arn ta 5 Pm Centre Requires ,Î:c:T: ECE Teacher Sctnml Aue Staff,, ~ 4I Sîapplv Staff» CaII: 905-849-4769 1 Fax: 905-849-7456 75 715 MOVING/ Packîng. Domestîc/ International. Fiee aîdrabe for al mavîng lobs. Urgent lobs welcame. 905-829-1282, 1(866)666-1313. SELF-STORAG E, 10' x 20',varloius sîzes, Security video, 24hr access, low monthly rates, 905-866-7464 rJc> w y c> LiJ a n L> rc> wv EE The M ilto Di4 1 To ail of the following businesses for their valued support of the plant sale on May 13, 2002. A&P Andrews Scenic Acres Arbor Garden Centre & Nursery Canadian Tire Corp. Chudleigh's Apple Farm Country Depot Crawford's Country Gardens E.C. Drury High Sehool Gord Hassal Harrop House Gallery John Popp Tree Farm Kalena Flowers Karen's Flowers La Rose Italian Bakery Lafarge Canada Inc. Langholm's Nurseries Loblaws Imc. Milton Greenhouses PAO Horticulture Peter HaridingY Landscaping Quality Greens Ron NewelI Spice O'Life Card & Gift Shop Springridge Farm, Campbellville Stocresli Farm, Campbellville Superchoice Country Markets Taylor Nurseries Teresa's Gardens Van Beek's Garden Supplies Van Dongen's Tree Farm Zellers Imc. s4eJe ! M -- - - "OIM