The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 23, 2002 -21 Sr. Sox now vye for berth to Ontario 'B' championships Junior Mysties drop r1ose ope to Fort Prie By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The Senior Red Sox' 2(4(2 (prising 0(1w cornes wîth a price. A 10- 13 league record as ot lasi nigbt means ihey'll more than likely be îoo guod tor 'C' classification ibis year. And with the Ontario 'B' championsbips set to take jusi one representative trom COBA- ai leasi ai the present urne - Milton will have to sîay ahcad oft Oakville, who're jusi îwo games back. in orCer Io qualify. -We'll probably need another couple of wîns, and even that might not be enougb." saîd manager George Moore. At Brian Besi Park Sunday, Milton moved a step closer to advaneing to the provincials by mercying Oakville 10-0t. The eight-inning blowout pushed the local seniors' regular scason win total int0 double tîgi range- sorntbing tbcy haven't acived ii several years. Offering anoilser reminder ihat their nsuch-inipruîved season is for real, the bîîsîs dominaicd ii es cry deparo ment to blank ibeir regional rivaIs. Adans Finkbeincr îussed a to(ii hitici oser ses ci innings to pick Up the \\ no--iholding tibe sisîîrs suit less uvcî is finaI lon transes --an ists shu(tiiht atici- 0000 was aidecî by mus dynamite eensîse plavs by centre tildei Nîck Aalbcrs and sliortstîip Manny Thapar. Offensively, Mati McCandlcss gol ihings started wiîh a îwo-run borner in the firsi and Dwayne Johnîson capped the lopsided aff air wiih a sacrifice ly that cashed in Aalbers. Aaîbers' two-run double in the tif 1h set up the mcrcy, wbîle Ryan Davison also stîiod oui with a pair oflits. Closing tings oui on the mîsund was Josh Campbell. Sunday's shutout win was the thîrd in jusi Il) days tor the reviialîzed Red Sox. In a much more spirîted showdown ai Brian Besi Saiurday, Milton loaded the bases in i15 ast ai-bat îinly îo gel rimmed by Liobicoke 8-7. Thapar scored in the ninth, on a Pat Mastro walk, to draw within one andt turtber fuel the nail bitîng finale. The Red Sos baiilcd back trorn a tour-run deicit (tue in large parit ii sone effective relief work by Thapai and Nathan Tami. Thapar alsîi drîive in a cou- ple ut' ruils andt sas sharp i shirisiop cartier niithe Whilc coising hip shourt Saturday. Miltoin dclivcrc(t a lotiof uigtsy play -ss.ils a handiî otfitsuibstit nies corn- îng, inIi iake conitributionis iii thse bai hne IThe senilirs ss i appedt îp a iiegue iiiic a sireciîsast nîghî nii E ial.ibs edtIhe\, hiisiai I'UIr teaIM irrisamnsai Nuinth Line Bal I Park. Defeat was a whole lot casier to, swal- low for the Junior Mysties Thursday night in Fort Erie. On the heels of a 10-0 home-field wbitewash by Six Nations, Milton's oldesi girls fast-pitch teamn fortified uts efforts and delivered a respectable showing againsi the Tri-Country open- class league leaders. A 7-3 bass was ighlighted by a pros- perous firsi frame - la which aIl of thc visitors' ruos were scored - as well as some effective relief pitching by Katie MacKrory. She gave up just one bit over tse final two innings. Starter Liibdsey Harrold surrendered fJvc of the seven mons in the fourtb. RBI were recorded by Cate Kennedy, Sherylene Leslie and Shannon MaeKenzie. Scoring were Leslie, Carolyn Coates and Tara Elkie. Two nights earlier ai Lions Sports Park, Milton managed jusi five bits and neyer offered much of a challenge to Six Nations. MacKrory and Kennedy aplit the mound work in the six-inning Mercy. These basses follow a solid 2-2 eam- paign ai recent Chatham Tournent. Tihe Mystics - a first-year entry Ici lthe league - began a îwo-game road trip lasi night in Cayuga. Tonight tisey travel to Grimsby and retum home to host a six-team tounarnent ibis week- end. Freshman Sir Luck delivers effortless victory at Woodbine Freshman pacîng colt Sir Luck retaincd bis golden crown for anoîlser week witb a seeînîîsgly eftiiriless victory ai Wosdtine Racetrack Thursday night. The Camluck coslt and Milton driver Mike Sati. tired osut (rom behind the starting gaie iîsuto urth as Armnbro Anthony and Gotta Feeling led the field oft îwo-year-old paing coltis tus a :263 frsi quarter. Once Gotta Feelinsg sad cleared iii tIse ftîSi r Luck kepi right on saling. iaking cîîîtrîîl uitthe race betîîrc the :55.3 Iaitand carrying(o0ntI a 1:24.3 ilree-quaýriers, and (lie-aiid-a liaIt lngth s iaîîry us 1:52. "He was ssell usnlan l ast ssek so 1I cli 51111(abount hins cusmîng notoiitt. [Be tnt eseryttsiisg Itske(l oî bîns' said Satin is te isennisîsci c cle alteici tse raîce "He vnt aîsi brgptniusWindsor. I1.53 ILIadîsthtIsasa jusi as glilih a msle as toiiiits Saii. (Ir-i\ssSiu LLCk tr uîî.îîCî Bill Boutut 01 Carlisle ansd cîss ers C ansd I Racisg Stsble tid. ot Broouklyns. Nen,\York. Flvin us n.stIse coliii s ilird straighi aisd is second Gîsid Fî,ins iciiiry -pLSîîs1g is eanings ils an impressive $1 58.76s4 iii usi tîsnir siais. Gotta Feeling tougi off the challengers tîîr seconsd and Boulder Creek, aiso ossned by C aisd 1 Raciisg Stable and rained by Bill Bud. closed weill b pick up the third-place finisher's share ol ibe $1 30,0W1( purse. "This is going to be one tough division:" noted Safîic. "Mario's (Baillargeon) colt (Gotta Feeling) is a good colt, that was only his second lifetime start and Billy's (Budd) other colt (Boulder Creek) is going 10 be a player 10." Lengthy break Th e Gold level colts n0W enjoy almosi a month break trom Ontanio Sires Stakes action, gîving tbem an opportunity 10 compete in other two-year old stakes like the $700,000 Woodrow Wilson ai the Meadowlassds and the $200000 Battie ot Waterloo ai Elmira Raceway. Ho of Beat Tihey sii omatchs\N ilis i their third Goid Scries es cnt at F-IanihorolDo\,\nsvAuguI 'l and 1S lbel(i oie asCond break to aiciîimid'te the (05 eted ýlI.25 million *Metio Stakes ai Woodbine. lies \lMeiro ligie. so l'ii ooking foin aid 10 dris ng his in thit, actmîted Satir atiel[n da tory s.lie liii ks I ikce se i e cimpetitis e.' ('lise The Bank wm s 'fic îthcitno c IM-11 iieli0iglThîiu I hista i Iî0 grai nasthe $ 30,000 1)Gîid Scries .ionsoliat ioilirace 155"o wi shidli savs Paut MacDlornel I anîd Closýe The Bank sec(iic the s ictory wih a soiid 1:5-4 perfoirmance. Sîariing from post ihrec niithe eîghi horse field tise duo opied Io si and n aich as Wiîrihy Apache and Everion baiiled i oui through opcnîng tractions of 26.3 and :56.4. Heading 10 ihe 1:25.3 ihrec-quailcrs, MacDonl sent Close The Bank after the lead and the Run The Table colt sailed home 10 a hall-lengih win over Vandango Hanover. Third place tnisher Ask Again was another four lengths baek. Peter I-effering of Port Perry. Arhur Slack of' Cumbria, England, David Reid nf Kingston and Stan Klemencic of Trenton share ownership on0 Close The Bank- who was sent off as a tavourie alîsng with bis sîablemnaie Artisîje Bunny. Pleae fa aitof yuPlea eo rt adipot stoy iea 905-878-67lnc t 935 7-93 FMilneMedicne Keep yourng ew atint Teeppu1 RL$IaNG riing Jroquoia Trial T est runs again Burlington's running club will hosi the troquoia Thse enry fee is $42 per person and the 100 par- Trial Test Saturday, Aug. 17. ticipants cull receive a commemorative gifi. A bar- The 27-kilometre race - which will begin ai becue will follow Uic race. Kilbride Scisool and wiIl feature varied terrain from The deadlae for registration is August 15, and country roads Ici challenging trails - wilI have an entry formns cao be picked up ai running stores early start of about 7 arn. and a main pack start of 8 tbrougisout Halton or obtained by visiting P.M. PATSA&RMON EXTRA .I iFAMmw R DUe liez. MI: 7, 4C k-up 1 1 1 4