The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 23, 2002 -17 Every day on the job is different for paramedics pila),' hie said. Medical procedures administered by ACPIs inctude intubation lia assistini airwsay manage- ment). chest tubes. chesi neectle decompressiati. IN., variaus medications and resuscitative drugs and the use afi iranual defibriltators. ACPs also have additional skîlls and tr aining ta manage a greater s ariety of pedatrec condi- tions. Bath Mr. Williams and Mi. Carter addcd ibat Halton Region lias pros ided addiîboiîal t unting ta enhance the skills oil PCPs as stell. and they are now able ta start l.Vs. for exaniple. But paramedies tais aiso adminsier advianced life support skills using standing orders pre- esîablished by the base hospital iredîcal director. 'a.s ihv-ivr ai ssf' ork's Tbev bath also noird that the public's percep- l-ospiîal n i linlgiaii tao biain tîiiil ortters for iurther care while ai a scene tir an route ttî a htîspital. 'W/Il describe (ttî the tl(ctuir) a vpateit's con- dition, for example. if i's a collapsesi long. and tire duitor will authoirze the paramedies ta inseil a neetile ni te chesita assist tre patient's breatb- îng' Mi. Williamns saisi. But tornplting medical protedures ontithîe scene arinii the ambulansce is stîghily dillereni ihan in a baspital room. lits 001 a controllesi environoseni soretimies yOLI're doing ihese îhings in lizzard contdi- tions,' Mr. \William's saiti. As lor- the paramedie profession iseîf. the tss a sais iliba eacb I 2-htor shitli s unlîke any ailier. els., said M1t. 1'liai.iseylî, s .il ,a.c1îai. every catli s tifferent. You neyer get used toit. Jusi when yaOL think you arc. something happens that catches you off guard." As for lifce-tbreatening calîs. Mr. Williams said part ai- ibe job is ta try ta kcep ones emotions front interlering. -You îry Ioi keep i separate. II daesn't Stop os tram carîng. but you have a certain amount ai' dctaehimeni sO VOti cao do your job.' lie saiti. Despîte the stress thai cornes with the piofes- stan. bossever. bath said tile rarcer is resarding. Jusi hebng able ta help sorneone. il someane s tying or bas heen mairned and you get them ta the bospital. and thien the person goes an friir tihere. i's a good lfeeling." saisi Mr. Williams. ness tIo ibis type ai îhing," Mr. Williarns said. -Theres nai od perception thît we vere just the transport guys. But that's changed.' Finally, bath Mr. Wlliams ansi Mr. Carter saisi ihat since EMS becarne part of Halton Regian. significant strides have been miade in reducbng response times. -We've itmarc ambulances, mitre enter- gency vebicles and mare staff," saisi Mr. Carter. -We more than meet the Regian's iresponse trne) requirements." Mr. Wiliams added. tend- ing furtber proaf ta the notion ibat wîth para- medies like Mr. Williams and Mr. Carter, along wtb support fram the Regian. Haltan residents are in very gatid bands. Dateline Dateline is a free listing of coming events only. The column s available f0 local community groups ta assist in promoting their future events. OnIy charitable or non-profit community groups may use this service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closest fa the date of the occurrence although more insertions are possible if demand is low. Notices for Dateine should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to P.0. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed f0 (905) 878-4943, or e-maîled f0 The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items will not be accepted by tele- phone. Tuesday Juiv 23 Do yau have a new baby? Calling New Parents, a free program- for parents and babies aged 6 months and yonger. meets wîîlî a public beatth nurse ta discuss parenting and infant rare. The group meets ai the Milton Community Resaurce Centre. 917 Nipissing Rd.. from 1:30 ta 3:30 p.m. For information, catI (9015) 693-4242. ext. 7899. Help for Parents, a parent support graup, meets at Pinetands Preshyterian Chureh, 5270 New St., in Burington at 7:30 p.m. The non-denami national self-support group hetps parents af ehîl- dren wbo are in trouble at home, at sehoat or with the law or who are abusive or taking drugs. For information, catI (416> 251-0233 (days) or (905) 842-1729 (evenfngs). Wednesday July 24 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds the Evening Euchre Party a 7:30 p.m. Admission costs $2. For information, calI (905) 875-168 1. Thursday July 25 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr.. holds Seniors' Cinemas ait 1:30 p.m. Admission casts $1. For feature film or informnation, caîl (905> 875-168 1. VON Alzheimer Services welcomes new caregivers ta the Milton area support group. The group meets in the Community Room at Loblaws from 2 ta 3:301 p.m. If' you're caregiving for a relative with Alzheimer's disease or a related disorder and are interested in meeting other caregivers. caîl (9(15) 847-9559. RAIL (Residents Afhxcted by Intermadal Lînes) holds a publie information meeting at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre. 500 Childs Dr.. at 7:3(1 p.m. The graup discusses concems relating ta the praposed CN intermadal terminal ta be built in town. Friday JuIy 26 The Milton Seniors' Ativity Centre. 50(1 Childs Dr.. holds a barbecue from 11:301 am. ta 12:45 p.m. The lunch costs $5 and inludes a hamburger or sausage. salad. dessert antd a beverage. For information, catI (905) 875-168 1. The Milton H-uman Resaurce Centre oii Canada f'or Students (HRCC-S) hasts ts second annual Softball Challenge ai the Lions Park sauth diamond. Sommer employment officers, emplayers and students, along with Mayor Gord Krantz, network while playing a triendly game of hall. Everyone is welcome. Safurday July 27 The Halton Region Museum Foundation and The Wave 94.7 FM presents an evening of jazz featuring Blue Willow Trio ai the Halton Region Museum. Doors open at 6 p.m., followed by a buf- fet ai 7 p.m. Entertainment begins ai 8 p.m. Tickets catIs $35. For '339s SPACESAVER METAL BUNK tl 11 'l i S3