16-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, July 23, 2002 i'Wqr4n£.o srw4â»&MJkAcQiil ROTARY EXCHIANGE Tm Warmels is preparing to depart to Cbîle in August for his year, and bis tatber. Peter, and his mother wiIl also be bostmng Atstralian Gerwyn Davies for his Faîl semester at Bishop Redding Higb Sohool. We are waiting ho hear wbo will be thte next inbound student. Anyone wfio would like ta apply for a Rotary Excbange experience or who would be interested in bosting a student, please contact Amit Karia at 416 616 3014. GOLF TOURINAMENT The Tri Club Golf Tournament 2002 is taking place September 18th at Granite Ridge Golf Club, golfers and sponsors please contact Amit Karia at 416 616 3014, or any Rotarian for details. This tournament is a major fundraiser for the new Variety Village West facility, wbicb bas finally found a suifable location in Brampton. Tbe facility will provide recreational and rebabilitation servic- es for pbysically cballenged cbildren and youtb. ROTARY GOES TO BARCELOINA Members of the club recently had the privlege of attending a Rotary International Convention in Barcelona. Spain. 20.000 Rotarians tram around the wvorld met ta be inspired by the many achievementS ot Rotary and to renew their commitment to International Peace and ltnderstanding. It was truly amazîng to attend the events and to see the scope ot activities and initiatives undertaken by rotary volun- teers throughout the world. An audîo!vîsual presenta- tion is being prepared to the club to share tbe experi- ence. CHANGE IN ROTARY MEETING LOCATION Ater many years of meeting and enjaying the hospi- tality of Nadia and Wolfganig at the Muddy Duck, the Rotary Club of Milton lu changing our meeting loca- tion. As ot September 9th we will be meeting upstairs at The Dickens Restaurant on Mill St., Milton, every Monday night, meeting starting at 6.3Opm Many thanks to Rager and is staff. BOARD 0F DIRECTORS FOR 2002-3. The new Board officially took office on July 1st, 2002 and the following offîcers were inducted: Susan Raby - Secretary GIFI 0F KNOWLEDGE WU41WR Emily Willoughby, aiso ram Mlton District High-RoSmt Traue The Rotary Club ot Milton again made one ut the Schaul, was the recpient of a $500 award, tii surt, , T* onmist -CareCm uiy evc biggest schlarship awards available in the Narth her graduate studies uf Forensic Science at Laurentian ColynKetwortha-iresîdeuntyevc Haltoni Regian Iot o graduates tram Milton Higli Unversityi. Emily is a leader lu the Girl Guide mave- CrlnKyot rsdn Schaals. ment, was alsa an Itie Anti-vilence Committee at I ~ . I ,, i' Ashley Hutcfison was the bg winner ram Miltan MDHS, and cu-wrote the schaul couman ife .. .5 District Higli Schoal. Ashley wll receive $3.000 Canadian Champion. ., ,X towards lier graduate studies in Gersntulugy as The club is very pruud ut these twu recipients ut the McMaster University. Ashley lu a c-taunder ut the Gift ut Knawledge Sclilarship for 2002, which recag- Bob Mitchell- Vocational Service Anti-vilence Cummitfee at MDHS. She asa vlua- nizes autstandiflg leadershîp and vlunteer actîvties in Matand Spencer -Club Service teered at Allendale as a recreatian caurdînatar and this graduatîng Higli Schaal students ut Milton. Ries Boers- Past Presîdent experience han led tu her career chnîce. Asliey was an Information regardîng the schularuhîpu is avalabie Dale Deulin - Vice Presîdent outstandîng candidate and a clear cliice for the selec rum the guidance departments in thet Ilree High Aitî Kara- International Service and Youth tion cammîtte utTum Dusmet, Maitiand Spencer and Schauls in Milton, and alsu trum commtte member, Fcaç Bal ab.Matland Spencer, 905 510 1347.Exhne k,,, i1 % , Ah'ýt(l-ln ýia, 'aIl, 1I, e l ' ilf i f/,1 0 1,11.I p 1 1 ,l,ll1ffi , , 11/ 1,, ll1 auiig- - --,a2lï 8 IMKI