Rural roads can be hazardous --S' e Ipa ë ùuabia Cijapton ~~ 6~#~ 40Pae Vol. 143 No. 37 Tuesday, July 23, 2002 A Metroland Communïty Newspaper Reconstruction oversights to he fixer! Protect Your Investment Austen & Noble Iuisuraicte specializing in residential and rural properties ýAuto Busines% 205 Main St. E. 878-72171 1-800-413-5701 Servtmg EItrndat 96m $ 1 .00 (GST includedl Photo by GRAHAM PAINE v/Hthot, hot Allison Williams - haIt of the stage act 'The Daring Devilinis' - shows the art attfire eat-I ing to an enthralled crowd at the Ontario Renaissance Festival, which opened tor its seventh season on the weekend. See more photos on page 9. Storage rates starting as Iow at $75/month for a 8'x8' unit! Video surveillance, fully fenced facility, electronic card access, cheapest prices in town, 24 hour access, only you have the key, ground level units, and a computerized gate system! By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Mould has forced Haltonl Wornen's Place to temporarily close Ils doors, but it should be ready for re-opening within a cou- ple weeks, said ant officiai fron the local shelter for battered women. 'vse undergone ail out îur dlean-up pricedures: sýaid sbelter spiilsspersimn Cheryl Tayloir. l'ie I acilits rncist ,su empt\ lioi a total îîl 21 cays heliere isigcanibe (fole. More tlian hbi'thbitluneelbas alieadN, passed. Il all s cîeaicd. îllîeîil Ie slielici us iIl \Vbei the sbelteî cliiseul'ise sseelss acui. Il resîuleîits sseer: iislerieultu to liei ncai - hy I acilities outsicM i lton.î Sial I ssere ti aisset red tiiaBI-lin un iisbelter. Tîhe iuld a as I irsi discoeuirted aller an emiployee appi lac cd ber dcicoin-t plaining tiI'i eSpi1I aorS pri blens, saidl Ms Tayloir. At that fimie. tbe ocior recum- nienlec l anait test 0e(fllne fliber ss ork- place. -There was mime inoulcl ceteeecl but tl svasn't anv kin l nIa serjous miuilcl. Atitat point we re-locatecl ber office. but that macle Lus hink sse sboulcl start baving the whuîle builiclng testedl ust ici see a bat fias there. sbe saîcl. -Wben we were undertaking ibat. a cif- lerent type of mould was discoverecl and tbe healtb department said i wasn't gond to have bidren and people with respirato- ry problems around il." Ms Taylor said the employee look mini- mal lime off due to the moutd and nn other compaiflis ot illness or irritation v ere reponied. The miould vas diseovered in the vsalls ut the mlore than I 01) sear-old bouse. The Ministry nI Commiunity. Famnily and Children's Services is iinding the clean- up. "A lot of century-nId homes would hase the samne problemn. but hecause .Ne're a res- idential lacility there's a whole different set of guidelines that you have to adbere o.- Ms Taylor said. A ness lalton Womnen's Place shelter is eurIrelltly under construction in Milton and s expected Io he operational lus Decemnber. -Th Ie iggesi shane in ail ibis s ibat \\eic so c c Io e tu tinin iithere.- Ms l aylird. ýi W's5ere oauen n Os a thi eauL. bpiiug ese stinasUys ini iuod shape su ihai \\e Could usi nais e. but 55e lUid to deCal \\ itib tiis lttle situaýtionI.« Comment........6 Business........ 12 Dateline........ 17 Classif ied .. 22-25 *FM Industres * Pizza Hut* *Home Depot *e Sports Chek aGaIllngers* Ontario Electric RR Historic a Sears* *Future Shop *e Swiss Chalet* *Selected areas only S e ae 1 Mould temporarily closes local shelter for battered -women 40 Pages Jwl