The Canadian Champion, Fniday, JuIy 19, 2001-7 Mr. McLean 's horse escapes OUR READERS WRITE iniîîrv when s waInwed lin 4,0 iÈ à %., di 4,*., W à àà à 'Time Capsule.s' are gents of infrumation estracted Jrom past issues of The Champion and other publications to pro- vide a wi,îdoss' into Multon's past. Explanator v commnent is sonietimes pro- sided to place the sttuation tn context. April 1897 The old tailrace of the grist milI runs undemeath Commercial Street, the timbers above it have decayed and occasionally there is a cave in. One of these occurred on Tuesday afiemnoon opposite the Commercial Hotel and swallowed the horse of Wm. MeLean of Esquesing. Mr. McLean had just gone into the botel, leav- mng Mrs. McLean sitmg in bis buggy hold- ing Uic horse. 'Me cartb gave way beneath the animal and he disappeared into a bole about 12 or 14 feet deep, the harness breaking and let- ting him down. A crowd gatbercd in a few minutes and it took the greater part of an hour ta get the horse out, whicb was donc by hoisting him with ropes abter enlarging the bole witb piekaxes. The animal was apparently urtburt. The hale was ftlled yes- terday moming. May 1897 The Toronto Globe reports that the proposition t0 make the Qucens Birthday * 24tb of May) a permanent holiday in Canada was ftrst made by G.E. McCraney. of Milton in the October number of the Canadian Magaztne. Subsequentiy. Mr. Davtd Creighton made the same proposition in a letter ta the Globe. lnquiry sbowcd that Sir John Macdonald was induced to take up thc idea by an Engiish newspaper, but the date at which the paper took it up showed that Mr. McCraney is entilled 10 priarity in the mat- ter. The former practice of wate ring the strecîs of Milton from a cari appears t0 have been at least temporariiy abandoned and the resuit during the last week or so bas been anything but agreeabie. A praminent merchant argues that the watersng shouid be donc aI the expense of the corporation. and that there is no reason why public money should not be spent on this as it is on local impravements generai- iy. This point is worthy of consideration by our town fathers and it is ta be hoped the nuisance wili nat be aiiowed to continue al MiltonDumping of garbage on rural roads is Miltn shame fui and should stop, says reader Capsules summer. The National Creamery Co., which bas been sending ail cream bought here to Toronto, has commenced to make butter in Milton. Alil the farmers between Peru Road and Campbellville have agreed to allow no trout fishing on their premises and have posted notices to that effect. If they will stand by thcir agreement for a tew years they will have good fîsbing where at pres- cnt nothing but fingerlings are to be caugbt. There was a great turnout of Rev. John Pickerings old frtends and admirers. and others. on Tuesday evening to listen to bis lecture on the holy land. The lecture was given in tbe Metbodist Cburcb of whicb Mr. Pickering was tbe popular pastor. before bis removal ta bis present charge ai Woodstock. and every seat was occupied. It is needless t0 say that the lecture was an able one; but il was the more înteresting from the tact tbat Mr. Pickering spoke trom the standpoint ai an eyewitness, having made a tour of Palestine, Greece and other counîrtes last year. Fifteen Miltonians were attired in eastern costumes brought borne by Mr. Pckening and be also exhtbited a fine collection of oriental curtosities collected during bis tour. Toronto voted in favor of Sunday street- cars last Saturday by a majority of 321. The Star and Saturday Night were the newspapcrs that advocated the Sunday cars and the first named commenccd the agtta- tion for them ten ycars ago. Titis material is assembled on be/ta/f of t/te Milton Historical Societv bv Jint Dilîs, chair of research,. who c-at be reaclîed bY e-mail at jdills@aidirect.-omi. Dear Editor: Thank goodness the probiem of illegal garbage dumping in Milton is now being iooked at by The Champion editor. When i retired 1 bought a bouse on a short stretcb of the Nassagaweya/Puslinch Town Line. lt's a rough, dusty and muddy gravel road that you wouid tbink people wouid stay off if they possi- bly could. But it seems ta be very handy for dumping stuf you don't want. Every day i take a walk down this road, across Leslie Road, ta the i1 th Line ta Wellington and up, then across Litte Rnad back ta the Town Line, and every day i sec a new collection of detritus left by aur drive-through friends fram mare urban areas. Besides the usual day-to-day stuf like beer bottles and cartons. plastic drink bottles and plastic bags full of garbage, (sometimes actual garden-sized heavy duty plastic garbage bags), 1 wouid like ta mention a few items that realiy have stood out otn these waiks. - The gutted rematns of a red Ford Escort that bad been cbopped and dumpcd inta the farest on the side ai the road on i1lth Line. - A refrigerator that had been left on the sîde ai the road at tbe Shanaban Tract (a conservation area>. The door was on the tapside and free ta be sipened and entered by any cunaous cbtld - a death trap waiting ta happen. i ralied it over and tied tt with a rape. Milton pub- lic works, ta ils credit, cleared it away wîthtn a couple of days. - A buge vetertnanian-stzed bypo- dermtc syringe that was stili full of an evil-laoking amber liquid. - Tbe butchered carcass of an aduit deer (weil out of seasan) Miltonian thanks local police for their prompt response Dear Editor: I'd like to offer speciel thenks to Halton Regionai Police for their prompt response on Friday, Jonc 28. Aima Macintyre Milton zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM 101jn -,m A 'A ,pro 'A . -M 9- 9 % The 2002 626 LX Includes: Powerful 2.OL 4 Cylinder Engine *Automatic Transmission * Air Conditioning * Power Windows 0 Power Heaied Mirrors - Keyless Entry- AM/FM CD Stereo *Duel Arbegs -'Cruise Control - Mazda's Leadership Warranty Or Cash Purchase from $2 1.995* Add onty $2.415 for VJ6 engine/16' AlIoy Wheels ®Lýjj výJ2UÉ Aclellies 357 nase Ut. (Hwy 7) Acta., en 51e-853-0200 iule ( Plus Freigh5VPDE and Taxes. Cal for details **Purchase Financing only It was grcatly appreciated. , , ti 110, wrapped in a clear plastic sheet and alive wiîb maggots and flics -a real find for my dog wbo accompa- nies me on ail my walks. -Two ta tbree hundred empty boxes that werc wrapped up ta ilook like Christmas presents that littered the ditches for about a kiometre alang Leslie Road and up i1lUi Line. Il appeared as if Santa bad bad an unfortunate accident in north Haiton. .A dcad German Shepherd puppy Uiat bad been sîuffed intoaa garbage bag. Obviousiy it had been tossed out of the car as it was gaing a fast clip because Uic bag bad ripped apart as tl sud along the rougb raadway and some of the skin and for was iefî bebind. The dog was baif in and baif ouI of the bag witt ils neck broken. Most iikeiy il was someone cisc's belaved pet that had been struck by the owner of the car that deposited bim and bad been picked up. driv- en ta aur part of the country and disposed af in ibis callous manner. Recenîiy some punk decided it wouid be fun ta shaîter the contents ai a case oif beer a nc bottie ai a lime- against the rocks that mark the fence uine ai Uic front of aur property. i suppose tbey must bave made very entertaining poppîng sounds as tbey btt. i bad ta dlean up every last shard in case my dag sbouid innocentiy wander that way. 1 sbould aisa mention anc time wben i was walking sautb on Town Line and a car went by in the same direction. As i watched in amazement. al four windows were rolied down in unisan and the remaîns of tour MacDonaid's meais were fiung out of the windows. Unfortunately, i didn't bave time ta memarize the licence plate nom- ber, but i did notice the car had been purchased from a Milton car deaiersbip. Then there was a memorable lime that a car stopped right at the end of my driveway. The diver took out bis asbtray and a litter bas- ket and was in the process of dumping their foui contents on thc asphait surface at thc end of my driveway. Wben he saw and heard me mun- ning and hoilering down Uic drive- way taward bim, be took off in a cioud of dust and gravel. However, ta me the warst cases are when people dump tires, chem- ical containers and building mateni- ais, etc. inta the Moffat swamp on the side of Litie Raad. This is a fragile wetland area that is home ta families of great blue berons, ducks of ail kinds as well as vanieties of turties and frogs. This ts bebaviaur that reaily tumns my stomacb. l'm just hoptng that some folks will recagnize tbemselves in this letter and perbaps feel even a îwinge of shame. i would just like ta know by wbat mental process these people came ta the concluston that sucb bebav- iaur is acceptable - or if tbey're even in possession of a brain. Please. keep your garbage ta yourself and dispose of iltin legal and acceptable ways. We don't wanî it spread aiong aur roadways. aur wetlands and aur conservation lands and spread along the front of aur property up bere ia Nassagaweya. John Grittin R.R. 1 Moffat