22-The Canadian Champion, Frday JuIy 19, 2002 Marauders shut out by the Soo vSkaters honoured Special to !îe C.hamnpion Who: Milton Marauders versus Sauit Ste. Marie Stoms. When: Sturduy night in Sauit Ste. Marie. Why: Northem Conference Football game. Score: Sauut Ste. Marte 29, Milton 0. Score at hall time: Sauit Ste Marie 10. Milton 0) Milton's record: 0-7. Number of times Milton has been shut out: 5. Time it takes to drive to Sault Ste. Marie: 9 huicrs. Author of ail the following quotes: Coach Alaut Ciulver. Why Milton lost: "The offense couidn't inoive the bal.- Whv the offense can't move the hall: -I takes a cotuple oîf vears un get the offense cicking.- Positives: "The detense playeci a beck of a garne.- Who was strong on defense: -Stu Gilbert. as aiways. He haci one officiai sack. but ne tink he bac) iss. Mike Warcl playeci a gond game as did Joe Kioosterboer Who is Joe Kloosterboer: Big guy, neyer pi ayecl football before this yeair. Who was strong on offense: Robert Wilson bad twîî catches. Whlere nus (luarterbackk .arýfilaetsen: in 'nli i iiii i Sauli Ste. Maries iggest play: 98-yard run on a sweep. Why Milton keeps it close for a hall and then falters. The defense holds us in garnes. Witbnui their mean atitude, the scores woîiid bc a lot wiîrse. But, hy the tîme the tîîurth quarter cornes ariiund their pretty iied hecause they've heen on the field so rnuchb Milton players among league leaders prior to this week's gamne: Ahistair Bailey, fifth n the league with 27 tackles; Damien lannixiord third ui the leagtie n kiu.kiîlireicîrn yardage. faines reminiing uit whicb i t end w itlcss scasumn: 2. Record of Belleville Ianthers last vear in their expansion season:<0-8. P'oints scored for and against Bellesville: 25 scoîred. 390) againsi. Points scored for and against Milton: 15 sciired, 256 againsi. Points Milton wiIl hase to give up in their next game to be as bad as Belleville defensisely in eight gamnes: 1 36. Next opponent: Mîssissauga Wilverincs. Milin's last home gaine îf the seasîo Mississauga's recuord prior lu this week's gamne: 4-2. Xhere: Bishîîp Rediig Seciîndaî\ Schiinl. Wuhen: Siturciy , Isil i Fax ail of your sports reports to Steve LeBlanc at (905) 878-4943. Huge Seisciion a 2000 Square Foot Showroom', Of Adut iiTys Ouer 10.000 .V O & Video - Rental & Sals 1A ,T c I Lingerie & I Matazines ~VpP!~l~FREE F RE ~ .,ueIEt,0:MOVIE MEMBERSHIP www.exxxoticaaulatvideo.com RENTAL OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK e 10AM - MIDNIGHT ,- ~. S ~ I FREE 596 Plains Rd E. 42 Bronte St. S., #8 MEMBERSHîR LB5RLINGTON M IONý_: tormers ut its year-end awards banquet. ,Hugh Ritchie and Julia Cenedese were co-winners of the Skater of the Year award for the junior division, while shar- ing top bonours for the intermediates were Kaitiyn Tauruda and Sarah Gonez. Sharing senior level accolades were Laura Ross and Suzanne Koso. Honoured for passing their gold-ievei tests were Koso, Laurie Kitchen, Janine Nash, Christel Peebles and Tiffany Richmond. Aiso, Ashley Cuppies and Monique Lizon were recognized for passing their competitive tests. Other skaters receiving awards for their accomplisbments are as foiiows: Preliminary Dance: Stephanie Beaulieu, Sabrina Loeprich, Jillian Miot, Katie Preisner, Victoria Prior, Leanna Ritchie, Angela Thistie, Katrina Walsh, Emily Williams and Beverly H-odge Junior Bronze Dance: Carolyn Fritziey, Jennifer MacDonald, Rachel Sandford and Jennifer Strank Senior Bronze Dance: Alyssa Marziliano, Kaitiyn Tsuruda and Rosslyn Schultz Junior Silver Dance: Sarah McDuffe, Laura Wilson, Ashley Cupples, Laura Ross, Laura Stratton and Emma Wiliiamson Senior Silver Dance: Janine Nash and Sarah Williams Preliminary Freeskate: Sarah Goncz, Megban Greaves attd Kaitlyn 'Isuruda Junior Bronze Freeskate: Surah McDuffe, Rachel Nadilin. Laura Wilsmn, Rebecca inmfinson and Melissa Kubinc Senior Bronze Freeskate: Melanie Koso and Laura Stratton Junior Silser Freeskate: Ashlev Cupples Senior Silser Freeskate: Aluna Petrie and Angela Scbrempf Skills 5: Rachel Nudalîn. Rossiyn Schultz and Kaitîvis Tsurudu Skills 3: Kaylyn MlcGillmossay Preliminarv Skills: Jennufer Strank Junior Bronze Skilis: Sarah Cuoncz Senior Bronze Skills: Jairnee Carnl anc) Danielle Clarke Junior Silver SkilIs: Asbley Cupples, Lauru Stratton and Emma Williamson Senior Sîl'ver SkilIs: Melunte Koso. Monique Lîzon. Lisa Petrie and Angela Scbrempf Bronze Artistic: Sabrina Moran-Grunt and Christel Peebies First Class Clubhouse Now O pen Nai ciii Srinin and PI ini Dr-i (if (r iccwîflcfcGoff &Su iîîntry (lii iite s îîî i i ittheflc uîb houici! occ pencd i finînp roomiiiTiciilly Jcfcir,îied and [Nfsccîiai30ai it iicuilîie U'itr aî sîcw iiscrfiriking the Niaîgar Ecî(-irpiruent, the rn i. cperfect for [irthciîys, innis crarîuc, rcirciiînt pînic, tri.1of ciitcigI iiiiiiiititttii' (roscuciîncfc club bruce bic pirn5 f,îcifiiiec for gni upc riin 50 n i 1502 Ppicle Thc f incc\%,tri)ii iarbie fin pi icc proi cftcthe txrftrm cfKitfor rhit aticr .inner ,drink or ha\ c aîscat on 'lic f îîr it ii c.vrlsking, thet Srh Formallfy of the Micfdy llick Restaucrant n NfiIîîn, Fis] i.)Si v'rizec Drecciir Naia,îbnngc 24 yapeirs xencc wîîh lier ti ro issvîndfc. Hr,îc C hef Dini>,a Miltoninatcive hc., 15+ 'e.îr cooii ng experiencc iii fini. ciniiiC aiid ctcring. Tiycthcr Nîcîcu randl Diniîcm hcfp Viti plni Cc cryhiiîp îîiivotit ti fr i wc..fcitg cfiyl. // 'l" FI iood & beverage CROSSWINDS 6621 Guelph Lune Drce i Cloi i .. , IN.iic (1 km South of Derry Rd) DbnoGraziotto, [905319-5991 Head Che YOUNG DRulIVES:ht vr rvigcus sol Most drivîng schools exist because people want tut puss drving tests. YOUNG DRIVERS' exists to teach the secrets and skills of lifetinte Collision/itee!" driving. So we dont stop wben incisve ieurned tut pass at test. In fact. <lunDi uihere Iu? SI(It. Teaching <uer -50,000ffCaitadiauts buîvto prediaici preu'ent colulisiouns bas made Yt) the must celcbrated course ini Nortb America. (And earned ccc ISO 9(fX) 1 registration!) Besides collision avoidance, you'li get: " One-onotite hinci tbe whbcd training. " lleavs truffic, higbwatv/frcewav training. " Ileac-on collision usoidance andi 8 uther cunergencu otaneuvers. " Aitiuaiiy re-trined antd re-certiied ittstructtirs. " Pick up attcl crop uoff at honte or scîtuin tut stoclents witbiut resiclentiai boundaries. " In car honte pick up package availabie tut stucdents who resude outstde the residenti:tl bosindaries ouf Milton. Ask for details. (ail us for tree s ideit brochure. And book a seat at a frec parent co-driving session! CollisionfrieefI ÇX\YOUNG DRIVERSeof Canada 'f~Yor icence t urîe.00 www.youngdrivers.com 4 Week Course, July 23, Tuesday & Thursday Evenings, (6:00 pm - 9:15 pm) 4 Day Course, August 26, 27, 28, 29, Monday-Thursday (9:30 arn - 4:15 pm) 905-875-0480 I .1