i 4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Juiy 19, 2002 Ontarjo Renaissance Festival kicks off its seventh season tomorrow; runs unti*l Sept. Plenty of new and returning acts to see this summner By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Time travel will retumn to Milton tomorrow when the Ontario Renaissance Festival opens for another season. Walkîng through the gate, vîsitors \vill hc instantly transportcd through time and space to 16th Century Trillingham., England. -We are not a re-enactmnent. Wc ciobrace the renaissance. Wc take al the good things about the renaissance andi we bring those to light, said Tomi Ploitt entertainment dîrecc tor for the f'estival. "Our rturn audience gets bigger and bîgger every year.- Performance takes on a hrotder mieaning during the festival with actors showcasing iheir talents hoth on the stage (actually. lise of themn running continuously) and in thc crowd. The idca s to miake the experience as intel active as possible,. cspiains Mc. Plott. -Oui street charatters. ssho arc attors that portray flic s iliagcrs of' our toss 'is and roy'al COI1 memhbers. speiîd tise iggcst part of their day out amongsl the patrons. You may he sitting down eating some- where and a villager cornes up and starts talkîng Io you.' he said. -You can taik to them and theyll respond. lits nol like you have to just sit and watch them." Visitors wîll also he involved in a mass ýwho-done-it' game whîch features an attempt (possibiy a successful one) to steal the Queen's crown îewels- recreations of' whîcls are on display duriisg thc festival. Wide varief y of enterfainmenf Adding to the entertainmient f'uisms l be a variety of performantes. ranging frin Shakespearean plays to inîpros isational consedy anti botdy nsanipulatiuun. Childtren*s perfuîrtsances wvil also be pre- sentcd. "Tie childr-eîss eitertaininent is ilt for chiltirets of' our age. Theres a renaissanste fccl bt. but sse dont necessarily go coiss pletely stylieti on tl because if \,%c did, it ss ulud be really isard tb hold tise kids« itteis liosn ss itisout laving sonsethisg they cao realis relate tb: said Mr. Pîtt. Live (îîustingg s ansther feature attrattion that pulls in a crowd. In addition to three datly jousttng competîtions. the ('estival will also host an intemattonal jousting toumnament August 3 to 5. "Our kntghts are in full armour.,;ousttng for points and standings. They'll actuaily be competing for cash prizes lduring the toumnament),- thc enlertainment director said, -Whcn they pick up the lances. they nscan husiness. They'rc really trying tri krîock each other off Ihe horses._ The Ontario Renaissance Festival Iocatcd oin Eîghîh Lîne, cast ol- Trafalgar Road- opens its gate t(iiuiiorr' at 10:301 a.m. and rrins weekcends îincluding holi- cfaysî untîl Septemnber 2. Sixteenth-century characters like Queen Elizabeth 1 (portrayed by Liana Maddocks) willI entertain Ontario Renaissance Festival visitors for another season starting tomorrow. The festival is open on weekends and holidays until September 2. File photo by GRAHAM PAINE Enjoying Canadian Ileer : (ooking with BIeer The varied and complex quali- of beer choices available to tics of the different styles of heer Canadian consumers, you are sure make beer an excellent beverage to to findi a beer taste to complernent enjoy with any meal. Beer also any food. adds a unique qualtty to ail kinds of Contact the Brewers of Canada dishes. tor"Good Food Brewing-, a cook- Some beers are sweeter. some book using heer, at 650- 100 Queen are dnier, some are heavier, and Street. Ottawa, Ontario KIP IA9 some have a hint of chocolate Vistt our website www.brewers.ca flavour. And with tihe huge range for more information. (NC) dulb Iouse Twister Combio $5.49 10p.Meý,m McM mnc. 3 large salads, i large f ries, med gravy, 1 bag of Homestyle 2 Bite Brownies & for a lmted tîme, a f ree 2L Bottie of Pepsi #22*99 or 15 p:. fr$79 26Main St. 878-4171, H-earthside concert July 27 Thse blues will retum to the Halton Region Museum July 27 with another instalîment of Heartisside events. Thse boogie-woogie stylings of Blue Willow wif i entertain thse crowd, following a full-course buffet dinner at the recently- renovated H-earth Room. Ail tunds raised through the event will be used for the museum's on-going renova- lions. Tickets for the Hearthside event cost $35 per person, including dinner. To purchase tickets or for more informa- tion, eaul Halton Region Museum at (905) 875-2200. ext. 0. DID YOUR Don't panic... LATEST Don't despair... DIET... cae n help. " afe, ail natural herbai weight Ioss program " Individually tailored food plans " Your own personal trained health counsellor " Guaranteed resuits *Expe JuIy 26, 2002. Based on full program excludes produot weigllt Ilsse nutriion aherbal remedmes ask for the impossible. if's our specialty. 15 Martin St., Carrnage Square 39599 www.herbaimagicsystèms.com 399 1