Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Jul 2002, p. 18

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18-The Canadien Champion, Tuesda~ y, 1,20 Cii~amPoli.i K * -SOFAS FOR LESS ý<IIofar 1Sofus hairs ,nd Se tonals of Starting From IrmaI j e, Ce ne LuZ Boy a Iprice btwil lgh oj ~' k)~' IBurlington Poerh Centre - QEW & Brant St. 905-331-7600 BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY ENGAGEMENT FOR Sale by omner. Spacînus 3 b.r lown- house in beaulifut boomîng Mlon. very wett maîntsîned. nem thermal b.r windows. nem garage door, pri- vate fence in beckyerd, t.p., 1 112 balfroome 3 leveis. Close enough Io s choots for kîde, fer enough for peece. A muet see. Cai for ap- poîntment. $157.000. 905-693-9821. FOR Sale: Centretly Io- cted in Oekvîtte, Free- hotd end unit tomn- Souse, 3 bedroom, 2 decks, sîde yard patio + garden ares, double ga- rage. gourmet ktchen ilS ges ireptece $595.000. 416-458- 3039. SMALL prîvte offices, beeutifutty eppoînfed. Hmy 25 & 401. 1-905- 277-9347 or t-905-275- 6834. BONUS! A1CIassÉedAds ANNIVERSARY 1 170 170 -pbe prra prtef For Rfont For font Forfoent 1 bedroom, spaciose. large. brîght suites Nemty decorated ilS meny upgrades. Corner unit in quiet building. $845 utilies încluded. No doge. 416-918- 5913. ACTON Aprtments For Rent: t bedroom & 2 bedroomn aparments for immedite and future occupancy. Open 7 dlays/meek. Seme Day Approvel. No Doge. 519-853-4374 APARTMENT for Rent. $860,00 plus. 2 bcd- room, Oseen Street. References. Pleese catI 905-878-1910. BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom country apertment Shere mith gred student and dog. Femete pre- terred. $500/monf S. Avitebte îmmedîetely. 905-693-1129. DOWNTOWN Milton: Second floor modemn 1 bedroom epartment eveitebte nom - $725/mo. Third floor bechetor evitebte Aug. 1- $560/mo. No Pets. CatI 905-854-0401 for viewing. EXCEPTtONAL! Nely renovated 1 becroom apartmnent wth spacious 11lOOsq.ft. brick loft. Quiet Main Street buid- ing, Ail appliances. Fret & lst. $950 plus hydro. 878-2326. Monday f0 Frîday 9-5. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Street, South, Miton We arc rom acceptîng appiîcatios fo r 2 bedroom aparlments. For more information and/or f0 make an appointment, Please catI 905878-5375 Buiding Managers Leonard & Penny LARGE t bedroom apertment. Downfomn Acton. $700. Cati affer 6pm .519856-0012. MILSDE TEl 82 MILLSIDE DRIVEj 1 Bcdrosm Aptsa IClosac te Dwntown I IBus stop a 985 876-1249 ONE bedroom base- ment apartment. Auguel 1. Non-smoking, no pets. Cail A.M. orleave message. $750-0 905-693-1799. 186 3+1 bedroom beokepltt new cerpets and bath- roome, very cIscs, large lot. $1450/mo+ufllîes. Cati Fernando 905-876- 1653. ACTON, queint 3-bed- roomn country home, it- ueted in secluded park- like setting on e prîvate estete. No doge. non emoker preferred, refer- ences requîred. Avait- abe Aug. 1 51h., $1300 + uilities, irt/lest. 519- 853-21 57. HORSEFARM 2 mîtes trom Domntome Milton. House, afalîs. pad- docks. oufbuîtdîngs & acreage. $1750.00 monthty. Fral leet-ufit- fies. 905-878-9586. 190 190 Townhou»sn Towhouun For Ront For Rnt 3 bedroom townhosse, No pets. First, ast and ref- erences required. Asailabie September 1 $1100/monts Plus utîlies. Cail after 6p.m. 905 876- 007tý MILTON- Townhouse for rent. Finished basement. accuzi, includes cabte. $1250/month. Assilabie Sept. 1 905-458-1618 RESPONSIBLE couple with wcii behaved dog lookng 10 rent 1 or 2 bedroom apartmerit in Mil- tonîGeorgetown ares Cuit (905)703-1985 1 bedroom, nhare large 3 bedroom home, large ma- ture yard with decks thal backo onto 16 mile creek Ron, 905)878-6644. COMFORTABLE furnished 3 bedroom townhouse within waiking ditance 10 GO and Malil $400 monthly Female prefcrred. 905-878-3603. 1992 StarCraft 175 8 SFM, 9Ohp Mariner.tave tarp. cancan top, ise weill 4 swiselseats, f ast nder compass, paddlen lfe jackets. Low hours. $1 1,500. Call after 6,519853-3472. ROBERTS - BLUNDER Beiated congratula- ions ta Angela Roberts and Je8f Blunder on the brth of your baby. Aso congratulations to Grandparents Marg and Gave Flan. how very proud you must be. Advertise your i Chiid'S birth in iMr ~ CIilPiOtl o nd your child's photo con be featured in our yearly baiby edition. 905-878-2341 256 meow 266 Jim Strain j igOOntario St., Milton 878-6522 Monuments Mrkers - Bronze Mrkers Cemetery LeBtering Stag & Doe Lee Stoker v 7:30Opm -1:00am Thompeon Rd. Aena, uparairsata the Lions Club Gamea, Munic, Buffet, Great Prizealf 256 256 ComIng Evufl.s ComIng Events 257- &257 for* 257 Dewts HALET, ALBERTA RUTH Aberta Ruth Hatet passed amey on Juty 15, 2002 et the Attendate Long Term Care Facitity in Milton, Ontario. She mas born on May 18, 1910. Many thanks 10 1he staff of Atendate for their tender care and patience in the tact difficutt stages of her 1f e, Satty led e long, active and heatthy lite meti into her tate eîghtîes. She took pride in her horse- manshîp and witd upbrîngîng on her terni- lys dude ranch in the toothîtîs of Aberta near Bragg Creek, choosing 10 domnptay hem more mundane Toronto roots. She schooted and omned horses from adoles- cence, acquîring her lest horse, an Arabian statiion yearling, juet before she became a senior citizen. Satty rode Hamish metlito her eîghties, pertorming dressage in e home-made ring her Campbettvîtfe neigh- bours hetped hem buîtd. At various stages n her lite she mas an afhtetic youngster, air force ite. socialîte and eccentric rural character. Her dearest compenion and husband of forty yeare, Bob, predeceased her by 13 years. Together they traveted to remofe locations inctuding the Southmestern US, Iretend, Jamaîca, Cuba, and Costa Rica, mhere Se morked as a consulttng geotogiaf. At home in Toronto, she mas a cetebrated hosteas and cered tor their three chitdren, Jeanne, John and Penelope. Satty treesured retreatîng mth her femîty to her camp neer North Bay, mhere kerosene temps, mood stoves, washîng dishes off the dock and skînny- dippîng att summer long provided an idytlit and primitive envîronment. She entoyed her otd timer statue emong the local resi- dents and conlînued 10 make the 4-Sour drive intoSel eîghties 10 enjoy the mlder- ness and isolation. Bob and Betty utti- metety moved 10 e country property North of Cempbettvitte in 1973 mith their test son. George. Here they enjoyed endtess and heatth-giving outdoor mork and pay and Setty mes et test able f0omn horses agein. Setty thrived on edventure end excîtement: bringîng the horses in during e iner storm, 'hosting' a fugitive benk robber mth her Akia and cimbing to the top ot e nem steepty pitched roof Io enjoy the viem et ege 75. She greatty enjoyed the compeny of young people and mas rejuveneted by visite from her grandchitdren and greet- grendchitdren. Setty continued 10 ive in her omo house untit fate t1999, mhen the com- binetion ot strokes and e broken hip requîred e greeter levet of cere than her femity coutd provide. Betty mas teisty, independent and proud and if mes difficuit 1cr mitness the transition 10 lite in e nursing home, mhere she mes e trait and hetptese patient. She bore the lose of independence mith dignity and mith tortunete 1cr have devoted caregivers. As her strength eben- doned her, ehe devetoped e smeetnese and grace. Satty did no1 die in e horse barn mith her boots on, as she might have wished, but she mas comfortable and sur- rounded by those mho toved her. Her body witt be made avaitebte for medicet research ("if enybody mants if" es she pute if). Femity and friends are encouraged f0, meke a donation 10 the Heert and Stroke Foundation, Afzheimer Society or Canadien Diabetes Society. Arrangements entrusted f0 the McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home, il14 Main St., Miton 905-878-4452. j, uly 16, 2002 m@mmý Death Notices are continued on Page 19 in orhM In Memoriams are on Page 19 2M5 LOST: Boys Supercycle bike, last seen in creek ut Derry Rd. Cul 905- 878-1227. 2M SCOTT Famîiy Hislory Search. Lookîng for in- formation about and descendants of David Scott ose of the fîrst sel- liers Nassagaweya Township. Also descen- dants of Drs. Huge and Charles McColi, Re- searchîng hisfory of Pet- er Scott, Esquesîng and David Scott, Nassega- weya. Please contact Mms. Wilma Scott R.R.#1 Beigrave. On- tario N0G 1 EO, Ph. 519- 357-3778 collect or fax 519-357-4273. LCOME%& ,WAGON -New in town? *Geflîng married in 3 months or more ? *Having a baby? *Establishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US Community Weicome Linda 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Elize 905-693-0313 Baby & Bridai Tracy 905-876-4330 &rÀuomwPm ILfn 905-85440 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. answering service Phone 1-800-891-4862 1-519-836-1522

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