I Th ere was no shortage offoolish aampçw dnfva vintr from THOSE on page 8 We had nu park withmn easy walking distance and were in sort of a triangle on our own, cut off from other areas by a river, a golf course and a major road we weren'f supposed to cross. 1 remember a couple years during school 1 spent part of slmosf every day standing in the bail. Usually, at the other end of thc hall would be my brother. We'd make sure we'd have marbles with us at alI times 50 we could roll themn down the hall at each other and have some fun. At least until the principal had me waif in his office one aftemoon so 1 could think about the strap he wa.s gning f0 give me. That put a senious cramp in our hallway fun for at least a week or two. We were always gefting int o trouble during the sunaimer, almost on a daily basis. It's as if if wssn't fun unless we were doing some- thing we weren'f supposed f0 do. Naturally, we weren't smart enough fo think of the conse- quences, or if our fun was an inconvenience f0 anyone cIsc. 'Nicky Nicky Nine Doors' was a favourite pastime. Tbat's when you knocked on somebody's door and everybody would mun and ide. Even more fun was f0 do it again af the same door. although flot everybody was dumb enough to faîl for iftbree times. 1 found that ouf the bard way whcn a man was waifing for us after multiple knocks and opened up the door rghf away We al -ý"Student named to RIT Dean's List They say everything happent in fbrees. For the third tîme in five years, Miltonian Derek Bell bas been named to the Dean's List at New York's Rochester Institute of Technology. Mr. Bell, wbo's studying communication at thse College of Liberal Arts, earned a grade point average of 3.83 for the spring quarter of thse academnic year. He graduated ftom E.C. Drury High Scisool in 1996. took off mnaning down the street. 1 wasn't f00 worried because I was a fast runner and abead of everybody. If's kind of like that joke wifh the bear - i don't have f0 outrun the bear, I only have to outrun you. Anyway, I feul, scraping my knees and my hands. Everybody cite ran by me and Use man picked me up by the back of the shirt and started marching me to my bouse. I knew enough to do tomne whimpering, and he could tee that 1 was hurt, and maybe felt sorry for me. He explained to me that he offen worked in the evenings and thaf he was worried about is wife being home alone. "We won'f do if again, tir," I told bim honestly, and I was off the hook. There was nothing worse than being punished and having to waste a sommer day alone in your room. About Use worsf thing we used to do, af least in ferms of criant- nal acfivify, was ide on a certain hole of the golf course, and after Use gofers' drives, we'd run ouf and take their golf halls. They had to come down a big hilI by a roundabout route, so fhey couldn't tee us. We'd ide in the buthes and iaugh our heads off when they couldn'tfitnd their bail. Sommer as a kid meanoftreedona and adventure. As an aduit if means if's îoo bot and I cant wait for fail. Leans Chicken (Sen Ingredients: 4 tonteles skîless c For marinade: 1-25f mL ltmonadî agitg 4 clovts farlic, crusf Zest atd luice of 1 lei 1 ttsp. etfra tirfit tl Frtst grsutd ptpiJer t. In a large retealab bite ail the marina 2. Add chicktn, seal1 The Canadian Chamnpion, Friday, July 12, 2002-9 mes 4) rtfrîgeratt for 4 -f8tsars. 3. Htat barbtqut. ticken brtasts 4. Rtmove cticktn frsm bat atd reterse liqid. vîti Ttra Pak pack-~ 5. Grill chieket siowly ontil cooktd. f. Mearrwtilt, pour marînadt iqaid itof red a sauctpao. mot 7. Brnvg fo bsil asd tttv reduet teaf f0 liot tii simmtr. Simmer for 1inmtets. r f. Pour rtdoced sauce ootr cooktd le plastic bas com- chicken atd terse. idt ingredients. bag, stakt, 5sf ai Gord Depp ,4W (The Lost Boys) every Thursday Paul Stephens on the patio every Sunday 2-6pm. ONTARIO GOVERNMENT NOTICE NOTICE 0F PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE #1 Mid-Peninsula Transportation Corridor EA Terms of Reference THE STUDY: The Ontario Mînistry 0f Transportation (MVTO) has retained URS Cole. Sherman & Associates Ltd. to prepare a Terms of Reterence (ToR) to guide the future preparation of a Route Location/Concept Design Indivdual Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Md-Peninsula Transportation Corridor. n June 2001, the Premier and the Minister of Transportation announced the completion of the Niagara Peninsula Transportation Needs Assesament initiative. The key produot of the needs asseasment is a muti-modal Transportation Development Strategy - a "road map" f0 guide transportation învestment. The Mid-Peninsula Transportation Corridor has been identified as one of the key elements in t he Transportation Development Strategy. As a result, MTO has initiated the environmental assesament (EA) process for the potential new transportation corridor. The frat sfep in the EA process is the preparation of an Environmental Asseasment Terma of Reference. Other elements îdentified in the needs assesament study (i.e. road widening, transit improvements. etc.) wiII be examined under separate initiatives. THE PROCESS: For an Indivîdual EA, the Envronmental Asseasment Acf requires thaf a proponent prepare a Terma of Reference ToR) to define the scope of the proposed EA Study. The ToR requires approval by the Minister 0f Environment and Energy (MOEE) and the subsequent Indîvîdual EA is then prepared in accordance with the approved ToR. The intent ion is f0 submit the ToR f0 MOEE for review in March 2003. The final product will be a ToR document which wîll provîde a definitive scope for the subsequent Individual EA project. PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRES: n preparîng the ToR, the Project Team will seek public input and comment via five rounds of Public Information Centres (PICs). The firat round of PICs has been arranged fer present the overaîl study proceas and the Draft Transportation Needs Assessment. The information centres will be held as follows: Tuesday JuIy l6th, 2002 3:00 p.m. ta 6:30 p.m. (Open House Format) 6:30 p.m. - Presentation Farmers Market Square (between Division St. and Vange St. off of King St.) Welland Wednesday July l7th, 2002 3:00 p.m. ta 6:30 p.m. (open Hause Format) 6:30 p.m. - Presentation Stoney Creek Municipal Hall 777 Highway 8 (t Jones Raad) Stoney Creek Thursday July 1Bth, 2002 3:00 p.m. ta 6:30 p.m. (Open House Format) 6:30 p.m. - Presentation Holiday Inn Burlington Burlington Room 3063 South Service Road Burlington Additional PICs wiIl be held in Auguaf 2002, f0 present the same material for those who can flot attend on the above noted PIC dates. Notices advising of meeting f mes and locations wiIl be published the week before the PICS. Three more rounds of PICs and a round of public workshops will be heîd over the faîl 2002 f0 winter 2003 period. COMMENTS: Comments and information regarding this proecf are beîng collecfed f0 assiaf fthe Minisfry ut Transportation in meeting the requirements offthe Environmenfal Assessment Acf. This maferial will be maintaîned on file for use during the proecf and may be included in proect documentation. Information colected will be used in accordance wifh fthe Freedom of Informat ion and Protection of Privacy Acf. Wif h the exception of personal information, ail comments wilI become part of the public record. For further information, or f0 be added f0 the mailing isf, please contact the following Proect Teamn representafives or visif our Web site (af the address below): Mr. Bill Rhamey Senior Planner Ministry of Transportatian Provincial and Enviranmental Planning Office Garden City Tower, 4th Fîr., 301 St. Paul St., St. Catharines, Ontario, L2R 7R4 Tel: 905-704-2097 E-mail: bill.rhamey@mfo.gav.on.ca (ýDOntario Mr. Michael Bricks Senior Environmental Planner URS Cole, Sherman & Associates Ltd. 75 Commerce Valley Dr. E., Tharnhill, Ontario, L3IT 7N9 Fax: 905-882-4399 Tel: 905-882-3549 E-mail: mike-bricks@urscarp.com Visit us at: http://www.midpeninsulahighway.on-ca Mr. Paul Hudspith Senior Project Manager URS Cale, Sherman & Associates Ltd. 75 Commerce Valley Dr. E., Thornhill, Ontario, L3T 7N9 Fax: 905-882-4399 Tel: 905-882-3527 E-mail: paul-hudspith@urscorp.com - News Canada