Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jul 2002, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 12, 2002-7 Wîre and Roofîng Co. 's plans OU RED SW IT to erect building on C.P.R. ______ER WiT f Èt-,s~t-s J I à Tinte Capsules'ai-egîents ol înjornitioîî extracred front pa.sf issues o f T/he C/tantpion and oter publcations f0 pro- vide a windovv info Mil/fonts past. Explunaforv comtmentf is sonitfintes pro- sided topluc-e the situation in t conte sf. March 1897 On account of a proposition by Mr. Matin to open up the lots north-east of the grist miii for occupation by manufactories. the scheme to erect a power-house close by the millIto supply power to run them. and the promise of the C.P.R. Co. to survey a line for a siding from the station down to the milI, the Milton Wire and Roofing Co. Ltd. will not erect the proposed building on the C.P.R. property at present. They hope to have their works located finally on the Martin property, but in the meantime tbey have made arrangements for the use of the olti Novelty Works btuild- ing near the G.T.R. station. They are repairing the building which will be ready for occupation in a few days, have sent for the machinery for the manu- facture of metallic shingles and siding and nails and will have their employecsaia work on these line of goods in about a couple of weeks. As the Novelty Works building is unsuit- able for the manufacturing of wire. and as a large expenditure would be required to make it so. the company will make no wtce until they move to their new building. They have already received a number of orders for their products. In metallie shingles they shoulti do a par- ticularly large trade as, on account of a locking device for which they have the sole right. it is claimed that their shingles will be the besi on the market. If the power house seheme is carried out, it will be well worth the while of manufacturers looking for locations to turu their attention to Mfilton. April 1897 A farewell supper was held for Mr. anti Mrs. James Hume. They are gomng tu Pomona, California. M. Hume and bis six- teen-year-olti son lefi on Tuesday evening for Pomona. He engageti a freight car in which were a horse in slings, two cows, a dog. thcee fer- rets, which he took with him for the bene- fit of the gophers, and a quantity of other belongings. He anti is son occupy a bunk in the car and have a coal oil stove to do their cook- ing. Capsules Oi Mrs. Hume and the rest of the family wil follow nextMTursday. The break which occurTed last Friday in the miii dam is repaired again. On Thursday two able-bodied tramps went to the Wallace House. asked Mrs. Mitchell to give themn a meal and were inlormed that they could have one if they would eut sume wood. They consented. guI aIl they could eat and were walking off when Mrs. Mitchell remindcd them of the wood. One of them said, with a grin, "Lady, this is the ftrst of April." The men made off, but Wm. Dewar reported their joke to Chief Constable Bradley who arrested them and got them as far on their way to jail as the comner oppo- site the Methodist Church when they attempted to get away. The constable called for assistance and about a dozen men responded. The tramps made a lively fight. One of them tried for a knock out blow on Wm. Desvar's chin. It landed, but was short and Bob Dewar ducked under the slugger's guard and land- cd a Bob Fiîzsimmons let hook under bis heart. The hobo went down and une of his wrists was promptly adomed with a steel bracelet. The other tramp got in a blow on Chief Bradley's short ribs and Ieft the marks of is teeth on une of the constables hands, but the two were fmnally coupled by their wrists and dragged to jail. On Saturday they appeared before Mayor Dice, who sentenced them ta, three days in jail and to pay, ai the expiration of that time, $2 each or put in another 30 days. They were given 30 days to, raise the money. After putting in their tliree days they dis- appeared, as the mayor expected and hoped they would, and the county wilI flot have the expense of boardmng them. This material is assembled on be/talf of t/te Milton Historical Soiet v 6v Jim Du/ls, chair of research, w/to van be reac/ted b6v e-mail atjdills@idirecýt.com. Richard Gan ton responds to critîcism over Dear Editor: 1 wish tu answer some of the cnit- tcisms of my June 7 letter. 1 think Jason Powell bas a point about Britncy Spears. Britney, the Spice Girls and the like indirectly encourage sexual promiscuity amotîg Icenage girls. its teenage girls wbo arc saying yes a lot cadli- cr and more oftcn. albeit under pressure from boys. If we could convince girls that sex before marriage is harmful. maybe we could have some tmpact on the problemt. But this will take a miracle since recent studies show that school- based sex education bas zero impact ott teen sexual activity, althuugh church-based abstinence progracns have hati some success. Adam Gassner raIls my dlaims ludicrous, yet I can hack them up witb numerous scientific studtes from rcpttable sources. An example is the book 'The Truth aboutt Cinderella: A IVIltOfl~ ~.hîs June 7 letter opposîng aduit video store by Martin Daly and Margo Wilson (a prufessor at McMaster University), publishcd by Yale University Press. Their studies show that "a cbild ts 100 imes mure likcly tu be abuscd or killed by a stcp parent than by a genetic parent".- The book explains tbts using Darwintan ideas. Not exactly a night wing Christian diatribe. Mc. Gassner calîs me prjudiced because I comment that AlDS bas not broken into Uic heterosexual population in North America the way it bas in Africa. The terrible fact is that in Africa, 25 million have died from AIDS and 28 mil- lion more have it. The laest statisttcs for North America show that by 1999, about 800,000 AIDS cases had been reporteti. Thus, in Africa. about 60 times more peuple have been affected by AIDS than in North America. even similar. Is it reatiy prejudice to recognize why ibis bas happened and hope it doesn't happen here? Mr. Gassner would like religion to be a positive force in socicty. Christtans already seek tu demon- strate God's love in positive ways such as Salvation Army and World Vision, but isn't warning suciety of dangerous behaviour also showing love? Jesus taught both that we need tu repent and that we also need tu believe the gooti news of God's love embodieti in Jesus. Its truc that we (hrtstans put a lot of effort into telling peuple thc tbings they need to repent. We neeti to du a much better job of liv- ing su that peuple will believe the gooti news. Richard WO. Ganton Gowland Crescent Reader feels Tories ignoring public regarding hydro <T/te fJolossing lc-fferkva.s set f f0Minisfei ' fhe Eîîsironmeîf antd Energs'C/tris Sfockwell anîd a tops' was i/ed wtf/tT/te fChamîptont. Dear Editor: Recent news aticles tndicate that the Tory govem- ment wtll be muving forward to a selI minority inter- est in Hydro One. AIl the articles and surveys 've reati indicate Uiat Uic majority of Ontarians want their lectric utility to be 100 per cent publicly owned. Why, after consulting wiUi your constituents anti deîermining their desires, do you go against their wish- et? What gooti is public consultation if it bas nu impact on future direction? My main question to Uic current govenment is are you being ignorant, arrogant, or just plain stupid? Notes fromt the legislative assembly indicate that you're havmng a difficult time discussing the Hydro One/OPG issue in the House of Communs because there arent enougb MIPPs present to form a quorum. Perhaps your party should take more responsibility over this essential service. give it the attention it deserves and stai representing the interests of your constituents. The peuple who voted you into power don 't want their utility solti. They know Uiat once you start selling bits and pieces of Uic utility off to private interesis, Uic trenti will continue. Jim Ferguson Lyons Court Hire-A-Student barbecue was a big success: organizer Dear Editor: The Georgetown anti Milton Human Resource Centres of Canada for Students' Hire-A- Student Day Charity Barbecue was a great success. - Several local business owners in thc Georgetown anti Milton area generously donateti time and resources ta make ibis event possi- hIe. Guelphview Square in Georgetown provideti a venue for the event anti generous donors included the Georgetown A&P store as well as Butk Bam, Loblaws, M&M Meat Shops anti Super Choice Country Market, al of Milton. Employers, students and cum- munity members provideti dona- tions ta Rose Cherry's Home in Milton. Community participants of ibis event helpeti raise awareness of Uic student centres andthUi serv- ices offereti. The Georgetown anti Milton HRCC-S appreciate the tinte anti effort generously donateti. Barbara Lambshead, Summer employment officer HRCC-S Milton Miositiriving scbools exisi because petople want to pass tiriving tests. YOUNG DRIVERS' exisîs to îeach the secrets and skills tof lifetime Collisionftoee.r tiriving. So we dont stop when you've jlearnedt t pass a test. In faci. f/tats w/acre uc start. ~-.~- Teaching over 750,000) Canadians bow ta predict and prevent collisions bas matie YD the mati celebrated course in North America. (Anti carneti us ISO 9001 regfistration!) Beuides colision avoidance, you'U get " One-on-one behind the wheel training. " Heavy traffie, ighway/freeway training. " Headion collision avoîdance and 8 other emergency maneuvers. " Annually re-traineti anti re-certifieti instructt)rs. " Pick up antidrop off ai home or school to stutients wîthin resitiential bountiaries. " In car home pick up package available to students who resitie autsidtiei resitiential bountiaries of Milton. Ask for tieuils. Cail us for free vitico brochure. Anti book a scat ai a free parent co-driving session! CollisioînfÉe, /w Oauionfrecom YVOUNG DRIVERSof 'Canada ~ Your icence t urvive. ~9a www.youngdrivers.com «» 4 Week Course, July 23, Tuesday & Thursday Evenmngs, (6:00 pm - 9:15 pm) 4 Day Course, August 26, 27, 28, 29, Monday-Thursday (9:30 amn - 4:15 pm) rab IW905-875-0480 I YOUNG DRIVERS":What every driving course should be!

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