18-The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 12, 2002 Crie t>'er ofHato Halton Regional Police are investigating a break-m in a Twiss Road home. On June 1l, residenîs of the home lefi in the momning 10 go groeery shopping. While ihey were away, unknown cul- prits lroke in through the rear door. The home was ran- sacked and the familys pets released, hut were later found roamning in the area. lIts not known what was taken during the hreak-in. if vou hase information that leads to an art-est in t/is or an v ther miatier; ca/i Crimie Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS or check us out on t/he Web at viwwm.Iinkstohaiton.-omi. ne $500 Off CRAFTSMAN* 20-hp, 42" lawn tractar. Briggs and Strattan OHV V-twtn cylinder angine. #6M9.n Sears reg. 2499.99.1999.99 ulnmatc/hpiroslalîc motI also avalable. #60289 Stars reg. 279999. 2299.99 now 479.99 Panasonic 27" TV 2-lîne dgtal comb filter. Sterea sound and on-screen programming guide. Parental contrai. #15412. Sears reg. 499.99. 3211 ndel aso on sale Crime Stoppers teams up with By PAUL MITCHISON Special ta The Champion Snitching on neighhours who steal calle josi may earn yoo cash. Crime Sioppers of Hallon lias announced plans 10 work wiih the cahle induslry 10 pay for anonymous informa- ion on calle cheals. il means those who caîl I0 report cahle ihefi could le eligihle for cash rewards, jusi like ihose who fin- _______TM/MC ger cIrug dealers and hurglars. Calle companies are particolarly inter- esied in calching "renegade insiallers," individoals who make a living from ille- gally hooking op consumers wih "fre cahle for a onc-iime tee. Sgi. Lec-Ann Ansell, police co-ordmna- lor of Crime Stoppers of lialion. said in a receni interview ihai Cogeco will refond Crime Sioppers the amouni paid oui for lips, plus more. $80-230 off Ail Kenmore air conditie Horizontal mechanical and el vertical mechanical and par canditianers Sears reg. 349.91 Each 269.99-1099.9 Shop Locally. 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MILTON STORE HOURS 100 Nipissing Rd. 905-8784103 r -..r- Mo , e, Wd 930 MiBpm SUR,,12:00PMi,400pon Visîl our webie ai STORE NOURS www.seara ca 11 Mounlainview Rd, Mon,. lno,Wod 93h,,11-lop. GEORGETrOWN set 9Oham4000 905877-5172 Sun 1:11M.01110 Copyright 2002. Seans Cand-alnc. At Sears, we are big enough ta have what you want... but small enough ta care who you are. SALE PRICES START SUNDAY, JULY 14 AND END THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2002, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, WHILE OUANTITIES [AST Bt n nev~ Sgi. AnselI said haniks have a similar arrangement. "Were saying if you know someone whos sîealing calte, eall us and we'll pass it on and pay a reward if il's good informaition.' Cogeco Cable presenied a $ 10,000 cheque to Crime Stoppers ai a receni con- terence in Collingwood as plans were announced Io launch the parinership agreement. Gcrry Marshall, Cogeco vice-president of îechnical operations, sees the arrange- ment as muîually heneficial. "We can help the police whenever possible, and ihey can assisi os in cuîîing down on cahle ihefi." Crime Stoppers has henefiied from cahle companies like Cogeco offering puhliciiy, including helping 10 produce and air video re-enacîments of unsolved crimes. Cogeco has also heavily promot- ed and aîsisted with Crime Stoppers fundraising efforis. The partncrship came as a resuli of dis- cussions over a few monihi with Cogeco and the Ontario Association of Crime Stoppers, and if succesîful, il may he extended 10 new juridcictions. Cogeco will display the Crime Stoppers logo and TIPS numher on ils vehicles 10 promote the organization. Cogecos neiwork management centre in Borlingion has heen designated the contact for police whn have received lips. its a hîgh-iech facility ihai shows elec- tronically when iheres heen any "ingress"inmb the sysiem. Sgt. AnselI said the crime of thefi of îelecommunicaiions is one for which police work wiih cahle firms. Bolut s vir- îually certain that someone who merely splits a hookup to add an extra lelevision sel in the hedroom will nol le targeted. Correnîly, she said, police tend only Io charge when il involves hooking up 10 a oulsîde calle box illegally, or if someone illegally iplits his calle service wiîh neighlours. "Thts program jositsort of makes il officiai, that when people phone usto1 say theres piraiing of calle, well take the tip," she said. 1 îhink theyre lookmng for the big fish, for instance a whole building that mighl le taking calle illegally." Ofien, such investigations are tedlinical and involve celle company officiais. When satellite dish crimes are involved il's usualiy a matter for the RCMP. Maureen Tilson-Dymeni, director of communications and programming for Cogeco, said the donation to Crime Sioppers represenied support for a wor- îhy communily cause, and isnt lied t0 paying rewards for reporting on calle cheais. "The $10,000 cheque was to he speni hy Crime Sioppers in whaiever manner they tee fit." Is esîimaîed about $400 million in fees arent heing collecîed lecause of illegal services received on satellite dishes. Payne new co-ordinator Due to the iemporary re-asiîgnmenl of Haion police Sgt. Lee-Ann Anseil, Acting Sgî. Peter Payne is the interim poice co- ordmnator for Crime Sioppers of Halton. A 20-year veteran of the force, Sgt. Ansell stepped down from Crime Stoppers after she was charged with criminal harass- ment relatmng 10 an off-duîy incident June 27.