Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Jul 2002, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday JuIy 9, 2002 Heart of community WTD/) oY IN WESTERN CAN Dt AIbA here on these pages -Canada's commnunity newspapeis are the heart and soul ot villages, towns and cities frorn coast to coast to coast. As a key source of local news, information, advertising and other necessary details of daily lite I in city neighbourhoods and rural routes alike, they are vital In con- nectino Canadians t0 their roots and to each other.- I So said Canadian Heritage Minister Sheila Copps in a recent speech to the 83rd annual conference of the Canadian Commi-unity Newspapers Association. We decided to use Copps' words as a springboard to thank our read- ers and clients for their continued support and to encourage you to keep writing in your views and calling in story ideas. We will. of course, continue 10 annoy some of you on occasion, but that goes with the tenitory. Some may suggest we represent only one side of anisu and yes, our editorial stances do, but we offer balanced coverage, and if we do indeed incite you to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, it means we're doing our job. With your support, we wîll continue to stnive to be the number one communication tool in the communlty, for the communîty, and to be ........ the community's voice of record. O UR READERS WRJTE Dangling cable wires Dear Editor: 'm concemed about a practlce that bas been much more common over the pre- vious year that bas created an eyesore in our town. Whether it be laziness on the part of the cable company mîstaliers or rampant cable piracy in our neighbourhoods, wires dangting across our streets for six months or more is unacceptable. 1 live on Marcellus Avenue and evcry street within a few blocks of me has ai least une or two wires hanging in his fashion. The wires have loosened and now dan- gle iower and iower toward the street. unacceptable: reader M. Krey owes truckers apology for derogatory - i mmàont-c mndr j,, in àottcr qhniit trir, irint r adr 'Me Iength of ime that these dangling cables have been in our neighbourhoods is unacceptable. 'm hoping someone with the Town could speak with Cogeco about this issue and prod them mbt taking action. Cogeco has been unable to give me much information about plans for our neighbourhood, but did provide the fol- lowing mailing address: Attention Techoical Department, Cogeco, PO Box 5076 Station Main, Burlinglon, Ont. L7R 4S6. Peter Near Milton (Thie follokviîng lette, a addre.'oed ta Ma vor Gord Ki aît: and a copv loa filed with Thte Champion.) Dear Editor: This itier is in tC5ponseIo (1the citter under the colin Our Readers Wnite' pubiisbcd June 28 and wnitten by M. Krey of RRi1 Campbeiville. i'd strongly suggest that you take the ime and write an apology ta the truckers that yau seeru to think fit ti the eatcgory of the other groups that vou mcntioned in your letter. i vuil try ande be as pulite as 1 can whien 1 helieve your pen went inb motion hefore your brain was engaged. 1 k-ovu a lot ai the peuple that you cal! truckers. soi-e ut whum have tamilies and some whu are s'cry good friends. They also represent une of the largest contributurs ta the economy o! this greai prosincec and ceiainiy represent in my opinion. the sait nf the earth. Your tbeughts that a local strip joint would be trasb are yuurs, but please take ime and present your case tu the proper people beture yuu make accusations about whu you may tbink wiil be in atten- dance. And certainly don't let me catch you ibere. Cliffe Bill Commercial Street Area Kînsmen, Kinette clubs Iooking for lost alumni THE CANADIAN CnI-iwIoN Btox 248, 191 Main St. F. Milton. Ont. 19T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Adverlising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Nei Oiver Assoaiate Piîbli iher Jili Davis Edtor-in-Chief Karen Smith Edtor- Wendy McNab Adrverhasing Maniage, Steve Crozier Cirulationn Manuagei Teri Casas Office Manager Tim Coies Production Manag.er The Canadan Champion, pulslied every Tuesday and Frday aI 191 Main SI E .Mlton. Ont L9T 4N9 (Box 248> s ouie of Tire Metroland Prntrig.PLilishing & Distributing LIII roup of sulluiban companc ies s10 incluSes Aa/Pickering Newos Adertîser Allistoîî i-eraiS 'Cotisier Barrie Advance, Barrys Bay lhis Week. Bolten Enterprise, Brampton Gardan, Bulingtoii osI torlnlgon Shoppinig News Cily Paent Cty of York Guardan, Collgeijood/Wasaga Cooinection. East York Mirror. rin Advocale/Country Routes. Floticoke Guaidiair. Fairborough Post. Foreuer Young, Georgetown Idependeot/Acton Fee Pess HatoBusiness Tmes, Huroola Bsness Times. Kngson This Week. Lidsay TOs Week Makhai Ecoomist & Sun, Mdand/Peeeiangushene Mirror Milon SShopping News, Mississauga Business Tînes, Mississauga News, Napanee Guide. Nassagawe>ia News, Newmnarkel/Aiîrota Fa-Banner Notumiberand News, North York Mrror akitie Beaveî TOakuifle Shopping New.o lidtimers Hockey News Oria Today slawa/Wiby/lCarigton/Port Perry lis Week, PeerborouhThis Week. Pcton Cuonty Guide Rihmond Hii/ThofiiiiiVaugllan tiberai Statbuîough Mirror ltoufllie/Uutueidge Tribune, Adverlising is accepied on the conditio liaI oi eeet of a ltyo- graphitai errur, iai portinofutihe advertising space occupied by the erro- neous item, lugeiher wittt a reasonabie aiiuwance tor signature. wii toi be charged io, but the balance o the adetisement nl e paîd lor ai the appli- cable raie. The publistr reserues the ighi to caegorîne adedîisemnents or declîne, The Mitou Caadîae Champion es a Reeyciabie Podute Dear Editor: The Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs ai Canada is seek- ing ta ind lost alumnni and iniormiatiotî on clubs that bave, for varous reasons. closed tîeir doars. Your readet s cao he a great source o! îinnatioin 10 us in this searcb. Were iuoking for the names. Addresses andi .ny ather pertinent information your readers cao supply about relatives. friends. neigbbours ar ca-\, adsers usho bave been previously associated witb a Kinsmen. Kiocîte. K-4(0 or K-cite Club. Whether tbey belonged ton a club last year or 5(0 ycars ago. we 88 (lid like ta ind thern. Ta respond. please contact Rene Porit., ai the cloh heLîc.cuariersI 1-81 )741-l554fi, ext. -13, or e-mail to rporritt@ Vkinclubs.t Rene Porritt, prolect coordinator Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Canada 1920 Hal Rogers Dr. Cambridge, Ont. N3H 5C6 Pud by Steve Nease Illogie fil IW&&Wi OMMU& 0&# qi y wd2%jý,T

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