Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Jul 2002, p. 20

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20-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 9, 2002 ý-Rural lad makes early -Barnes gives commanding eb 0 le ' 1: s-' 4-~~' 1- s, w~prtc~rm'uie~ ¶4 ~rC~viflP19Iç By STEVE LSBLANC The Champion Brad Hloy's track and field career is progressing almnost as fast as bis legs can carry bam. Camnpbellviile's I 2-year-oid racer has been part of the club cir- cuit for a mere two mnontbs - with tbe Bramalea Bullets - but bas aheady put himiself in consideration for national competition, witb some superb efforts at tbe Hershey Ontario Championsbips in Oshawa June 29. Battling bumid condi- tions as weli as topfligbt pre-teen rivais, the W. i Dick Middle Sebool stu- dent delivercd three- metiai wirinrg perform- Brad anices înciudîig a gold in shown lote tise 4x i 0( metre boys in track an reiay. onnth A ate substitulte Ioithe jiniay. teant. lie cati a stroîtg sec- onid ieg and hcelped the Buliets improve oit their provinial qualifying tirnte wîîh an overail finish of' 57.15 sccotds for top spot iut the il and i 2-year-oid boys ciass. lIndividuaiiy. Hoy raced the 8(g(Io1 second-place bonours - stopping te ~~~MI1 m H( idf dlock at 2:36.12 - and was third in tbe 400m witb a personal best sbowing of 1:04.21. South-Simcoe Dufferin's Ben Francis won both events. Campbellville's up-and-coming per- former aiso took fourtb in tbe long j ump witb a top leap of six-feet, eigbt-incbes. This impressive ail- around campaigri wbicb foilowed a some- wbaî surprisingly success- fui quaiifying meet in lie . . May - nutw puts Boy in the running for one of about a dozen spots on the provincial squad tbat'l travel 1o Hershey, Perinsylvania i Aîgust t) for the Hcrshey Nationais. HeuI firid out withîrt the next week ifl ies made te loy has tearn of promise H-oy's runnurtg caîcer field since begar ori the Puîblic scitIOI lub circuit cross-conitry circuit ses - ci ai y cat s ago u/i tasii fate lte',,iltri'ed i bot short atntd nii-iîttc :ces ,\itiithe W. I. tick Wiiticats tandt. iit tetetitîx the Buliets. tîtder the gutiance ni Rtek Milis, Hoy is consîdcrcd oie oftfltue Bulietsý nînst proîtîîsîng atîtietes. despîte bLiîtg relativeiy untested at the club level. - -- -- I MftiiMif 1 I RED, PURPLE & BLACI( TO CHOOSE FROM MON - FR1 8-8, SAT & SUN 8-5:30 6583 WVALKERNS LUNE 1 km South of Derry Rd. 905319-3298 By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Harty Bames' provincial pro\ssess reached a whole riew level late last moîsth. Ait hough Ontario age class triathlon champonshîps are riothing new for Campheilvilie's 55-year nid racer. lew il'any- have been as thoroughiy dommnating as the (tre tieiivered in Hamilton June 29. Amid sweltering nonittg heat at Gullivers Lake, Barres ahsoiutely decimated the competîtonts i his 55-59 year-old men's ciass- beating runner-Up Ronald Boucher ol Windsor hy an almosi uîthelies able 21 minutes. Ilits 2:10 ini rsh n iiild hav e hested flicîtop placers utn hoth the 50-54 anîd 45-49 age groups, as ssell,.vnhile ovcrail tit thflichighly driven triathietc 46th. -To have beaien the riext iv, o yoiuriger class n trirters is practicaliy uriheard of," said Barries;. -i cl realsy gîîod about îny petrformante.ihaicîhledthie hiile Sporisored tis veat hy Atliir Leceti tandtîl i n Fuels. the -utai rater c.itpleicîi the 1.5-kîloitie 51 ii in ýti îOs CliMPa h0allh uild ilieti tîishionel1lPs cati o\ ci- the 4hiktti ikc ni 1 Okn: i i n ih I21/ antid .> iiil et1lîis eL'LtIisLK \?st i l il.ailtoutlips i di li 11,111tiil îîîli hud i l' i 1,B riciît. f)ii,îîta l îi1îusitu1îlisi 55,s i lill t1i St. Pi>Ct ,I sLIîi2 1Plid 1,alhin- iluspi uti s init tne sstutIii n Mil/ton gets thunped by Mega-City By MURRAY TOWNSEND Specti to The Champion As 31-3 insses gut.flite Miltonr Marauders had al pretty gouîd game on Saîurday îîîghl against the Mega-Cîty Maddîtgs. Milton bad tbeir single best offensive play of the season, some of their biggest bits on defense, their first field goal. came close 10 having their first iead, and piayed their mosi entertaining game. TMe Maddogs were forced out of their regular home park aI Bircbmount Stadium because of the CUPE strike and bosted the game ai Markbam Centennial field. Add Io that the eerie glon in the air because of the smoke lrom the Quebec lktrest fires. and the scelle nas set fotr a îîighl of strange occur- rences. M'lga-City ttok flit ecati ibouit Il0 secutnds.,int litucttgarnse heîî tbey gîtt a sitngle potinltont the kick- offi. Tises gut ariothiepoint on>a missed fieildtgtoal a coutple posses- sîtîrs lter. anttisctretlinutpoints ots a sal-ety on siart play' by ptitier Mike O'Brien to thrtn' lie bail ttrutugh bis ossn entd ztore, but tai n'as abotut tl lrorlîcit îoffense tiii the enddofi theItall. Much of' that n us the resuili of inspîred deletîse liv the Murauders. Sîu Gilbert ledtihet it parade once again. adcing in bis Greatest Bits album. Marco Pereira bad a noticeabiy inspired effort as did Martin Pyle, Alistair Baiiey. David Joseph. Mati MacPbaii. Eric Barratîd. Jaînie Johnison,. Mark Doný and Chad Forde in the defen- sise backlieid. Mega-City knen' they nere it a dog figbt from the beginning. The Maddogs quarterback got up siowly a couple times afler Milton defenders got 10 biîn, and one play- er didn't gel up at ail after a mon- ster bit by Joseph. Another bit by Gilbert ailowed Milton an opportuniîy to gel Ibeir first iead of the season. He knocked thse Mega-City bail carrier int the Land of Oz and the bail about 20 yards bebind him. wbere the Marauders were quick 10 recover il. Traiiing 2-0,. Gary Baeisen com- pieted a 15-yard strike to t igbi end Craig Robertson deep in Mega- City territory. They cottîdrit move the bail any further. honever.,iand on thîrti downt Baetsen nas sacketl. O*Briens i ield gîtai try x'as blocked. At titis poit,îutthie Madktgs hati aIl but gis ct up trving irtor tise b:i anid \nere sending fotur recelscrs it mîoît i ronsthe slhot- ,,unr otî e'ery' play. If su i t kiti\n. ynou tibelisard pressedt untcIl n huit t eauts itadit fn a gie titis Mega-Cty i irally scetrec tiscîr lîrsf toîîclionn m a pass to tîte cîtmerîof te endzone. nitb less tban at minute remaining u intelitaif to canry a 10-0 lead into the break. The Iwuo-point conversion sas stopped. Milton started ofthe second haif Harry Barnes Ulrike pres'tuts doubi put hm tipositionti 10 n the natiorials in Edmonitori, Aiberta Suriday. Hîs Canadian championship three-peat hid feul short last year, n'hen in the 50-54 year ranks he surrendereti the titie to Wentworth. Nova Scotia's Bryan Scailion. But Bames has beatets his eastem rivai on other occasions. and feels confident of doing so again this weekend. years. l'm lookîig lorward tuo ging liiIbis ye.tr's tiatiîînals. i 'm not sure n hai that means (about my chaînces).- As alv'ays. he heads irito natitonal competîtion as al gold-tnedal crîntender. Sunday's everil- on i coturse Buriîs bas raced îsvîce belore n viii sers e as the finial lune-up to Nnsemnber's Wurld Championslstps ti Cattcuri Mexic.î Nericos clirnit al no doubt bc It But tics' ads artage. altiîtugh lies ilîlelt nuit 1titake lim 'Ietil-t prticftoi',ts itulle irtIti. L)iiit ,soas s ar riay ltas c)ritthecp\ iniîia kib' onisl iiqualittu>hits besi cs cr sho\ssin- ses ettîit onii tteintcriltioi al stgt' lic cil tu"IishuIt iii .îiî iii Itýis sil>a 2:12.'4f) tiitis1>i hl usîIooLîi ciiiiiili or cigIi i tIi,,lu/t iroup. <7 Blîc l iuit"'s.îîîtisi noLoig Ioiiu ,aiisi SilitIC1 0.',ut IoIii I us/111ttil hie. \lcitîiîlc. Nilloiauîîî i, ui Bi.iaiî iitis'ther pi-os titials in îrdt'î Io t îitctiiile onutn> iii i itstîiiiti uito \Manî t îtpctitiin Lake Iicit. Site andt a iîîîst iii îîilttr lîîC.îl ilIcs ss\\IIl CttîIpete inIllte I/ri-Lilinil cs'ctttaithtllcutidiof, ils. lit gond style, as weli. On Mega- Cily's lîrsi possession. Gilbert lorced a funthie. anîd recovered il himseii. Thai led îo Multon's best offen- sive play of the season. With Baetsen scramblig in Miltont teritory. be found a not so nide open Eric Snyder anid tbren tbe bail. Snyder pusbed off on the deferider and battied for the catch. The defender fell, ieaving Snyder ahl alone. He raced downithe side- uine for 68 yards before the Maddogs finaliy caugbt up 10 bim. The play led 10 an O'Brien field goal, making the score 10-3. That was it for Milton, however. With exhaustion perhaps the biggest factor, the rest of the game belonged 10 Mega-City. Milton did. bowever. block yeîtîanother extra poin, ibis one by Pereira. A figier moment cante laie ini te gainte itît qîarterback Baeiseit oitthe sidelîies niti a batl haîîîi andulRyari McGil tilt atlte gainte. Big Aridrew Ttîcld. normal ly the centîre, look ttver the pivot poîsitintl'or tte fintal sertes. On te first tnuî piays lie tlook the sîîap aitd crashed thrîîîîh the uine. gattni a ctouple y artds e:tch fuite, riuci t 10 is antties cry(lies amusemîett. nclutdisgte Megut- Cily players. On third tiîtsn he flbed the sîî:p andd the Maddogs recovereti. The Marauders null travel 10 Sautît Ste. Marie ibis weekend to take oîn the Stomi, the îtniy other nînless team iii the Noriherri Football Coriference. Th ings not getting any easier f or the expansion Mura uders Milon Mechrnts are changing their name und want ieus from youl Here's your chance ta win a pair of PLATINUM LEAFS TICKETS for their season opener and a Synergy Hockey Stick (prizes valued at $800). Please send entries along with your name, address and telephone number either by email, fax or mail to: Milton Junior A Hockey Club 420 Main St., Ste. 636 Milton, ON L9T 5G3 emnail: Ken@MiltonMerchants.com %, fax: 905-849-6839 CONTEST RUL ES: *Entries must be received before Moniday, JuIy 15/02.- Winner wll appear in The Canadian Champion on Tuesday, July 16/02 - Confest is open to ail members of the Mlton communlty except for those persons affiiated with the Milton Mercharits inciading staff, volunteers & famiiy members. rim PICK 1 L âà Tirff

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