The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, J uly 9, 2002-17 Main Street re-construction completed pu-w from CORES on page 1 il tecks, a Icibeter ness. 1 theughi the Sreet lecked gocd befere but tl oks great new." MIS Keech said Friday she' was leeking ferward te the reurn etf the Saturdlay moming Famuiers Market, whtch was temporar-ity set rip ai Tessei Hall while constructien \ss as Lunderss ay. t was back dcwntessn Saturdav fer the st; eet re-opening party. "Befere the street Ieeked like a nîcss lanri terse and noss tiliooks like a ibris ing sînalt tssn road." Lene Oesi said shes leeking c'ris aid Ithe Street getting back te tiemuil. 1 think ihes'dirt a sr ndert ut eh., tlteoks, giect, the ess uer oft A Caieted Attai said. actding lhe restaurant dîd sut ter a sigi t icant less out sales dur- ing censtructîion. "lie sorems lati ipressed by the Instali Smoke AlarnMS Its The Law. The Ontario Fire Code req ui res that every home have worki ng smoke alarms. Instali them in your home or cottage today! A sýize etthe irees. We have 1--------- 1 "[m .nilad te sce they vweie able Io keep the eld Nanci Scris ei cetIo Keiih MacKay, ors nier et The litness rîwner of Cypress Technique. "lt has succeeded mny expectations. ht Intimate Apparel and would have been nice te have bigger trees but they Bridai Wear, 'oi are an appropriate sze. Now it's Up te us (business although she had he essners) te impreve the look ef eur busiîiesses on l'or more parking spaces, the crilside te match the improvemnents on the shes content wiih th, ness street. li's st Milton but it looks more sophisti- [ DAY SE FUTON fille 1219