Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Jul 2002, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Frday, JuIy 5, 2002-7 Milton trio returns safe from ri.W hiintina trin in rÉqthp-r hqrcqh OUR ÎCLADERS wRJTE Tinie Capsules ar iys a nooaif e%t-ated fironi past issues o/'The Chamipion and otiter publications ta pro- vide a windovi. int;) Miltoji s past. E.;planatorv (commient i . ssomietbn.les pro- vided to place t/he stuation ina conte t. February 1897 The Oakville Star reported that A.S. Cbisholm, Arthur -Hiumer and W.H. Cronkite. Jr. arrived home Tuesday evening after spending two days shooting in the vicinity of Milton and the mountain. They had an excellent ime and were quite successful, bninging home 15 rabbits and three foxes, besides other game. They say that there was plenty of sflow up there two feet with a hard crust whicb made trav- elling most difficuit. The company has had great success recently having shot forty- one rabbits, besides other game in the last 10 days. March 1897 The Acton Free Press says that about 40 farmers took part in a bee in which 80000 Milton buicks were teamed to Acton for the erection of a machine shop for Mr. Grindell to replace the one which was bumed down recenîly. A new music store has been opened by John Moffat. late of Acton. in Porters Block (204 Main St.) in the store lately occupied as a fumiture store by Mr. Johnstone, with a choice line of Dominion pianos and organs. small instruments, strigs, musical sundnies. The 24th annual report of the Inspector of Prisons and Public Charities says that the total number of persons committed to the Milton jail during the year ending on September 30 was 312. There were 308 men and four women; 123 Canadians, 81 English, 69 Irish, 18 Scotch. 15 Americans and six of other nationalities. Though the number of committals was large for a county like Halton, 261 of them were for vagrancy - the vagrants being nearly al non-residents, leaving only 51 for other offenses. The average cost of maintenance per day for each prisoner was $752, the lowest in the province. On Tuesday. the county council of Haton granted $100) famine relief fund. 10 the East India Charles Joncs lit a fire with coal oil last Tuesday and a gusb of fiery gas flew mbt his face. His mustache was singed close lu his hp., bis Ibruat was scorcbed and is hands bumt, but aIl the bums were very slighî. The anniversary services of the Educational Society of the Methodist Cburcb were held on Sunday when the Rev. A. Carman, D.D., was the preacher. The sermons be gave were massive and masterly presentalions of truîb and stinred the beads and bears of al. On Monday evening, the leamned and cloquent doclur gave the fourtb and last lecture in the excellent course provided Ibis winter for the ctîzens of this commu- uiîy by the Epwortb League of the Methudist Cburch. A good audience assembled and splendid music was fumisbed by Miss Andrews, Mrs. J.W. Bews, Mr. Adam McKay and Evangelist Jenkins. A lecture ai once su philosophical and praclical, scholarly and simple. eamnesl and elevating on the deep themes and questions of existence and immortality of man as related lu God. it's impossible lu give an adequate report. TMe deepening of the bcd of the Sixteen Mile Creek by Mr. Martin prevented any damage in Milton by the spring freshet, whicb was aI ils beigbt on Friday nigbl, but an ice jam formed aI Geo. Denouns fann, jusl east of the tuwn. The waîer backed up and flooded Neil Pattersons slaughter bouse. There were 21 pigs in the building and 12 of them worth about $100 were drowned. This material is assemhled on behalf of the Milton Historical Societ v bv Jim Dilis. chair of research, who (-an 6e reached by e-mîail at jdillsa@idit-ect.-omn. TH AAIANCHMPS. Fôwn staff Is quite dedicated to improvi ng services and quality of lîfe in Milton: reader Dear Editor: 'm glad that Paul Tatc clarified his lelter. which was published in The Champion May 17. 1 had thought bis Icîler was jusî anotber one of those xenophobic dia- tribes against the Town of Milton staff, wiîb cxagger- alions and misinformation. lu point of fact, I've found the Town of Milton staff lu be very dedicated lu improving lown services and delivering an improved quality of life lu Miltonians. As well, anyoue taking the ime lu attend a counicil meeting would often, if nul always. sec a number of these 'ouî-of-towners' in attendance, even thougb the meetings take place aller 5 p.m. l've also met witb Town staff who live ouI of Town, in meetings that ran until Il p.m. or later on a number of occasions in the six years 1 was a member of an advisory group. Furthermore, 1 wa.s able lu, contact these same staff members the nexl day before 9 a.m. lu discuss issues from the previous nigbt. 1 believe tbe vilîfication of Town staff is toWaly ouI ol bnc. 1 congratulate and thank Town staff- no mat- ter whcre lhey live- for their prolessionalistu. for working hard and long on our bebalf, and for their award-winning contributions to our communily. Mr. Talc did have onc good idea lbough- we should ail provide input îo the Town about how we should bc growing and what our needs are. Proper per- formmig arts- visual arts venues- are obviously the main requirement and highest priority. Why another self-serving pressure group/commitlee s required is beyond me îhough -Just pass your ideas onto your councillor or the mayor or 10 The Champion even. Put together a petition or ask for an open house. Let's taise advanîagc of the democralie process rather than create more hureaucracy Lets do our besl 10 avoid another 'Drury Park disaster' as Mr. Tale sug- gesîs - no more vandalistu of property simply because someone elses righls were legally upheld. Michael Grimwood RR6 Mlton Provincial goverment doesn-'t get it - Ontario residents don 't want electricity privatîzed: reader Dear Editor: TMis Tory guvemment just duesu't gel il. su let me spell il out loud and clear. The peuple of Ibis province dont want their electrie ulility sold lu private enter- prise. If you dont believe me, cail an election over Ibis issue. The back-handed approach Ibis guvemrment îs taking trying lu seIl the province's electrie jewels (Ontaio Power Generation and H-ydro One) lu galber funds lu pay for past Tory mistakes- includiug excessive tax culs aI the expense of envirunmnent and bealtb care- is astuunding. The way 1 see il, the former Ontario Hydro built tbe syslem lu meet provincial electricity demands. Tbey cbarged a fair rate Ibat would recover these cusîs over a defined ime frame. Rates, wbicb were cbarged un a power at cutI basis, were still well below Ibat of sur- rounding areas. Wben tbe Tories took office, lbey put a freeze on rates and limited the amount the old Ontario Hydro could charge. This creaîed an anificial, Tory-made crisis. Il forced the company int a deficit mode wbere the debt load incrcased. Then, when the company went itt major debt, the guvemment cried about company mismanagement and said the only way lu suIve Ibis problem was lu break up the uîîlity and selI off the pieces. TMe Tory motto of 'public bad, privale good' was touîed loud and clear by Mike Harrs. 1 urge the govemrment lu hire sumeone with brains and understanding of the electrie industry; make bim the minister of envîrouiment and energy overseeing Ibis utility; initiale legislation lu start runrting the util- ity as thse essential public service il is; and mun il for the good of the peuple, and nul for those wbo wnrk on Bay Street. Jim Ferguson Milton Thanks to Opsteens for support of outreach programs Dear Editor: Chistine Opsîcen and ber family bave urganized and bosted 10 garage sales in support of Joyce Scott Non-Profit Humes Inc. over the pasl eigbt years. This year's successful sale beld over the weekend of June 22 and 23 broughl in $1.100. This brings tbe total Christine and ber family bis raised for us lu, $10.544. Al of Iis money bas been used for attendant ouI- reacb services tbrougbuut Hatun and for Deborah's Hume in Milton. TMe goal of botb prjecîs is lu pro- vide independent living for adulîs witb physical dis- abilities. Ou bebalf of the board of directors of Joyce Seutt Non-Profit Homes lue., I tbank Christine and ber fam- ily for their commilment lu us. Tbanks, alsu, lu aIl those wbo came ouI lu support us again Ibis year. Maria Sewell, community relations Joyce Scott Non-Profit Homes - t ~sOts 2~e J 2 ~Yi2 /(5(7p ~; /1) t.tq 5;3~ ~ifJ ~ r ~ 141 LU EV1xim»* 1jLIIV lm liv Ti4E ocy acca &'AZOAA MPV DX aROORPAqAZOA son LX New 20OHP 3OL V6 Engine 5 Speed Automatic Transmission - Power Windows' Powef Locis - Power Heated i Mrrors- AM;eFM CD Casseite Stereo - Excusive Roll Down Rear Windows * Tumbie Under 3rd Row Seat -Mazda's Leadersip Warranty Great Lease Rates Available $0 Security eaosit requîred on M4Pts The 2002 626 LX lnciudes: Powersi 2.Oi 4 Cytinder Esxyne - Automatec Transmission - Air Conditionirig Power Windows - Power Heated Mirrors. Kylss Entry - AMFM CD Stermo- Ouai Airtags Cruise Contri.- Mazda's Leadership Warrant; Or Cash Purchase tram $22.995' Add only $2.415 for V6 enne/ 16* AlOY Wlîees r JE =^m r Achill1es ýS maz- 357 ausoli St. (Hwy 7) Acton, On 519-853-0200 mIu C @aohIIImmazia.oCa 'Pus FeighVPDE and Taes Cali fo, Cdta,. 5 r"#E R IV E E fd x# E1 5 R E jF 5 ma#E%-78 rf iti';pafn çf and three foxes on the trip Mlilton Time Capsules

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