22-The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 5, 2002 I~~f ~EORGETOWN DI OMen In Black Il Duiy 700 &9:00p.m. Sat & Sun.200 p.m. * Mr. Deeds P Daly 645& 830P.n. Sat & Sun. 2:00 p. e Lio &Stitch F Daiy 645 & 830pm * St &Sun.200 p.m Theatre Parin Available t Rear -»Celebration time The annual Canada Day bash at Rotary Park was once again a big success. At left, members of the Milton Lions Club release the rubber ducks for the always popular duck race, while painted in patriotic fashion (above) is event-goer Liam Venerus. Also enjoying the festivities are Allison Beehoo (below right) and EmiIy Goncz (bottom) - who take part in the water balloon toss and velcro stick game respec- tively. And Canada Day celebrations wouldn't have been complote without some local performers, including (below left) members of Dance Elite. Photos by GRAHAM FAINE Ls? on selected Areas