APPLE Wèekend + tited 1,MWndshield Repaîras ~781 MAIN ST.#1&2 SMILTON 876-41851 A Metroland Cornmunity ýwv I% ce7 Newspaper Vol. 143 No. 32 Friday, July 5, 2002 36 Pages- 8 78-2881w4 $ I1.00 GSI ncud HHS to receive $4.8 million But hospitals stili expect tofacefinancial difficulties By HOWARD MOZEL Special to The Champion Halton Healthcare Services (HHS) has learned il will receive more than $48 million in additional operating funding for the 2002-03 fiscal year. HHS officiaIs receis ec notification Tuesday from the Ministry of Heatb anîd Long-Termn Care outlining tbe details. ssbich includeci a 2 per cent inflationary inetease- aliotied across tbe board to ail Ontario bospitais- amounting to $1i.7 million. HI-S also received confirmation ibat a perform- ance grant of $1i.7 million tbat was received in the 20011-02 fiscal year. wiil nos be inciuded in tbe base budget. The baance ofibhe funding. $1.3 mii- littit.pis iel,îiecl tiii grîîsil i n s\ail0IS prograins and sersviees iiiflic hospital. such as the Renal Dialvsis prograrn. Hîîwes et. the 1I uncing antiuîunceient doesn't address lasi v'ears celîcit mil $3million,. sihbsas primarily aitnibuiable Io the grcîwtb in patient voi- uimes at boih hospital sites last year. nor dîtes it provide lîinding loi the level cil grosi ib anticipaieci this yeat. "Vie siiibe dialoguing wsith ministry oficials to fîîiiy assess and es aluate the detaîls of' the announicement to detennine boss ibis luncing wil affect out organization." said HHS Senicor Vice- Presideni Alan Halls. "Like aIl other heaitb care facilities in the province, our organization is lacing some major ctalns shie commuiiies of' \Milton and ()ak\ilIe continue 1gto rovsic are eliallenged to kCep uIp 10 the demand loi hospital based healih- care sers ces,. While sie appreciaiîe the tunding increase. ont initial calc ulaions aire inchcaiing ibai sve wili be tacing some signiticant linancial and operational challenges iin the îipcomiflg year. HFIS enconipasses both Oakviiie-Trafalgar Memorial and Milton District hospitals. "Everyone ai HHS bias ss urkecl sery bard Ici pro- vide the besi possible health care services to the residents of our growiing cominunîties in a fiscal- ly-responsibie mnanner." saîd Mr. Halals. "We will continue our discussions witb the Ministry of Heaith and Long-Tenn Care to ensure see TOTAL on page 25 -Anything to beat the heat Candace Sharp of the Town's Kids Camp program cools off while running some of the children's games dur- ing the Canada Day celebra- tion Monday at Rotary Park. The event was another suc- cess despite the hot, sticky weather. Temperatures soared to 35 degrees Celsius, or 45 degrees Celsius with the humidity. See more photos trom the festivities on page 22. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE comment........ 6 A&E. ........ 10-11 Sports ......26-28 Classifîied .... .29-32 Datelîne ....... 33 Umm 1 SI, (li'tili(l Re- 01101 101 IT'Nf