Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jul 2002, p. 4

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4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday JuIy 2, 2002 «,Meeti*ng to address Exxxotica's zoning request The legai status of a controversiai aduit video store wiIi be dis- l'ie heown isii old tOC îîîcin,(wG I on..,,Ik y with a recent zonang amendment request by Exxxotica owner Tony Wang. Details of the zoning amendment request hadn't been reieased at press time Friday. ORANGEVILLE's 4T11 ANNUAL BUSKER STREETFEST ALL NtGHT FRIDAY, JULY 5TH & ALL DAY JULY 6TH AND 7TH be CLOED O m '* Pre-ShowI Welingo obirst July 4th * 7 pmi4 St.. 5retooo iday a rtp m _5nt N ,Mad Hatter tniMiss the 1 roup Show on 0* Don't missi Beginigal i 6 f.atdyEeig the1, 8:0!CoppernnW YOU WONT WANT TO MISS THESE GREAT PEîrusswas \NI MOE... 'Action PaCkOd st tttJ kb di to ttr& MaNterO f Mtitasosig Circust jeasati-u DesaaMe heGreaisioaoGuiness Record /5,51er 'pfepoe lo bs pemsOfly peuse0 with the deeo ths 11clown DosDivine *Whfs your nome ... &ed memorY' Mr. Bill '96ggestatLare B&MsBand in theUcLndi" j;ncle Hflmy ' Pork Chop Revue Wlf the eeg rPmeAutua, i j s.sun 'f the botte ... loin ib ahaeeniet a de sances 7 (e gindtheair, baiamau n rpé rope, 5044100 (re and mapha lst *aIgl ah wileot iOeiobs d s <sahL0 Ws His exirsmesksii and intoliblo ichni3uiaore srpassed onIy by hs mousterY o e Gocfiai amt o fou-ffls'-Pins L'Sur ,, ,,s ij naa o6rl?. For more lofformotion Please ConCt te Orangeville BIA (519) 942-0087 ONTARIO V .. d- "H-e is st ili intent on staying open," said Mcl Iovio, the Town's ment about the Bronle S treet video store establishment, which bas 'f ",~rr5I'if' onl t nprus"s 1the.beenuopen since April 1 pass. If counicil tunis down the requesl, Mr. Wang wil have lu appeai it 10 the Ontario Municipal Board." The Town's solicitor and Mr. Wangs iawyer have been in nego- hialions for tbe past îwo montbs trying 10 corne 10 a mutuai agrec- Temporary Closure of Milton Seniors' Activity Centre The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre wiIl be £Ismt for ren- ovations from JuIy ist - 5th, and wiIl re-open at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, JuIy 8th. REQUEST FOR BID Rentai of Equipntent and Operators, Snow Removal Program 2002-2003, 02-63R Sealed Bids on forma supplied by thse Town of Milton will be received by the Corporate Services Department, Purchasing until 11.00 arn. local lime on: july 17, 2002 Specifications and forms may be obtained at the Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario, Corporate Services Deparlment, Purchasing. during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30 arn. to 4:30 p.m. Any inquiries regarding this tender may be directed to the Purcbasing ai (905) 875-5404. f you would prefer that this bid be couriered 10, you please complete thse Request tor Bid Document form on the Town's website: www.town.milton.on.ctt. Plan takers and current and upcom- ing bids are aiso posted on thse web site. Loned property. But Town officiais say zoning byiaws dont exist for tbis type of establishment, even thougb a Town bylaw exists for the icencing of sucb establishmnents. Aithough Mr. Iovio agreed Exxxotica does fait under commer- ciaily-zoned property, Mr. iovio said the Town considers il lu be an aduit entertainruent establishment, which is prohibîted. The meeting is scbeduied to began at 7:30 p.ru West Nule may be in north Halton Initiai testîng indicaies the West Nile virus has tound ils way lu Haiton. A dead bird discovered in I-laton His last week bas shown sigos of tbe virus, but furtber testing aI a Winnipeg laboratory is needed lu confirrn the Halon Region Heaitb Departruents find- îngs. The West Nule virus is a mosquito-bome disease thats mostly nun-îhreatening 15) bumans. But people with a weakened immune systeru, the aged and very young can bc seriously affected. Symptoms are similar to tbe Ou virus, but can cause deatb in extrerne cases. In order lu reduce the chances of being bitten by miosquitoes, the beaitb departruent recummends ssearing light-coioured clothing with long siceves and ensure opened windows are screened. Use uf a mosquito repelient containing DEET - witb a con- centration uf no more than 30 per cent fur adulîs and 1(0 per cent l'ur chiidren - s aiso recommended. DEET sbouidn't be applied lu infants. Residents sbould aiso drain any areas ut standing or stagnant water and remove old tires as weii as tom over paîls. loys and wheeibarruws and change water in bird batbs every few days. For more information on the West Nule virus, contact the bealtb depariment aI (905> 825-6187 or on-uine aI www.region.halton.on.ca/heaith. N ewph~As 4t Tâ U D ALL THE STATED INFORMATION 15 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND LIMITATIONS. Milton Seniors' Activity Centre For further details on activities IJULY ACTIVITIES cali (905) 875-1681 Wednesday. Juy 10. 17. 24. 31: The Centre holds its Evening Euchre Parties starting at 7:30 p.m. Corne along bring friends! The com- petition is keen and the conver- sation refreshing. Pnizes award- ed. Cost: $2. Thursday. Juy 29: Join the Seniors Activity Centre on a Muskoka Cruise and lunch on the Wenonoh 1l, followed hv q trin to Rracehridae to visit the Rich Hill Candie Factory. includes hamburger or sausage, Cost for Members is $67, Non- salad, dessert and beverage. Members $72. Trip leaves at 8 -rnWnN rfe qPntCr a.m. and returns at approxi- mately 6:15 p.m. Please note that the Centre wili be closed during the week of JuIy 1- 7 for renovations. Join us every Friday during the sumrmer, beginniflg July 121, at 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. for a deli- Clinie every Thursday afternoon at the Centre. Cost: $20. Cal the Centre for more information, or Jl 1 to book an appointment. Purchase a Punch Pass and save money! This card has a cious barbecue and ail the fixin s $1-5 value anci is goy ur i at a great price. Cost: $5.00 - drop-in activities at the Centre. Suy eorCnm-as, Thursdays, starting at 1:30 p.m. July 4 - Cancelled - Centre closed for Renovations (Romance) (Drama/Romance) July 25 - Kate & Leopold 1 (Comedy) ProgrmsInclude: Bridge, Learn to Play Bridge, Euchre, Cribbage, Bingo, Snooker, Dans, Shuffleboard, Trai Chi, Qi-Gong, Line Dancing, Clogging, Painting Classes, Tap LDancing and Seniors' Cinemas. Additional Acta vitîes Include: Summer Barbecues, Library, Bus Tours, Diners Club, Ktchen Band, Computer Club, FoikAnt for Intermediates Club, Il Soft Wood Carving Club, "Song Spinners" Chorus, Creative Fingers" Craft Club, OÙ Painting Club, plus Special Events and Fundraisers. T oeMIUTS AO~AU "~< ~One storey building ROBERT (PIE) LEE INSURANCE AGENCY (j :ýOPTICAL located on beautiful spa g .g.w s.S~fgiusMSLifE LBclous grounds situated *1110-I St* ONPRMIESbetween Rockwood and el44W 27 q«Uw ' ý« laMY lvi aru 1EY -Eden Milis I Bob Lee XjAIATIO r AMEl bob@robertleeiflsuraflce.cOm M itonARRANGED SNEvsN NURSING HOME KmMthl L0dî ENSES RETIREMENT HOMEkmrbrleisrfcCO SERVICE WARRANTY H U E 59864 2 245 COMMERCIAL ST., MILTON L9T 2J3 e O ~~~~~CAR[ FACILITY INC. SERVING HALTON ANDOAREA SINCE 1968 OFIE9588586FX958839 1

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