School board director to "Pfj9ý "or nbtW'(f ike The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 2, 2002 --3 YAf Fi ~~lT~~~n BY TIM WHITNELL Special to The Champion While the Halton District School Board struggled Wednesday to balance a $4- million deficit, ils educationi director will soon be gettingC is second 8.5 pet cent salary increase tin as maniy years. Dusiy Papkes pay for 20011-0)2 s $152.000 in base salary. His base stipend for 2(002-03 will be $165,000. The figures dont include the value of is vehicle allowance and benefits package. Sehool huard Chair Ethel Gardiner led the group thal approved Mr. Papkes contract. She said shte believes the pay increases for the educalion director ast year and in Septemnber are deserved and simnply the cost of retaining top executives in the Greater Toronto Area. Ms Gardiner is adamnant il shouhd be a non-issue that Mr. Papke was given an 8.5 per cent boost ini base pay for the curent school year and is due for another 8.5 per cent increase tins fail. However, raises for the mnajoritY of îeaching and non-îeaching employee groups within the Halton public board were pbased-in in twc parts for the current school year btending tor a net inerease of 2.7 p per cent. saîct board Business Superiniendent CarIa Kisko. A ive-year direcior ini Halion pîevioisty lie svas ctieciiî ai tbe sirnaltei Nluiskoka board-- Mr. t Papke is ust coiuptetiiig tus f t s year ut a ibree-year coîttraci. liinorati oincontainet thie liaion bitai its raIt budget for 200)2-03 sbi\s s ,tbai lise iI its superîntendeflis. Gerry Cutten, CarIa Kisko, Keiih Juoson, Brenda Keaumey and AI Greyson. will get just 0.7 per cent salary increases next year. Superintendent Gary Sadler will get a 6 per cent boosl wbile lellow superintendent Barry Finlay will gel a 4.3 per cent hike. Human Resources supervisor Dawn Beckett-Mortont is in fine for a 10.5 per cent raise. Ali of the superintendents will make between $113,262 and $115,177 for the next school year. Ms Kisko said Mr. Sadler, Mr. Finlay and Ms Beckett-Morton's raises are significantly higher because they gel an annualized 1raise and move up one place on a t salary grid. Ali superintendents then will be j aI the top of the three-year grid, she noted. 1 Some trustees and board staff ) have been loudly proteslmng about a 7, lack of funds for public education, particularly over the last year. Mr. Papke said Vie doesn't under- ,and the fuss about bis coritract. -My salary is the average salary ofthie othei t our public boar ds ni the GjiA. but il's a year behincl. -l didrit tise leverage (buît) there were other options available,' said Mr, Papke. '1 bey Haion> niade anl oller andI I accepied il.1'bey said ibey \,vanted lu be lair. Il an emnploîyer camne tu you andl satcl, Is tbis lair?' what would ycîu do'? I îhink il's. t'aîr.' Ms Gardiner said she believes Mr. Papke's contract is appropriate and that keeping hirn is actually beneficial and cost-effective for the board. "There are only a handful of experienced directors. He gels called regularly by boards much larger than Halton," she said. The interest shown in Mr. Papke is indicative of Vis talent and the dearth of qualified directors in tis area, she said. Ms Gardiner noted that during the dsrector's performance review last year, conducted by a commit- tee of trustees, she was contacted by an executive search company. "He was being actively encour- aged 50 consider a position with Fanother hoard." 1 She added shat a search for a new *see PAPKE'S on page 12 LtILL'~!L¼3~~LJ CHOCLATE ECLAIRS NATURAL-GRAN BREAD LARGE SIZE *COR(AIE NO FAT OR SUGAR'-..m LOAF PENNE PASTA WITH OUR HOMEMADE 1OMATO SAUCE & MINI SUN 7", ýLI BRANDT'S SPICÉD HAM SAUSAGE OR TURKEY & V EAL SAUSAGE CAR ~ Le e,-or .88I1Ug On Virtuaiiy Ail 2002 Models. Over 175 Romainiflg. Hurry In For Best SelectiOn Wo Have SLASHEO Our PRICES To Cloar Ail 2002 Models To Make Room For The 2008's Le J#WUR .9911 frM m