6 - The Canadian Champion, Frîday June 28, 2002 *COMA.j LENT +THE CANADIAN CrIAMPION Berx 248. 191 Main St .. Milton, Ont. 1-9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classîfied: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Aso r.irrte Pub/ishr/i il Davis Fritter n-Ch/r'! Karen Smith Fdrrrar Wendy McNah Adrertrirreg Managueir Steve Crozier cireulrionrr Maari Teri Casas O/j/r r' Manrager 'lim ('oies Prr iro r Maiirrîr.'r' The Canadin Champion Pcbistitd eeiy teiesday andiraiFrday it 191 MaiSI E. Miton. Ot .r91 4N9 (Bor 24). (scee of 5e Meticlacet Printreg Fiiistiiit e. Dstributreg LIA greîîp et suburban eerparies vil I inides A1ae Piîkeririg Necis Slceriser AiiotiiHera1tIt Soner tartre Adc.iiii e trrcs tac This Week Boter Enterprise tramnptonc Sifiii ButrlintonrPosFBurrbgiceShoping Neecs CityParent.Ci t oStrik Gcarrtian ii iiitiymd, Wasay T. nniitioni Est York MinrEr ni AdcCatü GCouitry Routes Etlcete ii rdai Fireiciceiti Pcst, Fîreve r Yeing, Georgetown I depeitieet Acoe Free Prescitaltie Busiess Tirles H reria Bsiess lrrces Krngstcor Tcis Weet Lndsay Thirs Week Mariarr Ececi ic & Sire. Mdard erieaqrsicie MrrcrMilnShoicngiyres. Missssac ga Bsiess fioes. Mississacga Nevis Sapaie e rGude Sassarpaweya Newrs. ewma it Aora Fia-Baîrer Nrthumbierlanrd Niws, NocSh Srt Mir akeie Beacer Sakelie ShoppingSNes Sidlirreers Hockey SesTrilia Today OsawaiWhitSy/Cariietoe oi FPerry Tiis Weet Peterborough Tiis Week> Pictie CouffyGuSer'Richimond tillThiiiFil Saugitari iberal, ScarFoiccyF Mineor Storîtterllie Seirrge TribuSec Adeirsieg es accepted ce the coeditin at. nte 1eviii et a type- grapSîcal errer at prtiofthe adaeilisiirg space iccepird bSpte erre- ceces item, togetFei atS a reasonabie aiowaace tir sigeature, nîti rnt ne cFatgelfr toi the alai'erit thre adveriseeeeiciii e yard toi at thee 0cr caSte rate The peirisier eserees the rigFt te catelo rite atteiisemenrts or declire TeMltoen Canariae Chaepion is a eccaie Peeduci V*4 ~D'W~D~ / -f f~'SIR, TIIOSE AH IGO, ITS ARE FOR THANG10 CHREIEN. Get those flags wavin i With the World Cup of soccer winding down this weekcnd, there will likely be a lot of celebratory lag-waving by cîther Brazîlian or Germanitfans sher- ever large pockets ol themn have gathered tor Sunday mioming's final match.UR 1?E/IDERS W RlTE Few world evenis - the Olympics included - can bc credited tor bringing Canadians. transplanted fromn ail other corners of the globe, oui to celebrate their native heritage.0a At no other time do we see s0 many lags representing su nîany diflerent It's time to stand up and be a proud canadîan nations proudly displayed outca windows, in windows of homes and on the more traditional flag pole. l>ear I ditor: 1 lked in the front door and al sis Caniadian banners, nb- Many believe this month-long party we have t0 wait tour years 10 enjoy helps 1 consider rnyself anl average there were approximaîely 10 four- bons, chairs, hais, t-shirts. sweat- to unite people of different world cultures in a celebration of the pursuit of' Canadian citizen. hy-six-rnch Canadian tlags. To a shirts- even chairs with the This vear. though, 1 decided il box on the floor. undemeath ail the Canadian flag- and more. sport. wvas lime lu 00 onty teed proud tu flags for the World Cup were the Whati1 wonder is wrong with ou: Monday, the day aller this year's World Cup ends, will likely providc a hang- he panrt ibe greaiest country there larger Canadian tlags. Canadian companies'? Are they over for some, but hopefully a reminder Io many that there's another counltrys s, but aiso lu display some patriot- 1 waiked througli the store. asked af'raid to be Canadian' flag they might consider displaying or waving on July 1. For Canada. the home ce symibolism tor Canadas t35th anl employee. and was told that was Why do 1 , who wouid like te for which so many of ils inhabitatits Ieft their native lands in order t0 seek a niew hîribday. ail that îhey had in. shop loeatty and supporta life fu11 of prosperity and freedomi, celebrates ils t 35th birthday on this day. No problem. I îhought. Zelters is Needless le say. 1 left disappoînt- Canadianl company. have 10 resurt But on a founidation of welcoming immigrants from ail nations 10 ils shores. a Canadîan company, owned by cd. to shopping trom an American- ibis countrys birthday deserves the same emotional celebration that has seen so The Bay. Canadas frsi deparment 1 then decided 10 drive 10 Wal- based company. mn te lg lwinrcn ek.store. Mai, an Anmerican-owned compa- liiit it lurne t0 stand up and bce many o other flags tl W n prece e les opodl lwte l f On Saturday, June 22, I wenî 10 ny. What 10 my wonder did 1 sec as proud Canadian. eh'? If ou oo thse am Wold uprevlles ho roulyfle th tagsofour local Zellers store ai Milton 1 walked in the front door- Brenda Johnson dozens of different nations, and had each of them display a Canadian flag out Mailt. Canadian tlags and wind socks of Satok Cresceni their car, in their home or up their tlag pole, we would be in for a patriotic dis- play ihis nation hasn't seen in years. Flag-waving is a simple enough îask. Its Due ta early holiday press deadlines for Tuesday's Champion, coverage also the very least anyone who's genuinely proud of where they live can do for of Canada Day activities at Rotary Park will be published next Friday. a truly great counitry like Canada. Glorjous andfree, Canada has so much to celebrate ir 'y bn three days, Canadians will celebrate the birth of a nation. Red and white flags, shirts, bats and bailoons - mont of them decorated with maple Icafs wiIl uine streets across the country come Monday. its a day for us Canadians b bec proud of our heritage, a day to celebrate our North American roots and wave that flag in ail ils giory. Il was only in the lasi few years that t couid honestly say t was proud to be Canadian (excepî when i îravelied to the States, when my national pride always seemed 10 take over). i neyer tbougbl living in this great land was anything 10 1001 my bom aI. but as t grew older. t reaiized jusl wbat Canada means lu me and what it means to ail of ils people. Monday wiil mark our countrys i351h birtb- day. which wiit be ceiebraled naion-wide. Our American neighbours wili gel the chance to do some celebrating of their own Thursday, when the United States tums 226. When 1 was younger, Canada Day was just a time lu light fireworks in the park and wave a flag around. But, of course, now il means mucb more. People constantly complain about the stale of our bealtb care system and how its failing us. Alîhough t agree the syslem needs major improvemenîs, Canada bas one of the best health care systems in the world. Unlike our neighbours lu the south, we dont bave lu pay every time we go 10 the doctor or hospital if we dont have bealth insurance. i tink if we swiîcbed 10 an American-like beaitb care sysîem. people would then realize just how lucky we are. Miltonians wili be able Io j0in in the Canada Day festivities rigbl here ai Rotary Park Monday. 'Me day-long actîvities wiil include a cercmony ai Victoria Park ai 11:30 a.m., foliowed by a Random thoughts parade wiîh a local pipe band to the park. Party- goers will be entertained by games, face painting, a dunk tank and pony rides. The evening celebra- ions wilI kick off with live enterainment and end with fireworks. I was told more than 7,000) people atended lasI year's Canada Day celebra- lions, and Ibis year promises 10 also be well- attended. And no party would be complete withoul tradi- tional birthday cake, which wiIl he banded out to ail park visitons. If you gel a chance, take time on Monday 10 refleet on what Canada has given the worid. For example, did you know thal basketbail and five- pin bowling were Canadian inventions, aiong with lacrosse, kerosene and rollerskates'? The cre- ator of the telephone, walkie-talkie. the zipper, pabuîum and the pacemaker were aiso al Canadian. And comic book hero Superman was aiso invenled by a couple of Canadian boys named Joe Shuster and Jerome Siegel. Canada cao aiso dlaim actors Mike Myers. Jim Carrey, Keanu Reeves and Joshua Jackson. But perhaps. most importantly, we can cdaimi the ultimale giory - botb the men and womens hockey îeam bringing home Olympie goid. Happy Birtbday. Canada!