Milton Tennis Club members are The June 4 Champion had an ineresting letter from a couple members of tbe Milton Tennis Club. It scems that not only is word of the club's demise premature, but that il bas aced its future. According tu the club, the new tennis facility at the community park is going lu be of national class. Members are tinking big, as tbey put it, and 1 like the way they're thinking. This is going tu be some place by the looks of things. Hockey, basebaîl, tennis, basketball, soccer, softball - most everything is going to be represented in tbat one area. The nice thing is that users are baving input mb owbat tbey want and need. The not-so- nice îhing, although inevitable, is that there are budget restrictions. From what I can tell, tbe budget restrictions arent going 10 restrict us f rom having quality tacilittes. Thats what l'mi told, although 1 can't say for sure. 1 did ask for some reports f rom the town, but was told they cost money. and alsbough l'im sure they have gond reason, paying for that type of thing 10 put in the niewss- paper to reveal to the public rubs me the wrong way. 1 care about the actual playing facilities. but I'm selfishly more interested in the spectators' facilities. 've already written about the hockey arenas. 1 dont knoss many people who have been 10 more of îhemn in southemn Ontario than I have, unless they're a scout. And t0 me, not having a high-seatîng arena, such as tbey do in Newmarket, Markham. and sther areas away from the city, is just ridiculous. Alhough ours wont be loss quality facilities, they wont be supertor quality, either. Give me 15 minutes and 1 can tell you whats right and whats wrong about any hockey arena. I's just someîhing Ive always paid attention 10 because arenas fascinate me. For basebal. some of the lntercounty League facilities are nice, at least in tenis of abundant seating. as are some facilities in the Niagara area tbat used 10 bouse Class A basebaîl teams. Milton bas some igb-class basebaîl fields and just regular class seating. Even some of the recently built-up areas. such as Aurora. Newmarket, Vaughan and Richmond Hill, bave taken great pains 10 provide quality field facilities. but almost nothing for the view- ers. 0f course, if you bad 10 have il one way or the other. that would be the way 10 go. Richmond Hill Greens, for example. bas about a dozen igb-quality basebaîl and softball fields, but if you dont bning your lawn chair, forget i. j nu anftr, ~jfrp that ý j, lc , - 1, 1 would like to see, as Milton grows, us also grow in tan support' f'or some of our major teams. 1 dont know if tl will happen. though. In my experience. the further away you are lrom the city, the more likely a town is to support ils teams. Aller spending a lot ol time n the Eastemn Conference of the Provincial Jr. A hockey Ioop this year. 1 can tell you its a world of difference trom any ot the other conferences. Places such as Cohourg. Port Hope. Bowmanville and Wellington get huge crowds compared to mosi other teams. The îowns really care about them, although Milton is a lot better than many teams outside the Eastern Conference. One of the diflîculties we've had in termns of drawing spectators s the timing ofo<ur games because of lighting or other problems. The Merchants have their home games on Friday nights, whtcb is good. hut the new Mtlton Marauders football team, for example, has 10 play their games on a Saturday aftemoon at Bishop Reding's field, which bas no lights and limited seating. People tend to be busy on Saturday aftemoons. And if you ever looked around an empty Milton on a long weekend you know that people also tend to go away a lot tn this town. Have them play on a Friday or other weeknight at a nîce facili- ty, and 1 think they could get an awful lot of fans to their games. And I'd love to sec Miltons high sehool football teams playing at night like they do in the United States. We cant have everything, of course, but its still worrisome. Once these lacîlities are built. theres no going back. If they don't build an arena with higb seating. tbey likely neyer will. Build it and they will come. Build tl benter and more will come. MILTON INTERCHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE STANDING AS 0F 12-JUNE-02 TEAMS G W L T PTS 1 MILTON BIBLE 12 10 2 0 20 2 HOLY ROSARY 10 8 2 0 16 3 SOUTH SIDE'2' 9 6 3 0 12 4 ST. GEORGES il 6 5 0 12 5 SOUTH SIDE'1' 8 5 3 0 10 6 NEW LIFEAW 10 5 5 0 10 7 ST. PAULS il 5 6 0 10 8 BOSTON il 5 6 0 10 9 NEW LIFE "B" 9 4 4 1 9 10 NEW LIFE DEAF 9 3 6 0 6 il KNOX il 2 8 1 5 12 GRACE 9 0O 9 o 0 We are Your "YEARZ-ROUND COMFORr Dealer 1~ :00 amn 5:00 Pm 8:00 am -8:00 Pm 10:00 amn- 2:00 pm The Canadian Champion, Frîday, June 28, 2002-27 Bike camp scheduled to run again in July Local mountain bikers are once again gettnng ut geai to honour one of their fallen peers. Milton and area racers are preparing for Rory's Camp ini memnory of Rory Dick - one of three E.C. Dnary Higb Scbool leens killed in a car-train crash Sepember 28, 2000. O Ut i The second annual camp is scheduled to min July 9 and 10 n at Hilton Falls Conservation Area, For more information, cal f e . >j (519) 853-0357 or visit G;i11 1 c:N"NAI F>Anms & FJTR7A- GErme SUMMER RIDING CAMPS Starting July 22 to August 23 Ages 7+ Beginner, Novice Show & Survivor Camps Gillonna Farms and Equestrian Centre provides a safe and encouraging environmient in which to Iearn to ride on 88 acres of manicured pasture and hacking trails in Milton <Five minutes (rom the 401). Camps rum front 9:30 to 4:00 pmn and include daily swlmming. Arrangements can be made for early drop off and late pick Up. Gilionna Farms - 905-693-1657 or eniail -