26 -The Canadian Champion, Fniday, June 28, 2002 SPORTS1 NII Mavericks look to reclaim Iast playoff spot this weekend Will likely need two victories to advance By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The Jr. B Maveiiks first season back has t0 be considered at least moderately successful. Their hlait ciivinws hcading ii othe finai oeekcnd iii he regular scasilois cur- îainlv a respeciahie tliiv tl'r an up-iroiTi ui tse eanîl. us ile ss li ,u iw sep- tiluu-inii.liding Wdcdss20- 5 hum- hlirin ai the iands uiELiora \liltimn has uîled ls cu, ri isa -gciitiiie chai- imuscci( lcin lc laiges prinhahiy ssiui ihc asliecd \o lin200)2 ci iontsui a pncst-wscosln bcnth s reccaimed titis wcek- end. In order t0osertake Owen Sound lor the fourth and final piayoff spot in the OLAs Mid-West Division. ihe Mavericks wil likeiy need io be vîctcrîous bnth iomonrow night at home against Waiiaceburg and Sundav aitemnoon in Brantford. Both are winnabie gaines- and in the case uof Brantford, w ho'itpoised 10 go winiess fcîr a second siraîghi season. sicîci- ry is aintust a foregone conclusion. lihood put Milton in a season-ending dead- lock with Owen Sound. The Mavericks would advance under such a finish, by virtue of their two-game season sweep of Owen Sound. Nevertheless. Milton still has to win this weekend- and cerainlv didnt create mnuch momentum for thai in Elora Wednesday. Freshi off ils mosi productive outuing of the year againsl Samia Saturday night. the local ladis ocre lethargie fromn the vword go andi h\ rsi inermission were pretIV ImuCh UtII And unlike lroosi losses thisscasonl poî sýpcciailcanns play didn'i taclor iloto a humbling finish.Nitîtoni ook jusi six penalties al onight and allos cd ils hosI iLisI îsso powcrpla\ oppuirlunilies --nicher of w .hich restilted in a goai. Elora hit double-digits early in the sec- ond and added insuit in injury wih a cou- pie of deposits in the final 10 seconds oi the period. Captain Kyle Hagel, Derek Blanchard, Justin Corke. Paul Pedulla and Jon Ssseetland did the sconing for Milton. The 6-12-1 Mavericks host Wallaceburg tomorrow ai 7 p.m. before heading to Brantford for a 2 p.m. stant Sunday. There wAas stil no word at press lime regarding a nake-up game in Onondaga. vA hair-raiînplay Megan Wilson of 2-4-1 Pizza (lefI) battles for possession against a Hydro One opponent during Saturday's under-9 girls tournament action at Milton District High Schooi. 2-4-1 Pizza went on to toppie Hydro One 9-1. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE eIo T~%~TAKINO REGISTRATIONS FOR SOMMER & FALL JuIy 1-mJuIy 12 JuIy 15-JuIy 26 JuIy 29-Aug. 9 Aug. 12-Aug. 23