Milton a tourist destination for thousands every year - and the number of visitors increasing By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Now that summer has arrived, people are taking advantage of the town's many con- servation areas and outdoor activities like swimming, golfing and walking. And te majority of individuals spending ime ai the local sites are from oui of îown, said Rober Dalimore, supervisor of Milton Visiiors and Community Information Services. 'We see about 5,000 t0 6.000 people a year (ai te centre). Most are looking for conservation areas in Milton and te pick-your- own farmns for te kids. A lt of people moving i0 Milton or tbink- iog of moving to Miltion witl come by te, sce wbat type of servie- es te town bas. like wbere te local grocery store is and te GO Train station.' I-e saîd a loi of ouî-of-iown people will drop by te centre look- ing for sometbîog ton 10 do witb te entire family. "We bave information on Springridge Farm, Andrews' Scenic Acres and Country Heritage Park. We gel people coming in botIt from îown and from oui of iown. A lot of peuple dont know we are bere and wbat type of information we provide. So many peo- pIe are overwbelmed ai low mocb stuff iere is 10 do and wbat's bere." Adulîs wilt corne in looking f'or te local Farmers' Market or peiing zoos, swimming facilities or the Indian Village ai Crawford Lake for tbeir kids, Mr. Dallimore continued. "Tbe majoriiy of te people will corne in froin May i0 September. Inte winter people are looking for gel a-ways or spas. Milon doesn'l bave a lot 10 offer in te winter as far as gel- a-ways. so we bave information on resorts in Niagara Falls and otber souibem Ontario locations. Apple pickîog season ix big in lte fal, along witb Iiking and biking. We bave ail sorts of rnaps of lte area and tbe Bruce Trail." In addition lu lIte information provided ai te centre. tbe Milton Cbamber of Commerce annoally puis togetber lte Escarpment Country Visitors Guide. "ht lisîs te restaurants and businesses and year-roond events in tbe town,' said Sandy Martin, execotîve direcior of te Cbamber. 'Tbere's a real demand for conservation activities. like swimming and cycling. Campbeltville draws a loi of people for antique boni- ing. Tourism is definitely on te rixe in Milton because of lte con- servation areas. tbe Bruce Trail and te Niagara Escarpmeni. Tbe inve/1/,. M Mu 69 Man Si.Milto h)9 585-17 m I)90 -7 -91 The beneticiary. Mark Gnnter died last year afier unexpectedly saffening a massive hear aîîaek. A wife, Margaret and a daugbter, Jean from a previous mamrage survived im. Mark feft $422.000 in is RRSP's and Jean, was the beneficiary. Shc was named when the account first started and it was neyer ever changed. Ail were surprised wben the cheque for $422.000 was sent to Jean and tbe tax bilt îotaling $175000 sent t0 the estate of Mark. Margaret was ivid. as her position was. Jean reeeived the money she should pay the tax. Jean refused. wih meant Margaret. who inherit- ed the resi of the estate. reeeived far less than she originatly expert- ed. The tax rut ing was. i s Marks estate that owes the tas. We ofien overlook updating beneficiary information on RRSP's, Pension Plans, Wlls and insranre poicies. This simple oversigbi caused mach confliet for this family and ix a reminder that divorce, the birth of a child or the death of a parner are ait reasons to update henefici- ary information. Mark shoald have designated Margaret, is spouxe as the beneficiary. To have done 50 would have meant, the whole $422000 would have been transferred to ber RRSP, and the tax deferred 10 a later date. Had Mark bougbt life insurance witb Jean as the benefieiary, the benefit would bave been paid to ber tax free. tndeed, be could even bave gone furter and bougbt a "Joint, last t10 die" policy to pay te $175000 tax that Margarets estate will someday pay. The premi- ums on tbat policy would bave been a lot less than the tmx now owed. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Robert Dallimore of Milton Visitors and Community Information Services stands in front of the Steeles Avenue and Regionai Road 25 information centre visited by thousands every year. cscarpmen i s a blessing l'or us because it sets us apart." The visiiors guide is available a most iown busnesses and ai the Chamber office, 251 Main St. Milton Visitors and Community Information Services is located at Chris 1-adfield Park, at the corner of Regional Road 25 and Steeles Avenue. For more information, caîl (905) 693-1157. Your Invited... .to corne and experience e-9RKe-ý in a NVqV" SUNDAY JUNE 301H @ i1OAM Southside Community Church 2850 Derry Rd. Milton 905-878-5664 e corne early for coffee before the service *stay afterwards for a free lunch e children's program during the service loose Exxxotica sure getting a lot of free advertising Jusi a couple notes about ibis and tbat. Note 10 aotbors of "easy 10 assemble" instructions: I'd like to band you your bead witb easy to assemble instructions. Note 10 Milton Merebants: A great idea geiting rid of tbe most boring nickname in sports. Take a lesson from minor league pro- fessional basebaîl teams and tbink in terms of merchandising for lte new naine. Some cool creature ihat will make kids want to wear a bat witb its logo. I wouldn't worry so much about match- ing il witb Milton minor hockey because a different naine makes you distinctive. Note 10 Meg Ryan: Sonry, l'un breaking up witb yoo. We jusl didn't see eacb other often enougb... or ever for ltat malter. Note lu, note piekers in cars: We can tee you. If you want 10 bave a pienie, wait until yo're alone. see WHERE on page 11 10-The Canadian uriampion, i-nuay, june ec, euve «trý---rk. r.-riian (.hnmninn Fridav- June 28. 2002 1 John del'ass